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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. He shifts in his chair uncomfortably. "Not too keen on being away from my fellow Tenno again, but if it will help, so be it. Where would I go to get started?"

    "You will want to meet at these coordinates." *The voice says, a pair of coordinates showing up on his navigation, in a random part of the asteroid belt*

  2. "Hello, this is Orlock. I was referred to this number by one of the medics on the Dojo due to some mental instabilities I have." 

    "Ah Yes Elith" *The mystery voice said* "Well I can offer you some 'therapy' but you must understand a few things before you do. You will be secluded from other Tenno for a time, you will have to endure the worst of your mental issues head on, and it could take months or even years, but I can absolutely guarantee you by the end of it, you will be stronger and will have moved on."

  3. *Fae stood resolute* "The Orokin are the true masters of greed, living lives gilded in gold while we were forced by the millions to fight and die for a war that they forced upon us. The mistake they made is they, like you, thought us machines, mindless, soulless and eager to serve their cause. But in reality they were the ones who crafted their own demise when they thought we would serve their whims for all eternity. If I could remember that day, that moment when the ninth drum was struck and Orokin tyranny was brought to a swift end, nothing would make me happier"

  4. Halcyon raised an eyebrow at the Valkyr's comment,

    "Granted, they are quite deplorable, but, most, at least those that have always come after me, aren't tenno, and you have to admit, slaughtering the orokin? The Tenno have much to answer for, it would be much easier if they would simply sit down for a talk," Halcyon reasoned.

    "What is there to speak about? The Orokin used the Tenno as tools of destruction, we were their pets and slaves to fight and die on their whims and when the opportunity came to be something more, we took it. The Stalker is a lapdog, a blind follower of a dead race who deserves nothing less than a traitors death."

  5. "Don't worry, he's fine, besides, most often stalkers aren't things you've gotta worry about, just knock 'em out or pay them off, pretty simple." Halcyon said with a shrug, then looking at Orlock, "This is Kuranaii," he said gesturing at the Zephyr.

    *Elith had left but Fae had stuck around (Sorry for the delayed response)* "I do worry about the Stalkers, I don't let them live if I can help it" *He voice was laced with venom as she said the following* "If I could I'd find and butcher each one and put their head up on spikes to let the galaxy know what happens when one would betray the Tenno"

  6. *Elith gives Orlock a number* "They specialize in mental trauma and the like...If you want any proof of how well they work Fae went to them. They won't make you forget, but they'll help you move on."

  7. *She'd bare her teeth for a moment, she being a Valkyr with similarties to of a feline so she does have fangs to bare. Elith places a hand on her shoulder as she approaches the gentlemen* "We can offer a replacement if you wish...I've removed that armor before off someone else and am happy to do so again" *Elith is a trinity, and much more soft spoken than her comrade*

  8. *Fae and Elith continue their reading and music playing until Orlock passes by from the windows of the med-bay, the two stop dead suddenly and watch him pass by, looks of disbelief struck onto their faces 'How could someone...be so asinine to wear that in a place like this' is what either of them thought. After the disbelief faded Elith nodded to Fae as she grabbed her Lato and Fae grabbed a pair of Kronen tonftas. Fae quickly trailed behind him and shouted* "Hey! What in the Void do you think you're doing?!" *She neglected to bring her helmet so a look of anger could be seen on her face, both her blades in hand and ready to be used*

  9. *Elith is her med bay with a kubrow pup on her lap and a book in her hand. Beside her is Fae playing some light music on a sitar, her clawed digits perfect for plucking the strings. The two seem to just be enjoying some off time in silence*

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