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Posts posted by tbeest

  1. 2 minutes ago, Soketsu said:

    It does not exist... I suggested to think about creating it....

    Will you bother use CC instead of killing  against foes lvl 30- ? I would only do so If I don't need affinity or it is not recquired in order to progress in the mission.

    I do know that ESO you need to kill things fast, but I do also think that the Original post talk about CC vs nuke in general.

    Defense slows down with CC. If you can't do it quickly anymore you might as well extract and go again!
    Survival can be slowed down to some extent but you still have to rely on the LS enemies drop.

    Arguably CC matters a lot more in Interception and Excavation, but neither of those gamemodes is as popular as the former two for an endless run. 

    As long as the game focuses on getting loot people will want to do it as quick as possible. Going as fast as possible requires killing as much as possible. Therefore no matter the nerfs to nukes the community will try to find a way. 

    Also with the introduction of the (seemingly) endless focus grind you always want more affinity.

  2. 1 minute ago, Dojutrek said:

    That's the thing, Trinity is the "Meta". However, there needs to be options outside of Trinity. The problem you're bringing up is that Trinity is the only one, maybe we need a frame to become equal or close to Trinity in that regard. For Example, Oberon does what Trinity does, but over the course of time and shuts down pesky status effects. He has Utility to a team, outside of Trinity's pure healing style. Vauban can EASILY have a similar style to Trinity with Deploy-ables or changes to his kit, the problem is DE and their closed doors approach to reworking.

    You're right, it won't solve the issue, but having options will mitigate the choice down to "What do I like to use?" rather than "What I'm Required to use?".

    Oberon can't do Energy though. I prefer Oberon, actually. But not in end-game-meta content. Not that I do a whole lot of that, anyways. I'd love to see an actual Vauban rework as well.

    As for energy, we've gotten stuff like Harrow whom can give some energy. But he will never be picked over a Trinity for that specific job. I don't think DE wants anything to match/overtake her thereby making her the one and only, willingly or not. They wouldn't want that because plausible powercreep as well as, y'know, not wanting a kit too similar. So because we most likely won't see a frame that does both healing and energy in Trinity's quantities we won't see the meta change. And even if we got a frame that did all that and better the meta would just shift. There will always be this one edge a particular thing has over the other that will make it more desirable that will make the meta. 

    Of course giving the option to the average player who just wants fun is a good thing, those that want the "best" aka the meta there will only be a few options. 

    Even without Trinity there's often plenty of energy to go around. Zenurik, plates, Arcane Energize, Rage? A single ability cast doesn't matter anymore. CC may scale the best, but when it comes to spamming CC loses compared to quick damage that stacks. An enemy can go only so slow before it stops at which point CC has done it's job. Casting Miasma 8 times in a row, however, now that's a lotta damage.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Soketsu said:

    Yeah against ennemy under the level 60-80 of course an loadout with a reactor/catalysor + forma are gonna to kill anything in 1/2 sec. And before we didn't have exilus, rivens or operator boost XD


    So how about just give content lvl 120+ for example ? I'm not that sure you will be able to just "nuke" everything like this.

    Where does this content you speak of exist? Not in anything the majority cares about. As for ESO Maiming Strike tends to be a pretty good "nuke". Slap some buffs and debuffs around the reasonably tight area that are the ESO tiles and stuff dies pretty quickly.
    Besides the fact that slowing down ESO with CC literally makes you fail.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Dojutrek said:

    Again, Content is an issue. However, being completely CC-centric could easily be considered another issue. As I stated previously, the problem isn't always cut and dry. Maybe instead of thinking of this as a Content only issue, maybe think of it as a Utility issue. CC frames don't have much Utility to a team, why not add that to their kit? Make them more sought after by those wanting to not play the Meta Flavor of the Month. CC could provide insurance that you and your team are going to be safe, but Utility would bring the whole dynamic to the team providing Energy/Health/Ammo or other forms of benefits that the team can use.

    Inaros: Healing and CC
    Nekros: Can do sorta CC and can sorta drop more ammo. 
    Energy... Don't have one for that.

    Okay, not great examples.

    That said, if you want energy and healing get a Trinity! Two birds with one stone. A few Ammo restores should fix most ammunition problems. In fact, Trinity will bring so much energy you can spam whatever so there's no real energy concern anymore. As you also brought up. But there is no real need for utility CC when we have frames that can do just utility far better. Besides, slowing down enemies can even be a drawback. So yes, maybe bringing in a bit of utility would help a little but I don't think it will solve anything. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Dojutrek said:

    That's because the content has shifted to a Damage-only mentality, not because CC doesn't matter. That's a Problem on the Development end.

    Perhaps my wording was inadequate: For what we have now CC doesn't really matter. Unless we get something akin to raids that encourages keeping enemies alive it won't really matter again. Content rarely goes above level 100 because endless isn't encouraged anymore and level 100 is relatively easy to kill. In some missions it's better not to CC because that would slow enemies coming towards you down. So it can even be a negative!

  6. CC was very important during raids. Raids are gone and the current end-game(ish) is Sanctuary Onslaught and Eidolons. ESO requires kills as fast as possible, CC doesn't affect the Sentients in a hunt.

    In raids CC was indirectly incentivised, no kills meant no new spawns meant no uncontrolled enemies. There's no real reason to go endless in endless anymore either, removing a lot of different scenarios. There's no draw to CC, there's no real need for CC in what we have now. 

    Besides, even if all frames stopped doing damage of a sudden// there is still Maiming Strike and it doesn't really matter.

    CC no longer matters.

  7. 7 hours ago, Kalvorax said:

    well, Scott himself said in devstream 112 that he wants to have events replayable...that being said, im thinking now that sacrifice is coming soon (around tennocon, probably just before it), they can then have a lot of other stuff to focus on on.

    I've been sitting on this idea for some days now, the devstream made me want to post it.

    3 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    My issue with this idea is that you would blow through "events" like quests. The point of bringing back events in my opinion is to accomplish a few things:

    - Giving players content that also promotes veterans who enjoy leaderboards to return.

    - Allowing 0-3 year veterans to acquire cosmetics from 4+ years ago.

    - Removing the long list of zeros for Operation scores on a given profile.

    In my opinion, DE should not look into lore of the events and just release them again to give people something to do. Giving us (players) a content drought to make sure a story lines up is not very wise in a game like Warframe. I am not saying DE should copy paste events as it would be tremendously cheap, but DE shouldn't redesign an entire Operation to make sure it "fits this timeline". Warframe is built from pumping out constant content so sooner rather than later would be beneficial to the player base.

    Even though I missed most of them, I feel the old leaderboards should be left untouched. A badge of honour, of sorts. That said, they could always introduce new ones.

    My idea was to make the quests and boss dialogue make more sense. The world of Warframe is ever changing, but with the slow trickle of quests and events you can blast through the star chart in a month or two and have little happen. There's, of course, the quests but you often have to go out of your way to trigger those and they are separated from the game by the codex. Having the event just trigger upon visiting a planet would really change the feel of them.

    That said, not all events have to be brought back like those and I'm feeling I'm just retreading what I already said why am I even writing this. Point is: some events can be brought back my suggested way, other events can be brought back as a leaderboard timed kinda thingy. And more! There's probably other ways I haven't considered. Anyways, that, yes, words.

  8. I'll use tubemen of Regor as an example.

    Whenever you get to his boss fight he goes on about "the tubemen you murdered". Which tubemen? When did I murder them? When you got to Uranus! Upon visiting/finishing the first node the Lotus transmission triggers and you get to start a modified version of the original event. Firstly the amount of grind would have to be toned down, it will no longer be this massive leaderboard lootfest but a shorter sequence(doing 100 missions would be out of the question). One where you get to experience the missions the event offered and hear the dialogue of your allies and enemies. No matter which side you pick, the one that won when the event was an actual event is canon. Or you don't get to support the losing side at all. Until you finish the "dynamic event" the boss node will be protected by, for example, a bunch of Grineer galleons blocking the path. These would be on top of the lines that connect mission nodes and the line would be clearly greyed out. Upon completing the event the ships blow up, you get to fight the boss that's been taunting you the whole time and you'll finally know what you did to his beloved tubemen.

    Why this? Firstly I think it would make the world feel more alive. Things are happening as you progress and you'll hear some more story along your way. 

    Secondly it would give new players a short-term goal when arriving on a planet, other than completing some list of arbitrary objectives to unlock the junction.

    Thirdly they could give some rewards to help players kickstart their adventure. A couple frame/weapon slots for example! I think the current way (most) vandal/wraith weapons are is fine.

    Also older players who may have missed the event would get to experience it. Or experience it again for those who have done them already.

    Not every event has to be returned this way, but I think that for some it would work really well. Disregarding how much work it may or may not take, here's an idea.

  9. EMBER

    World On Fire - 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.


    Please consider Firequake as well, because this will severely limit its CC capabilities. I suggest it will get rid of the shrinking along with the damage increase.

  10. You lowered them all to 1k standing and have them require the first rank, cool! But the (previously) more advanced blades and grips still require rank 5 gems and metals! So what's up with that?

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