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Posts posted by OptimumBow0

  1. I don't know what to make of this.


    Red Text references the Magnus.


    The pic says MagnuPrime.


    Either someone typo'd, or they just want to replace the "s" with an "m" for its prime version. (Like how the Dakra Prime is considered to be the prime version of the Cronus, but with a less extreme name change).


    Edit: Or Magnum Force will become a Prime Mod that requires a weapon slot just to use it.


    I'll just go be confused somewhere else.

  2. There was this really weird racing game I got when I was 6, called Bumper Wars, and I only played it approximately 3 times.


    I didn't know what I was doing, and I lost this gladiator-arena-type match (?) (Really, I don't know). The "You Failed" end screen scared the absolute shiz out of me.


    Nothing like seeing a man in an alien execution chair; it was designed to look like it was made out of metal bones, and where his neck, wrists, and ankles were located were some pretty wicked sculpted alien heads with large, sharp teeth.


    I could figure out what was gonna happen to him.

  3. Let's talk Tenno.


     For all we know, all Tenno are AI who are simply uploaded into whichever frame they choose to use) with an enormously variable composition.

    At the end of every Extermination mission, the Lotus tells us: "Other than you, I can detect no other life-forms aboard this ship". Or something like that (I can't find the direct quote).


    Unless she's lying to us, I'd say we're living beings. I actually think we control multiple Tenno.

  4. It's accurate, it has a decent status chance, and it possesses insane puncture damage.


    Out of all the shotguns, I'd say it's one of the better ones. The Boar Prime does outshine it in the proc department, though, and it's mag size is tiny, but it is most definitely the bane of all Grineer.

  5. Just walk him through it; teach him the basics, run some missions, etc...,etc...


    Edit: The BP section of the market is less conspicuous than the plat-only department, so he may have mistaken Warframe for P2W.

  6. are you sure you are not one of those mastery 0-2 players who go to Sachura (pluto) thinking they do dmg? :D

    Rude, hilarious, but quite possibly true.


    A Lato, even with mods, is not suitable for high level planets.

  7. What's that?

    A toy that was banned.


    They were basically a kids' toy that was like regular throwing darts (sharp, metal tip and everything) but waaaaaaay bigger; huge, if you will. You were supposed to throw it into the ground, or lawn (hence the name), but some kids/immature teens thought it was funny to throw them at other people. 


    Thus the total ban placed upon them.

  8. Yeah? but what if i want to keep those mods? i'm screwed then?


    Your whole attitude to this is completely wrong. you think of yourself as a well based player, as you probably don't even remember what's it like being a new player that you have like nothing, no plat no slots no frames no weapons no nothing. 

    What would you do if i take it away from you and you'd be in my situation? uh? wiseguy it's easy to talk.

    Nah, you won't be screwed. They'll be re-released eventually, like the Cicero Mods. All you would need is patience.


    Well-based? I have barely 100 hours logged; I still consider myself somewhat of a new player, but I do remember starting out with nothing, and I loved that feeling of having so much choice, but only a couple of slots, which made me consider weapons carefully. Also, I deduced that the little number 50 at the top left of my screen was referring to a special, limited currency that was most likely used for something you couldn't acquire in-game, and soon I found the weapon slots. 


    Take what away, though? My Founder's Badge? I have a couple of rare mods I'd be fine with selling if I ever needed plat since I know that I can eventually re-acquire them. A couple of Ammo Mutations and a good amount of R5 Fusion Cores as well just from low-level survivals and defenses.


    All I'm trying to do is offer you ways of getting plat without spending money, but $5 ain't that much if you're too impatient.

  9. See. you just explained the problem like there is no problem.


    I must pay in order to play conveniently.

    No, you can play to play conveniently.


    Do you have the Dual-stat Fire Mods from the current event? You could sell one of them after the event ends for 250-400 plat per mod (around 1000 plat). No joke. And there will be plenty of buyers hopping at the chance to get them.


    The Prova Vandal can also be sold after ranking it up for a free slot.


    It's easy.


    50% discount login reward. Easy. $5 for 170 plat. That's 20 weapon slots and 2 frame slots. Or 18 weapons and 3 frames. Basically, it's a lot.


    I agree that this game needs to hold new players' hands, and that's something DE is working on, but these are the easiest ways right now that are available to you to acquire a good amount of plat. Options that require no money, might I add.


    If not, then it's the long-haul; get a Soma and find a good build, because it's going to be an even longer amount of time before DE expands the number of arsenal slots; they need money, 8 slots is actually a fair collection of weaponry, and, even if we had 4 slots for weapons and 1 for warframes, we could still technically get everything in-game.

  10. You see? it makes me completely frustrated that i have to go through all that to get an extra slot for my weapons.

    Not "all that". Just logging in and getting a 50% discount would net you enough plat for 10 weapon slots and enough for a couple of frame slots. $5 isn't much, either.


    Selling a couple of Dual Stat mods would get you enough slots for everything you could ever want, and that plat is available to you if you just run the Breeding Grounds event for a couple of days.


    There are some pretty cheap weapons that will get you into high level content too, such as the Burston, which has a phenomenal status chance, and with its 3 round bursts and a multi-shot mod, you could dish out radiation procs all over the place in the Void. You would definitely be able to handle T3.


    The Cap'n and Phil are also right.

  11. Plat Discounts? 50% off and you can get 170 plat for $5, which is more than enough to expand your arsenal. 


    Also, any event, such as Breeding Grounds, that gives out a free weapon will always provide you with a free weapon slot to go along with it. Just max it out, and if you don't care for it, sell it. You now have another slot for free.


    However, if you get the Prova Vandal, then you've gotten the Dual Stat Mods. Sell 1-3 of them for 600-800 plat to some lazy Pay-To-Win player who buys everything they can. They'll come back out eventually so you can re-acquire them at a later time.


    You could probably supercharge the Paris and get into T4 content if you like bows. (Vor's Cicero Mod drops can also be sold for a good amount of plat if you ever get to T4).


    (Also, EDeN153, a casual, has made several hundred plat off of Trade Chat)


    These are all just suggestions for you to get plat, though, because I do agree that the game needs to tell players they have limited space for weapons. Hopefully, that comes with U14's tutorial/Quest system/Vor's Prize/Player Ships/Whatever.


    I really am sorry that you're having these problems.

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