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Posts posted by gvidzix

  1. Reposting my post from other topic:


    My opinion:

    I took the Synnoid Gammacor (with my 4 formas) to jackal (he was lvl 35),

    and well with all the ammo i couldn't take him down, as to where Brakk, Vaykor Marelok, Telos AKbolto could do it.


    Before the nerf Synnoid Gammacor melted Jackal in seconds,

    I am not saying to return it to the previous state, but:

    - maybe decrease ammo consumption.

    - increase damage to 50-60.


    So for me it isn't balanced, four forma Synnoid Gammacor which is meant to be one of the best weapons (because syndicate weapon ...) with full ammo can't take down Jackal.


    Either way, I just use other weapons until another beast comes ...

  2. I am sorry I didn't read all posts.

    But my opinion:

    I took the Synnoid Gammacor (with my 4 formas) to jackal (he was lvl 35),

    and well with all the ammo i couldn't take him down, as to where Brakk, Vaykor Marelok, Telos AKbolto could do it.


    Before the nerf Synnoid Gammacor melted Jackal in seconds,

    I am not saying to return it to the previous state, but:

    - maybe decrease ammo consumption.

    - or increase damage to 50-60.


    So for me it isn't balanced, four forma Synnoid Gammacor which is meant to be one of the best weapons (because syndicate weapon ...) with full ammo can't take down Jackal.


    Either way, I just use other weapons until another beast comes ...

  3. Snipers/ Bows and Corrupted Nullifiers.

    1) I am one of the few people who ADORES these weapons. A good headshot is my bread and butter, and while I know sniper buffs are coming, I was wondering if DE could look into the way these weapons inact with bubbles. Since currently they dont scale off dmg, OR allow PT theyre kinda "spit in the face" of us uses of these rarer kinds of weapons. ESPECIALLY vectis users. It takes FOREVER to get rid of a bubble with that thing.

    Could this be altered?

    2) The Lanka and Supra are very high mastery Lvl weapons that I really like, but both are very underpreforming for the amount of fieldron needed to build them. Is it possible that these beauty clan tech weapons could get another pass?

    *cough* Halikar still bugged *cough*




  4. 1. Will we ever be able to equip Excalibur Proto skin + Arcane or normal alternate helmets? - because we are able to equip other attachments...

    2. When is the parkour 2.0 ? (U17?) So when is the U17?

    3. One augment slot per frame?

    4. How far are you with making transitions from normal tileset gameplay to space Archwing gameplay?

  5. First I strongly suggest rebinding your buttons,

    second - yes hacking and crouch have problems on gamepads, I use third party program to bind keyboard buttons onto gamepad as to go around the problem itself,

    thirdly - I only use gamepad when playing, in Liset, Relays, Dojo I use keyboard.


    In conclusion, works great for me.

  6. scott said in stream radial javelin going through terrain was a compensation for nerfing radial blind

    and you told me this is not intended


    it is not even radial now


    this right here

  7. mirage takes too long to cast, even with natural talent. my point being excal can still be usefull. and I think not many of us brought excal to T3-4 def anyway, even without the nerf  :) I was talking about T1-2 exp farms, where excal can still be used rather well. 


    People are frustrated with Excaliburs changes, because he was a lot better, like before his blind, blinded everything in radius, after this, they put los on it, but they made radial javelin like the blind before. But now he has two of his best abilities with los (radial still works all around him, but radial javelin ou boy, only affects enemies that are actually on your screen), and that is what people are frustrated at.


    And I did take him to high lvl missions before when he had his superior blind, that was op ...

  8. Controller users still arent able to hack grineer consoles anymore


    I am, I had made a topic on how to do this, basically get a mapping tool, to map your keyboard buttons to your controller.

    Go check out the topic from my profile if you need more help.

  9. Thank you for fix!

    But yeah, excalibur got wrecked, I may agree with this change, because of all the rep farm BS, but in change he would need something else to balance out this LOS change. I do think leave the Radial Javelin with LoS, and change the Radial Blind back to how it used to be (blinding in radius even trough walls:) ), at least then excalibur will still be very awesome, but he won't be used for Draco farming ...


    Still not pleased with all the stealth nerfs and changes.

  10. Thank you DE, for a lot of stuff.

    By the way Rakta Ballistica can be recolored now, didn't see that in changes.


    I didn't get to play much, but I played three matches of the new PVP, you did it, it's very good, I like it, still there may be some disadvantages, but it is very good (at least I like it).


    But yeah there is a lot of stuff that I don't like as much, for example all these stealthy changes, at least come clean after you have done them (you are becoming masters at it), if only people didn't know right ? :S

  11. This fix is like the stamina fix long time ago :D. Please fix the AFK and missing rewards, could care less about e-gate, there will always be loot caves. And yeah I was considering to start playing Hidroid only cause of the boss loot multiplier, but meh.

  12. I don't understand something:

    This is oldschool--every color and weapon here is available from day 1.




    No attachments, no skins, no regalia, nothing but a few day-1-available gear pieces using classic colors ONLY.

    You could use this goofy-hatted clown(who is CLEARLY wearing clothing!) with his big unwieldly gear from the get go.


    What could you do with it? Well, you could fight guys demanding "Leave my mother out of this!" on your way to kill "Give Uncle Hek a hug!", while running down brightly lit solid-steel corridors with polished metal lockers.


    All from the get go.


    So this "vibe" people are complaining about? It never existed. It's nostalgia--misremembered past with an erasure of "bad" parts used as judgement against an "inferior" present.


    There have always been brightly lit levels--the grineer galleon was surprisingly dark when it first showed up, and the derelict was (and still is) the darkest thing ever. The first tileset available was the one now known as "corpus vessel", and the first rooms available were those brightly lit, tiny hallways we're all very familiar with.


    As far as "silly parts", if the extreme goofiness of loki doesn't get you, remember that trinity, with her glorious lobster tail and "toilet bowl" helm were there.


    There is no dark, tortured emo past that warframe has grown away from. There's some fancy promo videos that look nothing like the game, and that goofy opening screenshot you guys have (it always looked to me like the excal was the leader of the grineer, I never undstood why that was there, and was mildly confused/upset when that was removed before I could find out why we weren't the leader of the grineer anymore).


    If anything, the tone of the game has gotten much darker as we progress--we've been made ever more aware of the fact the empires we're battling have slaves and murder innocents. I mean, hek, we had cities and a concept of "actual civilization" outside of the military ops we're constantly stopping, and Operation: Eyes of Blight had several of those cities DESTROYED.


    We were vaguely aware that the infestation zombies were made of people before, but we now have tilesets where we find them in the process of being converted, screaming for help as they're eaten alive by this disease. It bothered people enough that we demanded(and got) the ability to mercy kill them.


    Think about that progress: from shiny metal corridors to a scene so gruesome and disturbing we had to demand a way to end it.


    We've gotten quests, and all of them are horrific--brain eating robots, slave dungeons, ancient demons, science labs feeding the innocent to monsters.


    The happy-go-lucky "running around shootin' d00ds" demeanor is jarringly removed by these sorts of things.


    We have a radio that goes on and on about how the evil empire is actively murdering people, with little hopeful interludes about us kicking their @$$es, rescue missions where they will murder the hostages if we screw up, and "allies" that gleefully torture and vivisect prisoners before our very eyes.


    When you actually take a look at the current state of the game, it has reached new and breathtaking levels of effed up. The bad guys are abominations, the good guys are disturbing, and our best(and only) friend in the world is some merchant whose life we've saved repeatedly, all while trying to save our comrades from being captured by fiends who want to literally rip them limb from limb, our best hope for survival being the constant harvesting of tech from a long dead empire whose only legacies are deranged psychopaths and small data clips that portray them as being as twisted and malevolent, if not more so, than the ones we're fighting now.


    You may not think about all of this while you're playing, but @#$@# is seriously #$@#$ up, far darker than it ever was before.


    Read this and be amazed.



    Otherwise I read almost all posts in this topic, and my eyes hurt.

    Either way - what I just quoted put into few words:

    the OP feels nostalgic, that's it, he remembers, fells - what wasn't even there to begin with.


    He may feel the game was more darker, because when for example I unlocked all of star chart, there where what - 3 tilesets?

    And half of them were Grineer ones, which were dark ...


    But yeah Warframe has gotten so much more flashy and blingy, still I don't mind that.

  13. After gotten to use it after the buff, it really is a nice sidearm now, and IT IS F#^& FUN WEAPON TO USE (not sorry for caps :D).

    As the standard ballistica isn't really a good weapon, but now we have some kind of nice sidearm bow style weapon, thanks DE, thanks!

  14. I am confirming this, I can't say when it started.

    But yes right now you can see only smoke from exhaust of rockets, no actual explosion, but shooting at feet proofed that damage is done.


    So right now:

    ogris - no explosion visuals.


    How to redo the bug - equip ogris, go to mission, shoot ...


    Please DE look into this, not so much with ogris :/ one of my favorite guns.

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