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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. Droben waves his right hand. "Knife." He looked over to the sphere. "That's just... well... it helps me focus." A moment later, from the small holes in the sphere a sound was produced, not loud enough to be annoying but loud enough to be heard locally. It was sort of a... combination of jazz and dubstep, but it worked. "Drobestep." Droben began slicing the potatoes, evenly and efficiently.

    *The guy just looks at him and shakes his head before going back to his own tasks. The night continues on like this, Droben being asked to do a dozen or so 'idiot proof tasks' and assuming he does the same thing, he keeps getting repeated looks of annoyance. Eventually the restaurant winds down, and all that's left to do is close shop by cleaning up for tomorrow. Droben is handed a mop by the head chef* "I want this floor spotless" *He says sternly*

  2. "Oh!"

    She quickly rushes over and kneels by Elith.

    "I forgot to ask, could we meditate more often? It was nice to be with you!"

    She fiddles with her fingers.

    "It even kinda made me feel more attached to my Warframe and powers...!"

    (I'm interested to see Elith's reasoning for not wanting her to have her frame. XD)

    *Elith looks up and smiles, her Kubrow is particularly small, not much bigger than a pup.* "I'd like that...just find me in the med-bay usually"

  3. With a nod, the little 15 year old Nyx sticks close eagerly to Shyla.

    "Oh! I forgot, I wanted to ask Elith something! Is she still around...?"

    *Elith is sitting by one of the Kubrow, which is affectionately rubbing it's head against her as she pets it.*

  4. "A'ight." Droben placed the sphere on the counter as he took a knife in one hand and a potato in the other. "How many, how thin?" Three peg began to eject from the sphere, forming a tripod that mounted it. A panel opened, revealing an array of tiny holes on it.

    *The guy looks over* "What the hell is that....use a knife" *The guy says handing him a knife* "I want it sliced, like this" *He says holding up a slice of potato*

  5. "Got it! . . . So how do I train them? Are you going to train them with me?"

    *Shyla nods* "Show up when I start training them, and you watch me a few times. Then you take over to train them alright?"

  6. "Right!" Droben hurried over to where the appetizer station was and approached the worker. "What can I do you for?" He scratched at his cheek, peeling off a fleck of disintegrating flesh before looking back up to them.

    *The cook is hard at work and doesn't notice the act, but someone else probably did.* "Just start chopping these potatoes into slices"

  7. After dropping out of his warframe, Droben's otherwise pristine olive skin and blonde hair quickly began to deteriorate and warp as he grunted in pain, his skin cracking, veins pulsing a faint cyan in some areas, strands of hair changing to grey or black. After putting on a mask and pair of gloves, he simply looked to the chef. "Long story." After taking a single steel orb from a storage compartment in his warframe he stepped into the cooking area. "What now?"

    *The chef gives him a look* "Get to work making appetizers, ask the guy who's on the station what he needs and help him!"

  8. Whilst walking backwards, Droben spoke. "Sorry, lived my life surround by a bunch of Corpus talking about what their culture used to be like. Oh! And I'll be needing a mask and gloves."

    *The head chef motions to the back room where they keep both* "Chop chop, we've got work to do!"

  9. "Yeah! What's next??"

    Nyrvynai speaks joyfully, her hands shaking close to her chest with giddy excitement, and her body shaking anxiously to learn the rest of the job and play with the Kubrows.

    "I can't wait to start...!"

    *Shyla giggles, bouncing excitely, but shooshes her, motioning to the sleeping pups. She quietly waves her out of the room and back into the 'yard'. "Right so, as for the adults and grown up pups. They eat meat, which we get and make sure everyone eats, kay? Feeding time can be a bit crazy. We also gotta remember, that the pups like to play, but they also need to be trained, so we do a little of both. We spend a few hours training, going over routines and such, then we do play time. The adults you don't have to worry about, they're already trained and don't need to do much to entertain themselves."

  10. *The chef blinked* "Where in the void....are any of those places" *He threw his hands up* "You know what never mind. Help at the appetizer station of there and I'll consider you if you don't screw up royal. And take off that armor, you're a chef not a solider now"

  11. Droben laughed. "Yeah... I can't really do that. And," he said, taking a defensive and apologetic position, "I do mean that quite literally. My hands are... heh... you don't want them on your plates."

    "Then you better know every dish we serve if you want to work right now, because we're busy" ((Pretending that there's always some filler npc's hanging around, both tenno and human))

  12. "Very well." Droben forcefully locked arms with Enderius and tried to skip. "We're off to see the head chef! The wonderful head chef of space!"

    *Enderius sighs as he leads Droben to the local restaurant. There several humans are working on all kinds of oriental foods and dishes, each of them wearing a white apron and a white button shirt with a purple star patch sewn in. At the center of it is a man clapping his hands hurrying people along to cook.* "Come on come on, get the lead out!" *He shouts, his back is turned to Enderius and Droben* "Titus!" *Enderius shouts, the man turns, strange that one of the head staff is a human* "Ah Enderius is this the guy?"

    *Enderius sighs* "This is him*

    *Titus examines Droben for a moment before addressing him* "You, you're on dish duty"

  13. *Shyla squels and returns the hug* "Right now!" *She shouts taking Nyr into the back room* Inside are several pups, many of which napping in incubators, along with a few eggs also set in carefully protected Incubators.* "Okay so...This is the incubation room. This is where the really newborn pups and eggs stay until they're ready to be with the adults. *She motions to one of the incubator. On it is a multiple line graph with different colored lines* "This shows the Kubrow's condition. This is super important. They each mean something different, how healthy it is, how hungry, and how stressed. The higher the lines are the better, the lower they are means they need to be taken care of. If you need details just click the button that goes with the line and the little computer will tell you what's wrong." *She continues to another table in the room, on it are several powders and liquids* "This is what you feed the newborns. You mix a cup of powder and two cups of liquid together, put it in a bottle, and bottle feed the Kubrow, make sure they drink the whole thing got it? If a kubrow gets stressed you gotta calm it down. I usually like to pet them a little and try to hush them to sleep. Any questions so far?"

  14. Droben made a series of incoherent sounds in his flustered state, waving his hands about. "I can cook, that's all that matters, ain't it? You seem like the kinda person who'd like some itty bitty pink cupcakes, how 'bout I make some of those for you eh?"

    *Sighs* "You either impress the head chef, or you tell me something you can handle"

  15. Droben gasped, stepping back dramatically. "Slander! Malice! Cruel words of ill-intent! You mock my capabilities as an engineer, and insult my cooking? How dare you sir?! You haven't any proof of these things, have you seen my technical masterpieces, or my finely iced cupcakes? I think not!"

    "I've seen your little toys and I'm hardly impressed, more annoyed by the fact my orders to remove those from you were ignored." * He says giving glares to the staff of the room.* "Second we require practiced chefs to make the old world foods we offer to our visitors"

  16. Droben placed his hand over his chest, offended. "What can I bake? I am Droben, master of eggs and commander of dry ingredients! What can I bake? It would be simpler to ask what can I not bake, the answer to which is nothing."



    Miranda concluded washing her face and stepped out, looking for Crimson. When she saw him on the couch, she snuck over and stood behind him, draping her arms over his shoulders. "Hey."

    *Enderius sighs, pinching his brow* "So that just means you're a technician aren't you?"

  17. Felix finishes up his food.  "Well, this was a lot of fun, but I'm afraid I'll need to leave soon, my shop should be set up by now.  Check please!"  Felix yelled towards the waitress, hoping to catch her attention.

    *Fae holds her hand up* It's fine. I'll handle it. You go take care of your shop

  18. Droben laughed dramatically, heaving his stomach before standing straight and suddenly taking a serious tone of voice. "Bounces. And teslas, vortexes, bastilles, and a couple fun homemade contraptions, but mostly bounces. Oh and I can bake."

    *Gives an uninterested look to him before sighing* "What can you bake then..."

  19. Droben perked up, turning to Shyla. "Shyla, right? As soon as possible I'd like to get a kubrow, the grayish one over there that's acting like a dominating jack@ss. Alright, fantastic!" He turned to Enderius. "Any challenge you throw at me I will handle to the greatest extent of my ability."

    *Fenrir, who was laying down atop a downed log, seemed to hear and take offense to that by growling at Droben, but seems to lazy to get up and do anything about it. Enderius sighed and rolled his eyes* "Shyla, you can train and test the young-one in my stead." *He turns to Droben* "And what exactly...are your abilities?"


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