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Posts posted by gvidzix

  1. I don't even put fury on Tipedo, it has enough speed.

    Other weapons may benefit from it though.


    But yeah Primed Redirection or Vitality, would be nice, I won't ask for Primed Serration - that won't happen as easy, and it doesn't need to happen.

  2. Yes it is broken, but there is a team of developers who are currently working on PVP, to balance it out.

    Balance meaning - after the change comes you will have only a set of frames, weapons to choose (which is logical).

    As to when it is coming I can't answer.


    All of the information is from DEstream 45.


    But yeah it's fun right my personal build for PVP is Ash, Marelok, Dread, Dual zoren, and I don't use bladestorm, few shurikens work as well, as well as oneshot marelok or dread ...


    Alright, I am going to just post it again. If DE's reason for not buffing its stats is the proc, just change it to fire. Then...


    For those that have been viewing the Rakta Ballistica threads, this will look similar. I have been a long time Ballistica fan, so both of the Ballisticas being so bad is really bugging me. I shall continue to post the following because it is the most logical solution.
    It would not be that hard to fix, just tweak its damage stats.
    When Ballstica first came out, its stats were identical to Paris'. However, Ballistica was not buffed when the Bows were. Thus, would it not be logical to simply buff it to the point that the Bows were buffed to?
    Also, I do not understand the switch from puncture to impact damage. When taking out high priority targets, I would think that puncturing them would be more useful than punching them. It seems that DE wants to change the damage type though, so slash would make more sense. Red Veil wants to purge and Slash damage will make the victims suffer.
    I think it would be really cool if all of the Syndicate weapons were equivalently powered and all end game tier weapons.
    Basically, I think Ballistica should be equivalent to Paris and Rakta Ballistica should be equivalent to Paris Prime (or Dread).
    I also think that burst fire should be a viable alternative to charged fire (unlike bows). It should not be as powerful, but at least decent.
    Thus the stats would be...
    40 (burst) damage (per arrow)
    150 (charge) damage
    20% crit chance (burst)
    50% crit chance (charged)
    2x crit multiplier
    (everything else the same)
    1 second charge time 
    Rakta Ballistica
    50 (burst) damage (per arrow)
    200 (charge) damage
    20% crit chance (burst)
    60% crit chance (charged)
    2x crit multiplier
    1 second charge time 
    As for the 50% and 60% crit chances, 50% is the minimum (pretty number) crit chance for secondarys to obtain 100% crit chance due to secondarys crit chance mod being weaker (120% versus rifles 150%). I gave the Rakta 60% so that it would be able to occasionally hit some red crits. And for those who say "the better pistol mods would make it OP", go look at the secondary crit damage mod... it is only 60%.



    This would be perfect.

  4. This weapon could be so much more bada$$, taking into account it is meant for stealth, goes very good with bows, but yeah it could benefit from I would say 25% critical chance , and 150 damage overall (25 slash, 25 impact, 90 puncture). I think that would be bada$$.

    The next post has all it needs :D

    Then it would my go to secondary for solo stealth Loki runs.

  5. Oh god, nerf all frames, make them trashframes ...

    She is as said before glass-canon, very squishy, but comes with tons of dmg.


    Yes her M Prime is very useful, but cmon, almost all frames are good for one purpose (or built around one).

    I agree her original M Prime was a bit of overkill, the new one is good, and doesn't need any changes.


    And what is it with this feedback forum section, there is so much hate for everything, I thought I have some time I will check out forums, no thank you I shouldn't have done that.

  6. I have been using Karyst for the past three months, and I hardly switch to any other melee,

    - fast enough to copter and take out heavy gunners (maybe not as fast as nikana, but fast enough).

    - average damage, not low, but not high

    - looks cool


    But I will welcome dagger buffing with open arms, as atm Karyst is my favorite melee.

    As it seems other daggers are really somewhere in forgotten corner.

  7. Well I have played Nova the most, have been an ! who blows everything, everywhere (pre changes), and have done I would say every possible thing with nova. She used to be easier, now it is harder, because of the improved enemy targeting, and prime extending slowly, but still beast of dmg frame.

    Her slow is a must at high tiers + the dmg modifier from it, speed nova only works for fast exp on infested defenses.


    But about these situations, I think you will understand this one:

    when some guy in Russian (or for you would be Slavic language still mostly Russian) speaks, so many times they are just bad mouthing people (I know Russian it's my second language, English being third), and then I write back to them to fkin shut up and play the fkin game :D, but then other things happen, like - why am I not writing in Cyrillic (after living in UK I have a UK keyboard, and if I needed to write in Russian I just use online webpage), and I have to tell them why should I if I am not a Russian? :D


    Or this one time doing archwing Caelus, same happened, after he heard me this time trough mic, he shut up right away.


    Well to not offend Russian players, but that is a fact 90& of these situations happened with them being involved.


    Other being maybe some guy recently asking "Volt?" for T4C, well volt is my frame for captures, did the capture in 2 mins, and we extracted.


    Otherwise I have a good clan and alliance and we do not call each other names or w/e even if someone did fail and the hard work goes poof.


    regarding hosters: well I simply comply to the role they want to me to play if they don't like my suggested frame, when I host I don't really care (as for higher tiers I can get friends, clan mates ...).

  8. Hello guys,

    as I found out this myself after a fresh system install and re-installing warframe (config files being made anew), there is a very annoying thing going on with controller controls, to be precise with "hold to crouch", when on keyboard binds it works as intended but on controller binds it doesn't, it has double binding crouch + roll, meaning that sliding, coptering and other maneuvers are too impossible to do.

    At first thinking this has something to with my end, but no it doesn't.


    And here is my temporary fix until DE implements their fix for this:


    1 - get a software which can map keyboard buttons to controller, for example I am using JoyToKey, I will not put any links, google will help you on that.


    2 - make your controller (which is used for warframe) Jostick 1. - Preferences > Configure Josticks > 2nd tab 

    3 - create empty profile. - left bottom has the button for this.

    4 - trough it you can check your windows (I don't know for other OSs, but assume the process is the same) controller mappings to find the button number to which your hold to crouch had been/is/needs to be mapped. - Preferences > Configure Josticks > 1st tab 


    5 - map to that button keyboard button - ctrl (obviously as it is the default button for hold to crouch on keyboard).

    6 - in warframe settings unbind the button you had binded hold to crouch on your controller.

    7 - when playing warframe launch JoyToKey (or your software which does the same thing).

    8 - enjoy the "hold to crouch" as it was meant to be.


    I really hope you get this, and it helps you.

    If by any chance you are going to use another software,

    then I think the process will be about the same, as only going trough options will be different.


    your fellow Tenno - gvidzix

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