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Posts posted by (PSN)Kakurine2

  1. I'm thinking de nabs artists they have a history with and offer them a chance to work under the supervision of de to make gender swap skins.

     If the artists do most of the work to setup genderswap skins/models de looses very little.  After the artists do most of the grunt work and de approves of the skins.  They can polish them up as needed.

    Sell the skins make a profit.  The artists get some more pie for their efforts.

    I realize theres plenty of issues. And de will probably never do genderswap skins.

    I'm just putting out the idea. Many games have massive communities that spend countless hrs doing mods, edits,etc.

    De certainly has an asset they can further use in tennogen.  It costs them very little in the grand scheme.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Scruffel said:

    That's not how TennoGen works.

    First off, the Warframe's body model has to stay the exact same for the skin, even a slight edit of the model can disqualify it. The only part of the Warframe that is flexible for change is the helmet, as that requires less rigging for them to work.

    Second, the rigging isdone by DE, as they are the ones to make sure that skins transit smoothly on a technical side into the game.

    What you're saying on the last part seems a bit exploitative, don't you think? TennoGen artists are not contractually hired by DE to do 'work" for them, they do these skins on their own  free time and release them whenever they want to on. And why even use the term "cheap labor"? Making a skin doesn't take a single week, as it can take a couple to even a month to fully develop a skin. That just sounds like a parasitical environment where DE only benefits where artists get little to none.  I think you seem to have a misunderstanding on how the system works.

    I understand the artists are doing the mesh work of their own time and have to follow a strict set of rules made by de.

    But i thought the artists get some kind of profit when we buy the skins they made. No?

    In essence de is taking advantage of their cheap labor or they not?  Artist make skins de approves and perfects them for the game.

    De sells them makes a profit the artists get a cut.  And the consoles get a cut to.  People make money all around.  Players get skins to customize with.

    Thats how it works. No?

    De could offer artists the chance to make skins and rig them under minimal de supervision.  Then just give them more of the pie after selling the skins to the players.

    The result is the same.

  3. 15 minutes ago, (XB1)Architect Prime said:

    I hadn't thought about how much sex sells. Good point. Though there's a sweet spot where things arn't too sexualized or non-sexualized that we should be careful to remain inside of.

    The frames atm have a decent balance in thier sex appeal. In my opinion.  If tennogen made genderswap skins de would have authority over them. Artists would do the grunt work de could regulate a standard.

    So de would decide ultimately how much sex appeal could be used.

    Then players would mix and match to their tastes and use attatchments to cover or emphasize as they please.

    Look at saryns body design vs nova. Saryn is designed to look more sexual well nova not as much. At best some of novas skin add to her booty.  But her bossom will never beat saryn.

    Let people freely customize. Fashion frame is freedom.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

    changing meshes/textures doesn't really require re-rigging, that's only for genuine changes to the model which tennogen artists aren't capable of where any issue would arise. the rigging is done by de still, the tennogen artists just operate within that scope of function. 

    to manage this effort you'd have to effectively give tennogen creators permission to create deluxe tier skins, which isn't a permission they've had up to now. (we do now have the option to create chest piece tennogen however and i'm not sure who handles the rigging for that so maybe we are closer than i previously thought)


    So it could be done if de works with the tennogen folks and tweaks some stuff as far as what the artists are allowed to play with.

    To an extent de could utilize the artists to get really cheap labor.  If communities would be willing to do alot of the grunt work.  De could do it with minimal effort and even gain a buck by selling the skins to players. No?

    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

    Yup. A female variant would need a completely different build. 

    And even if they just reshape the original skin that's still a lot of work. If it works that is.

    Simply because rigging is a lot of work. That's why a lot of studios search for 3D rig makers. Not many ppl want to do it.

    Isn't alot of that already being done via tennogen content? People take the mesh and change it. Put it up for vote.  De says yes or no.

    Most of the mesh/rigging is done by the tennogen artist. De just fine toons it after its approved.  Then they sell it for profits and the artist gets paid to.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    So couldn't players do most of the work needed to make genderswap skins, meshes, rigs, etc.  Then players slap whatever animations they want on.

    Clipping happens with all frames already.

  6. 16 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    An animation can be slapped onto any model that has the correct animation "bones", since pretty much all bipedal humanoids in Warframe have the same bones, switching animations between them is relatively easy.

    Also those animations have already been made, reusing assets is not the same thing as making new assets, and animation is not the same thing as 3d modeling. And on that note.... 40 models for 40 Warframes is not a "few".

    Why not let the tennogen folks create genderswap skins. Then people can just freely select the animation sets as they please. 

    De wouldn't have to dump much effort into it on their part. Much of the work would be done by the game communities right?

    Clipping and such are not new.  Wisp is a prime example of clipping because of her design.

    • Like 2
  7. 12 minutes ago, Luciole77 said:

    who da hell is kenga?


    kengas aqui eu acho direto nas esquinas!🤣

    Hes the person that was exiled for being infected that arlo "saved" second episode implies he is doing the talking now for arlo.

    So he's the priest on the soapbox well arlo "heals" other religous converts.

    Reminds me of the catholic church.  Wheres the pope mobile and pope hat.

  8. Learn well from admiral akbar we should.  Arlo and kenga where off from the start.  They are obvious traps.

    History has shown that the best way to gain and keep control over others is through religion/politics not brute force.

    Sometimes the trope is very clear.  Others in anime or even some frames themselves not so much

    Lol i jest plz don't over react.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Dr_Shadox said:

    If the story said we was "child" , DE will'not put a beard on our Tenno , seem logic for me and i'm ok if they are "flat".

    If some peoples are lacking breasts , they are others games with that. (i don't focus you especially).

    The tenno are beings of the void and where kids of multiple ages.  With our powers we should be able to literally take on whatever form we want through will alone.

    Also we are not asleep in lua now they should be aging.

    Giver us better customization. Sliders for everything including age and better hair.

  10. We don't need a special system.  Just dodge gohan...... use even the tiniest things to your advantage.  Use choke points as the en3mies get stronger to prevent yourself from getting surrounded you'll be fine.

    I remember in armored core 4 using buildings and sand dunes to starve out my enemies out of all their ammo so i could beat them.

    Not hard to be tactical. And is there even a need for us constantly even want to fight level 150 plus foes?

  11. Poster learn to dodge.  Or is your name gohan? Does piccalo need to keep training you?

    Rule 1 of warframe. You never ever stop moving.  Just about every frame has something to stay alive. Self healing,  arcanes, parkour, slow glide, wall running, and using your surroundings .

    Have a team to spread the enemy fire.  Use a minion with actual hp. Even espers.  All of it can be useful. unless something insto deaths me in one hit outa no where.  I have little issues. And I'm by no means hardcore.

    We are much faster then the ai.

    • Like 1
  12. With the paradox coming at some point and possibly our tenno growing up.  Why not use focus points with them in some fashion.

    The more talents you've built up and focus you have the greater the power and creative choices your adult operater has.  That would be neat.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Kexige said:

    I usually use wisp and just jump a lot since I haven't farmed ivara yet.

    One can use anything really as long as you can hack or use ciphors.

    I just use. Ivara since her 4 augment lets me walk through lasers and trip no alarms. Lol

    • Like 1
  14. Well your idea of the city expanding or a tower opening sounds neat and id go for it.

    I don't personally think players should be looking to games as a replacement for feeling accomplished in real life.

    Games should be played for fun and stress relief.  Maybe even to present philosophical ideas through a story. Not for fluffing ones ego.

    But thats just me.

  15. 33 minutes ago, (NSW)FlameDivinity said:

    We're not sure. Nezha could be any month ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Jokes aside (Please don't ban me DE), I can't wait for Nezha Prime, and my wallet is going to cry from buying the access. He may be next, as Wukong and Nezha were released back-to-back in China as limited exclusives, and are buddies in JttW, so we may see Nezha Prime and not see Atlas until next year, possibly alongside a re-work. I'm sorry Atlas mains if that's the case, but I also wouldn't if I were you. I think DE wanted to capitalize off of Wukong's rework, which is completely understandable.

    Lol to be fair why is de so sensative about nezha.  He looks femanine.  The folklore he's based off makes it that way.  Unless a passerby knows the folk lore most people assume nezha is female.

    Mesa and and equinox also look different then you would think.

    Nothing wrong with it. Its a common trope.

    • Like 1
  16. Ehh well inaros is my favorite male frame and go to tank.  Ill wait for his regular release.

    Atlas needs a rework for his prime.  Then we will have 2 more smexy lady frames to enjoy.

    In general i enjoy female characters and if given character creation freedom.  I prefer to use female toons in games.

  17. 3 minutes ago, nslay said:

    You can. The Profit Taker bounties can reward toroids.

    Best thing is, you don't even have to kill the irritating giant spider bots! You can just do the first 3 phases and toroids can pop up as rewards.


    Generally i am spamming profit taker part 3 as toriods are a possible reward.  But rng jebus loathes me.  So i rarely get them.  Most of the time the vox solaris stuff i cant even find groups.

    Farming cores off the ediolons is much more effective. At least i find. Can farm cores on the plains with ease.  But have a much harder time with toriods.

  18. 2 minutes ago, grindbert said:

    if you are seriously telling me this will just get worse i might just quit right there.

    i can solo the spider thing in a few minutes, unfortunately it doesn't drop the toroids i need to #*!%ing leave rank 1.

    I tried soloing them since groups are rarely doing them.  But can't  do it. Watched videos on how.  But can never get any of the cinematic stages to ever trigger.

    Plus they don't even work for farming the toriods. At least when you kill all three ediolons in the plains you get enough cores to max 21k rep 3 times.

    Make the toriods similar.  Groups will kill the bosses to get eggs on a regular basis.

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