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Posts posted by gvidzix

  1. Get lucky once - get 90% discount on platinum, buy first or second pack ...

    I spent the money, and it was worth every penny/cent etc.

    Now running short of plat again, and too lazy to sell mods which I have tons of, if you have money which you can spend, why not spend it, cause you know when I go out I spent hella lot more, and then sometimes regret, why did I ahve to drink that much...

  2. Name suggestion:




    Not slow but not very fast either, rather slim body (skeletal body). If shot in body, will crumble and upper torso becomes alike crawler, so it becomes slow, but to be destroyed completely has to be burned (heat dmg), blown into nothingness (blast dmg) or corroded to nothing (corrosive dmg).



    Strong skeletal attacks (approximate dmg percentage - impact dmg 20%, puncture dmg 50%, slash dmg 30%), when crumbled: behaviour is as crawler (logically dmg should be lower, but for more challenge it should be the same when fully operational or even slightly higher).

    And sometimes it could have a sword for longer reach - so in this case slash damage increases by 20%, after being shot becoming crumbled, loses the sword.

    Plus, every bone attack has chance to intoxicate Tenno (toxin dmg - let's say half of the total dmg, status chance - 40%).


    Environment restrictions:

    None, as long as there could be any logical meaning for corpses to ever be there, meaning bones.



    Basically this infestation is a Skeleton (mutated/infested bones of over-decayed corpses), I do think this Infested could be rather cool, as bones are really tough and only logically they could be destroyed by the elemental dmg types I wrote earlier. Just think about this if your team doesn't have the element type, you just can't get rid of them, and you have to keep avoiding them crawling towards you, this may be annoying in defence, but this is what will make the team think ahead, and choose at least one of the element types required.


    Infestal lore:

    Flesh fades away after years, these creatures, who are still not entirely dead not alive, are in search of flesh, that is what drives them to attack Tenno, flesh Grineer, flesh Corpus, they crave their flesh.


    And for illustrated concept I am not so advanced to create my own, so I'll just show you guys this image. Infested version should look something similar but only, it could have lil bit of flesh on bones, and maybe even still some inner organs to make it fleshier/scarier,


    Image copyright Namco Bandai Games, Dark Souls franshice. I do not own this image.

  3. Same thing happening to me now. Tried to remap channeling to x and there you go I have all set back to defaults....


    EDIT: And this little thing, is so annoying that I just can't play. And apparently I can't find .ini or .cfg file where I could remap those buttons outside game ....


    EDIT 2: and as I see this post was opened on January, cmon guys ....

  4. OK guys I don't really know how or what, but it seems my game stuttering is gone.

    What I did was 

     - I switched off all options (tesselation, shadows ...) and made shadow quality low, same with textures, turned vsync off, played one match and then i started turning options back on and just paid attention if world map has started stuttering, no it didn't turned everything back on (except for vsync) and wuola  everything is working nice and no stutters.


    running 64-bit version with multi-thread option on.

  5. Not quite sure what you mean here. Are you talking about the actual launcher, or about the actual game? If you're talking about the launcher, then I would assume that there is ONLY a 32-bit launcher. I could be wrong in this, but pretty sure that's how they would have to do it. If you mean in the game, you can toggle between 64-bit and 32-bit games in the launcher. Just click the gear icon and check or uncheck the 64-bit mode.



    On-Topic: This error seems to be resolved. U11 seems to have fixed it for for. I now get a constant 60 fps, no problem whatsoever. I also put some thought into why 32-bit mode would give better performance, and I believe I have finally figured it out. If I am not mistaken, 64-bit mode would use up to all my 4 gbs of ram. This would mean that I would have less, if any, extra RAM to spare. With my rig, I need extra memory for the graphics card, as my GPU only has 256 mb. As stated above, this means that the GPU is transferring data in between my RAM and VRAM. When I have 64-bit mode enabled, I don't have the same amount of space for the GPU to use, which in turn, slows down the GPU.  Just some info for those people out there who are having this issue.

    i mean the game itself - in game folder i only have x64 executable, but ok ill give it atry like you said, and i shouldnt have any problems with my rig, i7 -2.4ghz, 8gb ram, gt650 ... can run all newest games atleast on high settings ...

  6. just a quick question as i see you are talking about 64 bit systems, is there even 32-bit client available? i have the 64-bit client, and i do experience similar problem right now, but i still can play normally, only sometimes getting fps drop and a lot of stuttering when in menus or on login screen, which is unusual, just at some time it started ... 

  7. Hello, I don't really know if this is the right section but anyway ...

    I am searching for ability table, I once found it now I can't seem to find it again.

    Basically I am looking for a table which shows which abilities of frames is affected by either power strength, duration, range. 

  8. Well I like this weapon, as I like a lot others, and the only thing I don't really appreciate is that it is midrange, I think this should be updated, if it is a laser, it should count all the way across the visible range, or I am wrong about thinking like this?


    I guess I understand that this is made on purpose, but it's a pain, i need to run towards enemy to get my flux stream start doing damage...

  9. Hello.

    Ok so here is the situation, I built all Loki parts and eventually Loki itself. I didn't pay much attention that time (few days ago), but now I noticed that he isn't added to my warframe list, and apparently all parts are gone too. I am not sure, but it may be due to that I didn't have a slot for another warframe that time, and it may be bug concerning that system lets you claim built warframe even if there are no slots available, but i am not sure cause I just finished Trinity today, and I had 2 open slots.


    So bug report is done, but what about my Loki itself? Will I get it or should I farm for him again?

  10. ok does it look like I am the only one having problems with zoominf after U10? 

    if I zoom with rifle while running the cursor will just start glitching if I stop then it will zoom, with pistol I can't zoom while running, but zooming works fine while walking, make it like it was before U10, worked charmly - zoomed while running the tenno would switch to walking automatically...

    ok found the solution myself, i see theres something wrong with toggle sprint when you use it on controller, without it everything works fine.

    and about Nekros parts - I think it's quite fair, if you have clan or friends playing with you then from one derelict run you can get 3-10 golem navs, and right now it seems golem 100% drops one blueprint part so .... isn't that bad of a farm.


    1-2 derelict runs - 1-4 golem runs (obviously if you play alone or with full party) - 1-4 parts for bp





    Thank you very much for this update, now stamina system is ok :)

    ONe suggestion though about warframe/weapon slots - you could make a blueprint for this too, and make it just really hard to build, like 20 morphics 10 modules and stuff ....

  11. ok does it look like I am the only one having problems with zoominf after U10? 
    if I zoom with rifle while running the cursor will just start glitching if I stop then it will zoom, with pistol I can't zoom while running, but zooming works fine while walking, make it like it was before U10, worked charmly - zoomed while running the tenno would switch to walking automatically...


    After the update aim while moving around or hip fire while running is messed up using game controllers, please fix this.




    Yes as I told before, zooming is glitched now, I've been playing warframe with xbox360 controller from the start, and it was great, the full support of controller in game.

  13. For the love of god, please put stamina regen back to what it used to be. ffs


    edit: Seriously, the best thing about this game was how fluid and free the movement felt. Why make it tedious?


    + the zooming system was better before, because you get glitched when running and trying to zoom with rifle, and with pistol you can zoom only while standing still or walking, cant zoom while running.

    Before it was great when you zoom, you automatically get switched to walking.

    + I see some people talking about different language packs for WF - was/is that really necessary? - I think not as much, so don't fret yourselves about it right now too much.




    Still you have done a lot of work, which is great to see updates and things being taken care of, I haven't played WF for as long as maybe others here who are raging like crazy :D, but still they have a point, I really liked the fluent moves, maybe it was too fluent, but now it's really slow. And don't forget about the zooming, that's what's killing me while playing now, feels like I am glitching with 1000ms or more.

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