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Posts posted by gvidzix

  1. Weapon Changes

    • Increased charged bolt damage of Rakta Ballistica from 100 to 300.
    • Increased uncharged bolt damage of Rakta Ballistica from 25 to 75 per bolt.
    • Rakta Ballistica is now a fully Silent weapon.



    • Fixed Sentinels not aiming properly at some enemies.

    This is the bomb! :)

    Good work!

  2. I wanted to add to this something that will maybe (hopefully) clear up some of the confusion.  If you have a fomorian disruptor equipped, and you DON"T use it, but you run the event, and some one else uses it, the one you have equipped still gets consumed.  This is intended as far as I know, as you have to have one equipped to even run the event nodes for Eyes of Blight.  


    So if you ran it 7 times and never popped yours on the Fomorian Core's shield, and someone else did it everytime, it still would've consumed all 7 of yours.

    This is true, I am confirming this.

  3. if you use 2 same prints breed,color,body build (bulky athletic poodle),and fir pattern are for sure gender and height are random hope this helps

    Yes thank you.


    Still what about two different imprints?

    If for say:

    first slot: bulky with striped pattern

    second slot: athletic with lotus pattern

    can I somehow foresee the result?

  4. Hello fellow Tenno,

    I have a few questions about kubrow imprints/breeding.


    How exactly do they work when used on breeding a new kubrow?

    What is taken from first imprint (first slot), what is taken from second imprint (second slot)?


    And this may be stupid to ask, but if two of the same imprints are used, the outcome is the same kubrow (but only different height and gender)?


    I have bred a bunch of kubrows, but all of them on random, so I wanted to get to know how this works.

    Thank you for your help in advance.

  5. Yada yada, don't play the game.

    The more I hear, the more I think DE shouldn't even have added those 5 core packs to the game, less crying afterwards, because the process of obtaining them became too easy ...


    Same with Syndicate keys costing measly 2.5k rep, I know guys who got keys around thousands ... How broken was that? And when DE fixed this, again so much hate for something which had to be done. T IV keys had to be farmed before, which was balanced, but now it's meh, T III keys are much more worth which is wrong ...

  6. Easy solution, don't play.

    If you aren't annoyed yet, read on.


    Considering parts which do matter, this little change is of no matter ...

    This is still the same game, it's just growing out and around itself.


    And what right do you have to talk about founders if you are not one, as I assume by your forum name not having founder badge, I am sorry if this is your second account or whatever...


    Yes, ok PhysX was cool to have, the change is not as awesome, but for me it still works.

    What Prime Gold color? - I am all for the ability to recolor them, and even not recolored they still look Prime Gold to me ...


    Essentially what are you complaining about? Do you not enjoy the game now, because it may be less blingy and less particly?


    This game is awesome, with all the new stuff coming, and DE expanding the game, there are points I do not agree, but I suck it up.


    Otherwise try SweetFX maybe it will bling up your game back to you, or get on PS4 and play Destiny idk, I hear it's essentially alike Warframe ...

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