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Posts posted by gvidzix

  1. BUGS

    If you die, then after re-spawning, you are glowing in light blue colour.


    Trough arsenal ranked up smite corpus to next rank with duplicate (ok), after updated to max rank with other mods - mods used rank stayed the same as after ranking with duplicate.

    EDIT; after relogging it is maxed out, still a bug though.


    Sugatras colouring doesn't work.


    Sometimes (mostly with Nekros) you get downed with full hp (animation as on bleed-out), but you do not die, and you can keep crawling shooting with secondary, enemies can't hurt you, if they hit animation is as if you are getting downed all the time, until enemies stop attacking you.

  2. This update broke sugatras colouring option. 

    Tried countless times on dark sword and dark dagger, every time it reverts to default light blueish colouring.

    Not a major thing, but very, very annoying!

  3. This already happens in Defense, all exp and items picked up are saved at the extraction option screen.  Its horrible to say this, but this might be balancing Survival atm.  The only drawback to Survival is the possibility of failure, and that's in Defense as well without the "oh crap, time to leave" option.  Btw, they're working on fixing Defense to be more rewarding compared to Survival.


    Anyways, problem: You know that sound you get when you do a jump-slide animation and hit something?  That happens every time I hit the ramp in my Liset.  It also seems louder than it used to be.

    Yeah defense okay, but survivals being crashing when you are in for more than 40 minutes isn't nice.

  4. I think this may have already been suggested, but:

    it would be awesome to implement some kind of safe point system, what I mean is:

    crashes happen, and will happen all the time, but when doing survivals or defenses for long times,

    it is frustrating to get a crash and lose all xp and all items farmed.


    If possible, for example in survivals every 5 minutes account information get updated, and even if you crash you at least get everything earned up to that 5,10,15...30,35 minute mark.

    or in defense same way only for 5 waves, in this case to minimize consciously made crashes you can take out wave rewards leaving only earned in session items and xp.

  5. Whatever you do, you are doing it right.

    And the new Dark Sectors are very, very much fun and will be even more after balancing and improving.
    All those who do not approve of this - well? Don't play them? You can support your clan in other ways too ... (and it applies only to those who actually have rails or are in alliances who have rails ...)

  6. Yesterday I played a lot of dark sector defense/attack.

    And there is a lot of issues present:

    -laggy hosts

    -host migration (present in all warframe) after which 70% gets you disconnected from the mission, or crashing.

    -wrongly customized featur, when connecting into midgame (for example I get max level but mods aren't unlocked).

    -UI bugging out and staying frozen on one occasion.

    -ocasional immortality.

    -mod drops (rares only) from npc enemies/allies, won't be awarded afterwards.

  7. BUG: when inviting players to squad, and then trying to close the tab (in chat) you get bugged, and need to close game by alt tabbing out.

    edit: seems to crash if you close a chat tab either way...

  8. Another bug I found:
    on dark sector defense/attack, if there is no opponents to fight (no opponents found) the matchmaking will continue to try and find match, but its bugged as it already finished doing it, it just shows it that way. If you are waiting nothing happens.


    edit: and after it stays bugged, or you join attackers side/or I guess any mission/ or relog and it's back to normal.

  9. Been reading a lot of comments.

    And best to describe what I am feeling about half of the guys who wrote them is - get a life ...

    ...or just for f sake wait, get used to and deal with it.

  10. Why!?

    *bursting in pure rage and hatred

    Don't you have anything better to do than ruining one of the few things that are actually working?


    You don't fix:

    - Eternally glitching quest system

    - The pattern scrambler

    - God only knows how awful RNG.

    - Overall stability, that make your game crash every hour or so

    - Connection issues


    You do ruin:

    - warframe design (Hydroid, Zephyr, Mirage) and coloring (14.0.9)

    - warframes (Frost, Trinity)

    - weapons (Lanka, Brakk)




    Hey man chill.

    If your eyes are showing as good as mine, then colors got a lot better in second screen...

  11. You serious?



    This made me laugh :D

    You have one of those extra-extra-rare-kubrows :D

    But that aside I don't what is worng with people.

    I would say colors do really look a lot better now ...

  12. So he uses the Tesaract for one leap to another universe, to where Marty and Emmet was about to do the first jump in time with their DeLorean, and steals it from them. Then he being lvl 9000+ engineer applies Tesaract to it, and gets to the futue where Nova Prime is chilling. He stops over and says: "Hey whats up sexy?".

  13. Few things I found:

    Crawlers sometime get bugged, sometimes you can kill them sometimes not.



    Look on the right you can see texts overlaying.



    And is this how water should look on high settings (only local reflections off)?



    edit: sorry can't put in the format I have uploaded.


    edit2: before getting hang after finishing Nuovo survival, can confirm only delta beacons dropping from prosecs.

  14. Last two times doing Sechura on Pluto - crashed. First I get host migration, then I am left alone, and for maybe 5-15 sec is ok, and then warframe hangs and won't respond.
    Plus is the sentinel change permanent? - meaning that they die super fast, even if the frame itself is not taking any damage but sentinel is.


    edit: crashed third time, so for sure it is some kind of bug...

  15. There was this bug, as I do not own a Kubrow at the moment, party crashed leaving me alone, but squatmate had a Kubrow, which after squad crashed stayed, and started following me, as if he was my Kubrow.

  16. 1) Presently Kubrows and their Dens seem to be dropping Nav Coordinates, Health and XP Orbs (in addition to their standard loot tables).

    2) Water effects are bugging out - the squares within puddles will light up in the Earth tileset.

    3) Can't get into the dojo. If I try using the Escape Menu -> Communication -> Clan option, the "Enter Clan Dojo" button does nothing; if I try using the Navigation menu, the result is often the same, but sometimes clicking the button attempts to find the host but then freezes before even getting to the loading screen.

    4) The third part of the Mirage questline (for the Chassis) did not generate any dialogue from Ordis, and the inbox message appeared to be for completing the quest.

    Yeah 2nd about water effects/detail true here.

  17. Unique bug here.


    The game seems to revert to some default graphic options, I have tried to  max settings and was successful only once, where as, settings shown are on max, but the image (water detail, texture quality) are obviously low ...


    I do think I will figure this out, but still, this happened after U14, so a bug. 

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