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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. "You did? Like who?" Ellie asked Shay.

    ((Lets just pretend you said brother))

    "Oh, it's just that you look like someone important. May I ask your name?" Icarus said the Valkyr.

    "Oh dear... You alright Blossom?" Luv asked.

    "Fae." she responded simply, the name should spark a bit of knowledge, she owns the Dojo

  2. hello i was wondering if i could join/ sorry im new to this but i know how to rp but i just idk how to rp in these kinds of weds do i join or go to sign up or something? )))

    ((YOu can introduce yourself however, just be sure that it's not interruptive of something private and that you're not just teleporting around to everyone, or giving lackluster descriptions of what you're doing))

  3. *As she sat she'd notice the violet star projected on her shoulder. The kind signifying her working there, certain adornments, such as the cape however make her seem perhaps a higher standing individual*

  4. *After months drifting between space and the void, a violet listet thought lost to the enemies of the Tenno docks in the landing bay. From it a Valkyr warframe steps forward, her original form restored and a cape following gently behind her. She says nothing to some of the members who recognize this warframe and stepped forward to greet her. She instead simply makes way to her favorite garden, a snowy blossom garden, and simply meditates. The dojo members pestering her with questions take this as a sign to leave her be.*

  5. (So, I know I mentioned sometime ago I'd get back into this when the Valkyr skin came out...well unfortunately monday I ship out for boot camp so it seems a rather moot point to get invested. Which also brings up who might admin the forum while I'm away...)

  6. Seeing the grate, Vestis opened the hatch and, having too much fun, did a "diver" dance as he went in, closing the hatch above him. He then looked to see if it led anywhere.

    ((Hey dude, if the setting isn't taking place in the dojo you're gonna have to move your rp to a different forum, please and thank you.))

  7. When one tries to change a specific color of the interior of their liset, the game locks up and nothing else can be done. You can still move the mouse and if you're in a party you'll be taken into the game no problem, but otherwise you'll have to restart the game

  8. (Hey guys, just wanted to drop in and let ya know a few things, nothing bad mind you but a few heads up

    1. I'm not dead and I have been checking in from time to time, really just to see if the forum is going which brings me to...

    2. Thanks for keeping the forum going, and I really appreciate you guys following the rules (As far as I know, I just assume since I've no messages of complaints I assume all is well)

    3. I probably will return sometime after they release the 'original' valkyr skin. Something Fae will certainly be donning in a heart beat.


    That's all thanks for listening and keep on keepin on)

  9. ((Is this thread still "open" for new people? If so, can I just hop in? If I can, would someone be able to tell me anything I might need to know before starting (aside from what's in the OP)? Or would it be better if I just found out myself?))

    ((No go ahead)

  10. Erund does a chivalry "Understood" Erund said Mishane bowed "Word taken. Let me know if there is something you want to know. I will be at hotel myself and please be what you are even if I have prime warframe worn on. Because I do not like being treated as better because. Reason I am kind of bad in combat" Mishane said "No comment" Erund said.

    *Perks an eyebrow at the statement of prime warframes* "I care little about weather a frame is prime or not, what meaning they had in the Orokin era has little meaning now. You're here to protect and serve, remember that and only that and I'll treat you the same way I treat others."

  11. "Sadly yes they doesn't bother me. I came here for a deserved pause from working on a project what I when gave to Lotus to either continue it or keep it safe. I gladly listen her although sadly yes... Some of us now-a-days doesn't listen her" Mishane said "Uh... Arbiters of Hexis and New Loka?" Erund asked "Oh... Lord... I forgot that I haven't explained Erund about syndicates yet... I am not associated with them. Although I do have friends from those" Mishane said then explains Erund about the syndicates.


    "Ah... Basically bunch of different believes and ideals owning people... Nearly same is this place allied with them or not as long as they keeps following rules I ain't opening my mouth about them really much" Erund said.

    *The Sayrn clad Fae nods* "Very well, I'll have Hjalp process the work and we'll hopefully by the days end have you two in our staff. Thank you for your time" *She says standing and offering a bow to the two tenno*

  12. *Fae nods* "Good we could always use staff members with more varied repertoire of abilities. I simply have one thing to say to you before I hire you. This facility, as you may or may not know is in an alliance with the Arbiters of Hexis, New Loka, and most importantly under the directive of The Lotus and the Tenno Council. If any of these facts bother you, say so now."

  13. Erund and Mishane turned to Fae. "Yeah... I assume by the plate on the door that you are leading the clan now" Mishane said Erund is quiet and observes what is going on. (Hmm... Yet another that process gone through person) Erund thought.

    "No I simply manage the Dojo now." *She explained with a breathy sigh as she moved over to her desk and took a seat, her Helios floating off to the side* "So you two are interested in becoming security here I take?"

  14. "I will be waiting final decision at the hotel then. Send me a message when owner will be receiving recruits" Erund said and waited for response. "Same here. After that liset trip... It could do good have time to catch up on things" Mishane said and looked at Erund really quick who looked at Mishane really quick.

    (Sorry for the delay, still kinda getting back into the groove of things)


    *Fae exited her apartment, sending a message to Hjalp ahead of time who alerts the two new recruits that she is on her way. And when she arrives at her office they are not greeted by the usual Valkyr clad tenno. Instead she's donning a Sayrn warframe and her hair is surprisingly done up in a tight bun, noticeable as she's without her helmet, however what bangs covered her scarred face are tucked to the side so they can see the mixture of scars and techonyte covering her right side, as well as her one milky blind eye and her one violet one* "I take you are the new recruits?" *She asked simply"

  15. "Oh all services are free to Tenno" Elith said with a smile


    "New recruits?"
    Lusith looked back with a tilt of her head.
    "Busy, then? Shall I tend to the garden still...?"


    "I'll see you after." *She said with a smile heading into a back room to change her frame*

  16. "Ah vyes tha two new sacurity guurds" *The helios quickly scans the two* "Velcome to ze dojo. Security cheiv Vae is currently off duty. But I vill be making ze profiles for vou so that you may be working"

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