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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. *Shyla nodded to Krelon* "The pups can play after their training." *She explained calmly before letting out a sharp two noted whistle. The pups scrambled about the kennel and gathered infront of Shyla, all of them sitting and staring with eager looks* "Alright pups, today we're gonna see who's the best at hide and go seek" *She holds up a red ball, the look on the pups face seems to be one of understanding, like they know every word she's saying* "I hid a bunch of these balls in this kennel,* She leans down holding the ball tightly* "Everyone get a smell of it, and whoever brings the most balls back wins, but there's also blue balls *She holds up a blue ball* "They smell the same, do -not- bring back the blue ones. Bring me the red ones. Ready?* The pups all let out an affirmative bark, all of them sanding eagerly* "Go find them!" *She shouts, tossing the ball behind her, the pups scramble out and begin sniffing around and digging up any part they suspect has the coveted balls. Some pups are successful right away, bringing back a red ball, others being young and confused, bring back the blue ones, and several others don't have any luck at all*

  2. Droben woke up, rolled out of bed onto the floor, and after getting up immediately began his trek to the restaurant. He waved hello to his boss. "What's the plan today?"

    *The breakfast hours seem to be much slower than dinner* "Nice of you to join us" *The chef says sarcastically* "For right now you are not needed, dinner hours are usually when we are hit the worst, so come back around then and we'll see if you're needed once more"

  3. *Enderius entered the Kennel about the same time as Shyla to train the Kubrows, Shyla training a majority, Enderius there to check on his mammoth of a Kubrow Fenrir, who eagerly approaches his master. Enderius responds by giving him a quick scratch on the head and bringing him along for patrol today*

  4. Krelon heard the loud thud. "What the hell was that?" He said and walked in the direction of the thud.

    *Enderius looks back and sighs* "Those are private rooms, can't go in." *Enderius says as he walks towards the direction of Nyrs room* "You okay?" *He asks as he enters*



    "Not sure if, 'good,' really describes the night aptly," Droben said under his breath before putting his mask and gloves back on and washing the used dishes, albeit with difficulty as the gloves hindered his dexterity. Concluding this, he left the restaurant, being sure to take his speaker with him and lock the door. He worked his way to the hotel, where he greeted the receptionist.


    ((I retract my former statement about professionalism. Question, is the receptionist male or female?))

    ((Now in my mind she's female, but sleepy tired me says "Screw you Droben that is a dude, go to sleep'))

  6. Nyrvynai brings up her codex, and takes a thin metal head band that was around the back of her neck, and slips it up to cover her ears, setting up music from her codex.

    (Just gunna... Leave this here... http://youtu.be/VQhuNfZ_GJk Guitar comes in at... 2:16?)

    The grin comes back to Rael's face.

    "Is it what I think it is?"

    *Enderius smirks* "You decide" *He says as they start to make their way to the living quarters for the evening.*

  7. Droben restrained the rant bubbling inside of him, realizing that it was out of place and admittedly would be wrong. He grunted. "Dinner then. Alright." Wrapping the bread in a tin foil layer, Droben internally steamed. 

    "Also you're cleaning that up or you're fired" *The chef says quickly before leaving the kitchen* "Good night"

  8. *The chef rolled his eyes and reluctantly taking a bite of the cake slice. He tilts his head side to side in a 'so-so' fashion* "Not my particular choice, and not something we'd serve here. But it's alright."

  9. "Aside from all the annoyances of today, nothing really interesting's happened..."

    Rael removes her helmet with a devilish grin.

    "Up for a sparring match?"

    "Any other time I'd say yes, but I am too damn tired..."

  10. "Ooooh, neat!"

    She runs in and jumps onto a bed, giggling as it bounces her up on her back.

    "What shall we do now? I doubt he's going to try to give us a reason to throw him out."

    *Enderius sighs* "No but he'll probably give us one. In the meantime I guess we'll just have to put up with his idiocy"

  11. Droben mopped furiously to sound of a saxophone on top of a drilling bass, quickly and effectively cleaning the entire kitchen. When he ran out of floor to clean, he took a rag and began to wipe down the counters. When even that proved to end too quickly, Droben considered a bad idea. Muttering to himself, "I told them I could bake, and bake I will," he gathered a series of ingredients from the pantry and mixed them before putting them in a bread pan and placed them in the oven.

    *The chef exits his office shortly after his chat and catches Droben* "What the hell are you doing? Kitchens closed"

  12. Rael sits in the corner, hood up.

    "Not going well I'll assume?"

    Her smile returns, she stands up and happily takes Shyla's hand.


    *Enderius sighs* "Nothing ever f****ing does it seems"

    *Shyla smiles as she skips along with Nyr to the 'employee lodgings', rather basic lodgings, but comfortable as each person has a room. However there's not enough to accommodate the whole staff, so it's assumed some just show up from their own homes while the Tenno residents stay here*

  13. Her expression turned disappointed.

    "Awww... Okay..."

    *Shyla pats Nyr's head* "Well the pups are tired too, and they need their sleepies, just like you so they can grow big. Plus they're not going anywhere anytime soon." *Shyla offers a smile and her hand* "If you want I can show you where you'll sleep tonight"

    *Meanwhile Enderius sighs, turning to Rael* "So...I guess we're stuck with him."

  14. *The chef sighs in relief and goes into his office, shutting his door, and contacting Enderius*

    "Please give me an excuse to get rid of him" *Enderius asks quickly*

    *The chef makes some unsure handmotions, tilting back and forth* "Ehh....He technically did alright...he's a possible health hazard with some peeling skin, but unfortunately we can't fire him on those grounds if we have a way to prevent the hazard..."

    *Enderius slams his fist on the desk in frustration* "Damn it...alright keep an eye on him, but if he messes up..."

    *The chef holds up a hand* "Trust me you'll be the first to know"

  15. Nyrvynai play-skips her way back to Shyla to learn more, her eyes eager and willing.

    *Shyla smiles as she picks up a Kubrow* "Unfortunately it's getting to be about that time for sleep friend, but tomorrow we'll have all day to play. Okay?"

  16. When handed the mop, Droben sighs, undoing his mask to release a poof of dust and ash. Stuffing it into his pocket, he reaches for the orb which he has carried with him throughout the duration of his stay at the restaurant and places it on the floor, the tripod disappearing. He spins it, causing the music to gain an odd oscillation effect as the sound echoes around the room in a circular pattern. He proceeds to mop the floor with a bit of dance in his step.

    *The head chef sees this ashy substance and almost gags* "Oh god what is that stuff?!*

  17. "S-sorry... I didn't realize you- Sorry..."

    She returned the hug, much gently this time, but just as adoring of the motherly Trinity embracing her.

    *Elith smiles* "It's fine dear...just know I'm a little...fragile is all"

  18. With a nod, Nyrvynai gave Elith a tight, affectionate hug.

    "Thank you..."

    *Elith winces as she's embraced tightly* "Easy dear...easy...* She says a bit pained. After Nyr lets up she does return a gentle hug* "But you're certainly welcome"

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