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Posts posted by IamStroodle

  1. Yes, that's the point, it's them celebrating their freedom from the orokin, even mocking them as they're the ones living as a free people, free to practice what they wish, of course the Stalker being what I can assume to be an Orokin Loyalist would be trying to ruin this celebration at every opporunity, like 4th of july meets christmas or something

  2. I think the Tenno should have a holiday called the "Festival of Nine drums", 9 days of festivities and activities dedicated to strengthening the bond Tenno have with one another, their culture, beliefs, and freedom from the Orokin (Hence the 9 drums). Each day would have a different theme to it

    Day 1- Awakening. A day to symbolize the return of the Tenno into the system. Kind of like a big birthday for all the tenno, they would give each other gifts and celebrate their new life.

    Day 2- Discipline. A day of meditation, martial honing and the like. A day to reflect and learn about one's life and learn from their mistakes.


    Day 3- Unity. A day to raise the flags and make new alliances, traditionally solidified by the forging of a weapon, which is then given as a sign of trust from clan leader to clan leader.


    Day 4-Knowledge

    Day 5-

    Day 6-

    Day 7-Fire- A day for Tenno to face each other in battle, to face the power of an equal, to know what it means to fight one with honor, discipline, and strength

    Day 8-Renewal-

    Day9- Freedom- The last and true day of celebration, where the Tenno get together to build and destroy and Orokin effigy, a symbol of how their empire was built on our backs and how it was just as easily ended with one final drum beat.

    As you can guess I'm a bit stumped on what should be put into some of the other days, but I'd like to hear some feedback, maybe some input on the idea. In game certain days will provide certain boosts to xp, faction rep so on and so forth, and maybe an increased chance of the assassins showing up to ruin your festivites. Much of it I feel can take place in the dojo, but some can be done outside.

  3. *Fae returns from a mission in the far reaches of the system. As she exits one would notice the new red coating on her armor and the stench of death. A smart person would probably take a guess as to why both those things are. In any case she makes a beeline for her own apartment getting out of her frame as soon as she can to send it towards the foundry. As she debates on what to do with her now free evening, after some thought she decides that maybe it's time to socialize a bit, but without her frame she'd have to wear *Dramatic music* Regular clothes! She wondered if she even had any. She moved to her closet and sure enough a simple shirt white and jeans, untouched. She sighed as she slipped them on her slim figure and headed out towards the steakhouse instead of the sushi bar, she wanted to eat something a little heartier it seemed. 

    It would be a sight to those who know her to see the Valkyr out of her frame, her insanely long black hair mere inches above the ground, tied in a loose pony tail. Her technotye growths visible on her hands and arms, she even does have actual clawed nails it seems.*

  4. "Pssht. I may be a more gentle Tenno, and a bit of a prissy, but it doesn't mean I don't already kill countless Grineer and Corpus. Oh, and Infestation... Euch..."

    Lusith smiled at him brightly and er eyes fixed on him attentively.

    *As if to provide some stark contrast somewhere in the system Fae is losing her absolute f**king mind on some infested horde, the saying may be 'in space no one can hear you scream' but ohh if there isn't a disturbance in the force kiddos*

  5. *Fae stopped, snapping out of her daze, her visible violet eye, the other concelad by her bangs as well as the rest of the right half of her face, going towards the gentleman in question.* "Oh..hello..." *She says simply, her voice a bit quiet*

  6. As the Valkyr struggles to keep with her rage, the Oberon remains stoic. He has seen how most operators of the Valkyr behave, and the results of their behavior. Its just another day in the office, but he is surprised its taken him this long to notice these small signs.


    Despite this, the Oberon remains silent, not giving it any kind of specific attention, nor making any effort to distance, or possibly get ready to defend, himself from the Valkyr. She is still Tenno, after all.

    *After some time, the ticks stop and her struggle ends with her removing her helmet and letting out a heavy, tired sigh. Her black hair rolls out freely, reaching down to the floor, half her face hidden by her length bangs, but the disfigurements are clear*


    The Oberon would lie still, hearing the door open. After the Valkyr sat down, he would slowly and discreetly dip his head down slightly, turning it ever so slightly towards the Valkyr, the helmet often limited visibility on his sides, after all. He noted the emblem on her shoulder, noting her frame and colors, before turning back towards the water, just as slowly and discreetly. After a moment, he would lift his head up slightly, focusing on the stacked rocks on the center island.


    ((I haven't quite figured out how to use the quote system yet, either that or it doesn't work for me, apologies in advance))

    ((Works fine it seems))


    *As the two sit quietly he might notice slight movement from the corner of his eye, her fists clenching and clenching, the occasional twitch in her neck, and a slightly louder puff of breath. It's clear that despite the calm environment she lives in, and despite her normally controlled exterior, it's clear this Valkyr, like many others, struggles to keep her rage in check. She does little more than these occasional ticks during her meditation, but it would become clearer that she is doing them."

  8. After a few moments, the Oberon would roll his shoulders, making his way towards a holographic sign. Craning his neck upward, he would examine the many places that the signs directed him to. He instinctively reached his hand out to run his fingers along the Tenno characters embedded into the light, only to find his hand going straight through them. The Oberon would leave his hand in the hologram, creating a momentary rift before withdrawing it. Turning his hand so that his palm faces towards him, he would sigh softly, it was often a rare pleasure to find actual, physical Tenno writing to run your fingers across. His hand now at his side, he would continue scanning the board, looking for a place of rest, but also of meditation and reflection. The various meditation rooms sounded nice, but the seemed much too artificial for his taste, walking into an open field with immaculate grass was nice, until you realized the "field" was only a small room.


    Finally, he gleamed over something that fit his criteria, craning his neck to see in what direction it pointed, the Oberon would then head towards one of the doors that would lead towards the memorial grounds...


    After navigating through the Dojo, the Oberon finds himself in the memorial. It has a sense of artificialness to it, but it atleast wasn't trying to imitate the cold stillness of a place like this.

    Everyone knew what this place symbolized.

    The Oberon would stand there for a few moments, drinking in the atmosphere. He would then approach the lip of the small body of water, so still, one could mistake it as glass if they weren't observant. With a careful motion, as if not to disturb the spirits of his fallen comrades, the Oberon would quietly kneel, one knee first, then the other, hands placed on his thighs. The water was so clear and smooth, he almost wanted to touch it. Doing so, however, would most likely be considered disrespectful, so he steeled himself. He sat there, still and silent, his Magistar not having made a single noise, despite it being a large flanged mace. He would then bend his head down slightly, as he both rested from the long journey, and meditated on his past, and future.

    *A valkyr silently entered the room, the door making the only sound as she approached the small stone carine in the center of the room. She rested herself upon her knees as she stat beside the Oberon, hardly acknowledging him and sat with him in quiet contemplation. He would notice the purple star emblem projected on her shoulder, a show of her employment at the facility.*

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