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  1. One other reason I forgot to mention is also to maybe help out new players with modding weapons if they don't really have the money to put towards Platinum towards getting Forma and Orokin Catalysts. I remember when I was younger and new to the game, I didn't have my own income or access to a parent's credit card, basically being completely Free to Play. Modding Primary and Secondary weapons was a struggle. It would make the game a little easier when introducing new players.
  2. I just want the recipes for fishing baits and dyes back. I remember before Fortuna when the fishing baits and dye didn't cost standing and fishing was a good way to buildup a backlog of standing for later because of the daily standing limit. Then Fortuna came out, where the baits were standing locked. People complained about it to DE, and what did they do? They got rid of being able to get the recipes. Now there is a resource that is basically useless outside of basically free credits, the Fish Meat, unless you got the recipes before the rework. I want the recipes back, because not everyone has the luck to have enough fish spawn for that bait to be worth it to spend standing on if they are trying to build up standing. The Cambrion Drift baits are fine, but I would really like to have the recipes back, and maybe add some for Fortuna. If not, at least add something new that can use the Fish Meat resource. Sorry if this seems like a rant, but this issue has been festering in my mind for years, and was wondering if anyone else agreed with this.
  3. One reason why I think players like using the melee weapons more is because they are easier to mod due to Stances, since they increase modding capacity, like Auras do for Warframes. What if we had something similar for primary and secondary weapons? Maybe mods that add unique effects, like a firemode changer (Semi-Auto, Auto, Burst) for most of them, a Vampiric addon for bows/thrown secondaries, a "charged shot" for snipers, or an Shell for shotguns (Slug, Beanbag, Buckshot). If we had something like that, it would make more playstyles for primary and secondary weapons and increase mod capacity, making them a bit easier to mod without sinking a lot of Forma into a weapon. I am also open to more ideas, as I had trouble with coming up with ideas for bows and the throwing secondaries.
  4. Okay, with Duviri being out, some people have been focusing on Dominus Thrax and the Thrax enemies, but the word "Thrax" has been used before the Zariman and Duviri updates. It was used in Operation: Plague Star, specifically the thrax toxin we use to kill the Infested Boils on the Plains of Eidolon. It might just be a case of DE reusing the word without meaning too, but I think it might give some implications that the toxin had origins from the void. Maybe the Grineer found Thrax Plasm in smaller amounts and used it to make the toxin. Share your thoughts, and if you have other cases of words that were reused but seem to have no connection, share them.
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