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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. "Well when this is your restaurant, and -you- are in charge, then -you- can decide what to serve and not to serve. Otherwise I'll get ol' Enderius to put you right back where yous started, in an trash chute out to space! Now get out of my sight and get the hell to work or get off this damn station!" *The chef was not going to have someone threaten him, not even a Tenno*

  2. "I don't care for the sass Droben, and frankly I don't -need- you to do anything else. You wanan do something challenging, open your own damn shop here. Otherwise shut your mouth and do what I tell you"

  3. *Shyla smiles and nods* "If you want bring your Kubrow by, the ones here are really friendly" *She explains as she heads into the back, grabbing some food. A special formula designed for maximum protein and flavor, while lasting a while* "500 credits please"

  4. *Fae thinks a moment* "I'm usually up before everyone else, but since there's two of us now I'd say get up at around seven in the morning. Meet me at the restaurant we'll have some breakfast and then get to it. Sound good?"

  5. *Shyla nods* "Oh yeah...but after a while you start to match their energy and you'll be going down when they start to. Course their just pups and they tire our easily anyways. When they're adults they get really lazy though"

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