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Posts posted by (PSN)Kakurine2

  1. 11 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

    Because theres no free slots to fit those mods.....

    I mean don't get me wrong if I was doing a Syndicate mission then really it doesn't matter... I can kill those low level enemies without Elemental combinations at all.....

    But if im going into sorties or deep into Arbitrations then theres just no space for reload speed/magazine size/recoil/ammo mutation..... if I give up one of these things then I may aswell just throw my gun at the enennies to deal damage....

    And no slots to implement them....


    All you have to do is use your abilities and terran to soak and dodge incoming fire.

    We are space ninjas learn how to evade. You should never be holding still for even a single second.

    Come now. Learn some tactics. Even in other games players can use tactics to reduce damage.

  2. De and the consoles have to negotiate already.  If the consoles deny de theres nothing they can do.

    I probably should havr started on pc. And would have used a ps4 controler over a mouse and keyboard.  But since i have sunk so much into my ps4 theres no going back.  Since i have most things i don't have to be concerned.

    Free market economy runs on supply and demand.  As a buyer you can choose to walk away at any time.

    Realize primes are only minorally better then their normal variants. Plat is valuable.  There is nothing worth thousands of plat period.

  3. 15 minutes ago, OneYenShort said:

    Humor only works when both parties get the joke.  A lot of people won't get who/what Gohan is.

    While back on topic, I've noticed not all reloads are equal either.  Some finish even if you do a melee attack or WF ablity.  Others you have to start all over again.  I can't name primaries or WFs right now as I'm just trying to level and forget.

    True enough.  Though its not like dbz or abridged anime is something new.

    Yes reloading a missle launcher is different then reloading an assault rifle. Different animations and mechanics. do different reload speeds.

    Are seriously standing in the middle of the room surrounded well reloading and not using reload mods? Why?

    You have a plethora of tactics and tools to handle the problem.

    Do you have any real life weapons? They all reload differently.  Plus have their own faults or laws that add more issues.  Not to mention the possibility of bullets jamming in ones firearm.


  4. Ba social politics bs.

    Every culture has a general idea of what is the idealized man/women.  Then we as individuals tweak that idea to our own tastes.

    Generally games to get the viewers attention will use the idealized construct to sell the product.

    Atm warframes characters are not generally idealized and the operater creator doesn't give us the tools to change that.  Maybe future content will overhaul the operater creator.

    De clearly knows how to make adult body types.  Just faces snd hair need work.

  5. Personally there are only 3 weapons i actually use that i don't use reload speed.  Because they already have fast reloads but.  If a gun has anything higher then 1.5 i use a mod to make it faster. But to each their own.

    I'm not some hardcore looking to push extremes. I'll pop on and do stuff for kicks solo or in a pug.  I play games to destress.  So i don't snap in real life.

    • Like 1
  6. Posters new name is gohan because he never learned how to DODGE!!!!

    Seriously though. Use cover, never stand still, constantly use all your weapons and abilities, use operater mode to, use reload speed mods, adjust your tactics based on your load put and situation.

    The problem here seems to be you.  I have no issues personally.

    • Like 1
  7. 34 minutes ago, bibmobello said:

    I think you should learn the good manners first...

    Ehh no worries.  The interwebs doesn't make me loose sleep at night.

    I don't personally have a huge issue with the game as is.  As time goes on and we get more stuff added we'll all play as we like.

    There is no such thing as perfection. Warframe still does a fine job for what it is. And people can freely enjoy as they please.

  8. 2 minutes ago, bibmobello said:

    Tridolon is really hard without a decent squad and or powerful gear. It's the only boss requiring a bit of cooperation between players,  we just need a new eidolon like boss.

    Giant bird ediolon on jupitor. There you go.

    The new war coming, railjack space exploration and battle, the nemisis sytem, and the duviri paradox.  All inc at some point.

    Plus we can always kill the other big world bosses currently.

  9. 3 minutes ago, rhuug said:

    i disagree sir, i think in fatc that you ,yes you, are just spewing ambiguity and generalizations

    also i think you might be reading as well as you'd have thought

    Its fine and human to disgree.

    But tell me and everyone exactly what you want. Down to last detail if you have an idea that will make you happy and generate a long term solution for all.

    What is adiqoute endgame specifically? Even in mmos a raid tier lasts x months then becomes moot when a new tier is released. And things like high end raids require coms and dedicated groups to succeed.

    3 page paragraph with graphs go go.go.

  10. If players aren't happy and want a specific thing then they need to say exactly what they want.  Not speak in generalities.

    I want a challenge.... ok? What exactly does this entail? A challenge is going to be different for each person.

    A raid won't work it seems. And when in a random pug group you can't expect much.  Hey look a repeat event every x months... but since you did it in the past are the rewards useful anymore?

    Hey a new boss. It is a bullet sponge and after you kill it x times its got nothing left of value.

    Is there even an actual solution? Wf isn't flawless nothing is. But for what it is its good and we keep getting more stuff as time goes on.

    Generalities and vague statements don't give de or players anything.

  11. Personally i like to mix things around.  Sometimes the skin is good but is better with a different helmet or vice versa.

    Color scheme makes a difference to.

    Ember is an example. I like the body but loathe the helm.

    And the concept drawing we had that was scrapped i didn't like.  But thats the nice thing about wf and games like it. The more variety we have to choose from the better.  The only limit is our own imagination.

  12. What exactly do you want as end game? A new story raid every few months?

    We get a new prime every 3 months, and unvaultings 3 times a year.  We keep getting new tennogen, deluxe skins, frames, weapons, and nightwave stuff regularly.  And we have 2 open worlds with a third inc and space gta, exploration, and battles inc.

    Wf has tons of things to do. Thousands of hrs of play time.  Do you have every single thing maxed out to be the best and a god riven for every weapon?

    Wf is mainly a pve hack and slash game with co op play. Pvp doesn't work for it. Every so often pop in crack skulls destress from life. Enjoy and new frames, weapons, or story that gets added.

    There are an infinite number of games, movies, shows, music, books, and more at our finger tips.

    Or leave you house climb a mountain, pick up a sport or instrument. Master a martial art.  Meditate in a forest to achieve spiritual enlightenment.

    You have options galore if your bored of wf.

  13. Every 3 months we get a prime acess. To me its worth throwing 139.98 bucks at de. Wf is overall a good game.

    The plat alone is worth it. Buying plat seperately would cost me more. Plus i get weapons, frames, cosmetics, and preinstalled potatoes.

    Even in cases where i don't care about the primed frame. The plat alone is a bargain.

    Plat on pc is less valuable then console.  The discount coupons we get so often work differently on console. I am not willing to throw plat around easily.

  14. I disagree with the poster.  Like any game wf has faults but its overall a really fun game. Even if ypu have every item fully optimized. It can still be fun to log in at times and crack skulls.

    And the various warrior games are fun to.  Sometimes i like to destress by hoping into a dynasty warriors game and wiping out armies with a single flashy sword swipe.  

    If you are not enjoying wf then play something else.

    My only real complaint with wf is how bland our child operaters are. Overhauling operater creation is the one big thing i personally want to see.

  15. I disagree.  If you are new and dont have all the maps unlocked you would still be screwed with alerts.  And nw can be stretched out. And planned for.

    And the nw are made to be even easier then before.

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