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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. Nyrvynai just quietly listened, huddled close to Elith, practically hugging her arm, before hearing Elith request her name.

    "Oh! I'm Nyrvynai miss Elith." Nyr lets out an affectionate smile to Elith.

    *Smiles* "A pleasure to meet you Nyrvynai. You know I think you and my clanmate Shyla would get along. She's about my age but acts much like a child"

  2. "Well, if things aren't too "hectic" at the moment, may I repeat my offer of a meal that was previously interrupted by what feels like a minor concussion?  It's the least I could do considering you dragged me all the way here."  Felix hoped that he could add "Fae" as the first to a hopefully long list of friends here at the Dojo.

    *Fae smiled* "Sure...you ever had sushi? It's an old world food that involved eating raw fish, usually with rice. I know it sounds unappetizing but trust me it's delicious"

  3. Krelon laughed quietly. "Oh Droben hasn't chsnged... He was in my hitlist but I resulted in losing my right eye. I'm used to it now." Krelon said as he walked closer to them. "My assisstant Sappire is gone at the current moment doing somd missions for The New Order. Our creed."

    "Oh I see, and I imagine you and your associates are here to enjoy the facilities yes?"

  4. "Well thanks I guess.  My names Felix, might I ask yours?"  As he said this, he reached out a hand, so as to shake.

    *She smiled, her helmet is generally off so he can see her face and how absurdly long her hair is with parts of it covering the right side of her face. Which occasionally he can see the terrible scarring on her flesh* "I'm Fae. Again sorry about that...we're not usually this hectic, but somehow more and more unsavory individuals find their way here."

  5. ((*Deep breath*))

    *Elith smiled* I could tell, by the way you reacted, you're not a strong fighter. And that's fine. I'm not either.

    *Enderius smirked* "Whatever you wish to do"

    *Fae breathed a sigh of relief.* You were knocked out by some lunatic. I moved you to the med bay while the doctor normally on duty is busy. I think she still is, but that's fine. I knew enough to check if you were okay and patch you up.

  6. ((OOC: few things, sorry i'm back had to run errands,

    second Revel, I appreciate your participation in the thread, and I know we did it before, but I'd prefer we keep missions and stuff outside the thread and keep the setting inside the Dojo, please and thank you
    And gonna be a few more minutes for I'm making dinner))

  7. Pilot meanwhile curses in his mind as had just in time used smell neutralizer. (That was too close) Pilot thought as went towards the reception of hotel.

    *The receptionist smiles* "Hello, how may I help you?" *It seems a majority of the staff are humans rather than Tenno, many of whom wear a dark blue uniform with the star symbol pinned to the torso. Suits for the men, and blouses for the women*

  8. *Enderius sighed turning to the annoying Vauban* "For now...but we'll have an eye on you, remember that." he says before turning back to Rael. "Shyla thinks that's why he only listens to me. He thinks I'm the alpha, but as a result he tends to lord his status as my pet over the other Kubrow, hence why most of them are afraid because he see's himself as their alpha*

    *Elith smiled* "Well if you want you're more than welcome to come with me to meditate for a while"

  9. With a nod, Nyrvynai sends a message to Krelon mentioning how she got caught up with Elith and how she'll meet with him later in the night.

    (Gah, sorry. XD)

    A quiet nod coming from Nyr as she happily follows the Trinity.


    Rael meanwhile watches in interest at the large Kubrow.

    "Some pet ya got."

    *Elith looks back* "Oh did you wish to be with your other friend? Don't let me stop you"

    *Enderius nods* "Yup...named him after some ancient deity, "The wolf who would eat the sun". As it was described...first as a joke, but as he got bigger...the name became more and more appropriate. But he's always been a bit stubborn around anyone other than me."

  10. Nyrvynai shudders and curls up inside herself, close to Elith once more.

    *Elith smiles as she rubs Nyrvynai's back* "Let's go to a garden, away from all of this" *She says peacefully, leading the Nyx away from Droben.*

    *Enderius sighs and turns towards Rael* "Let's get back to work then shall we."

    *Shyla calls the dogs together, but seems to have issue with controlling Fenrir. Until Enderius shouts* "Fenrir!" *The Kubrow suddenly stands at attention and follows Shyla's orders suddenly*

  11. *Enderius sighed, that'd have to be good enough.* "Stand down." *He says calmly putting his boltor away. His beast of a kubrow standing back to a neutral state letting out a short bark of affirmation. Shyla helps Elith keep her balance, it's clear she's not very independent. Elith asks Shyla to take her up to the Nyx from a moment ago* "Are you okay?" *She asks with a motherly tone*

  12. ((Well if you wanted to socialize with him why provoke and assault every staff member?! I understand being in character but there's a point that if someone is legitimately sane would say "Maybe I should stop doing what I'm doing". Plus I get staying true to a characters personality, but -you- decide that personality and weather or not he'd stop acting like an &#! for two seconds and cooperate. because at this point it's more like trolling everyone rather than playing a character))

  13. I get that he's an @$$....but why bring a character that you know will start sh*t to a thread that's based on just socializing and relaxing. So no sir i'm not having fun, in fact I'm rather annoyed by this character addition.)) 

  14. An idea suddenly sparking, Droben produced three metallic spheres, which he began to juggle skillfully. Not taking his eyes off of them he generally addressed, "Vortexes. I suggest you don't make me drop them."



    Miranda shrugged as the waiter returned with a bill, which she was more than happy to pay. As she stood up, she left a decent 15% tip and nodded to Crimson. "I was actually hoping you could suggest something."



    (Edit: I swear to God, with this many ninjas it's a wonder anyone's still alive)

    ((Gee a tenno are described as SPACE NINJAS! And the fact that you've basically threatens and assault them, they're well within their rights to kill you))

  15. "You threaten us on our Dojo and you say you're free from legal ramifications? This is still a private facility, so when we open our doors to people like you we do it as a kindness, a kindness that can be easily taken away if you do wrong by us. We are well within our right to protect ourselves as of right now and you seem to not realize that"

  16. Droben's voice boomed. "Exactly who do you think I have to call? And it's not like I have money!" His tone switched to a mumble for a moment. "God damn techies with their god damn pokerfaces," he returned to shouting, "point is, I don't plan on leaving any time soon, so either put the Boltor down like the coward you are, or prove me wrong."

    *Enderius looks to the others for a sign of an opinon. Shyla shrugs, Elith gives Enderius a pleading look to give a second chance. But these he expected. He looks to Droben* "We'll give you a ride then if it'll get you of my station faster"

  17. Climbing to the top of a nearby 1 story building, Droben stands to face Enderius and shouts. "You'd be better off killing me. I've had my fair share of space, and a coffin is just as good as a house right about now."

    "So call a damn ride!"

  18. *When they are bounced, Shyla and her Kubrow land with enough ease, but Elith hits the ground, hard. Her sentinels help her up and Shyla pulls her guns out, the Kubrow ignore their fear of Fenris and gather around Shyla to protect her. At that moment Enderius arrives and Fenris moves to his side.* "You're still here?!"*Enderius says with seething hate. He looks to Elith* "Are you alright?" *She nods and Enderius turns to Droben his Boltor drawn* "Get off my station!"

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