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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. True but instead of having to asks DE or other creators about the pics. Why not just create your own frame within the dojo/(or game) that's not made by the creators. Like that, you can bring your art frame pics and download it in the game and customize it to create your very own frames. Create your very own unique abilities and like usual create your weapons of course. We would called it Art Frame where you take your drawn warframe pics, either draw it as a male or female, and make your own details on it and many more. I don't know it was just an opinion.


    This sounds good at first but if this were to happen then everyone would just rush out to make the most OP frames possible with the best stats possible.  There's going to have to be some way to impose balance and limitations on what these frames can and can not do

  2. Doesn't throwing enemies off the map instant kill them?

    Imagine someone saying "Too OP!"



    I would love to have combos that vary depending on location.  In some games such as Fable and Assassins Creed your character will do different attacks based on the area, such as your Fable hero may kick a bad guy off a cliff instead of just hitting him, or Connor or Edward may jump off a nearby wall to come back and finish off an enemy with a pretty cool looking finisher.


    There are lots of environmental hazards on these levels from cliffs, to lava, to harmful water, to rotating fans, and many others.  It would be cool if you're meleeing bad guys that every now and then you may push, kick, or knock one into the hazards.

  3. I would love this but in order to make it right a LOT of changes would have to be made to both melee and guns.  The one thing would be that almost ALL guns would have to get pretty decent nerfs, just so melee would be useful.  And then since all the powerful guns are nerfed the enemies are gonna have to be reworked as well to make them challenging but still make it possible to last for an hour in T4 with your now nerfed guns.


    Then melee would have to be buffed and perhaps extra defenses added to melee mode, and all kinds of pain in the &#! stuff to make this right.


    Though with that being said my pipe dream is for Warframe to one day have awesome melee combat with grabs, impalements, finishers, and other awesome moves like in Ninja Gaiden.

  4. That's reading too much into it. Another person believed that her power "Hysteria" promoted the idea that women are over-emotional, which is a ridiculous.


    I'm sure DE wasn't aiming towards that, but come on man, haven't you ever seen your mom/sister/girlfriend/any female friend/ any female at all extremely pissed off?  It wouldn't be too insane to say they're not far off.


    I might need some flame repellent. 

  5. I was in a T3 cap and I was playing as Hydroid.  When I got to the target, I used Puddle and ate him.  Well he died in the puddle and it didn't count as him getting captured.  It also didn't count as him escaping and even though we got the other target it still counted the guy I "drowned" as still on the loose.  We even headed to extraction and couldn't extract.  Screenshots to follow.

  6. Berserkers in history are known not for being defenceless, but rather they were seen as unkillable.


    They would not wear much if any armour, which intimidated their enemies who legitimately thought that they could not be killed or harmed.


    This was further portrayed due to how they would keep fighting even when wounded, with huge adrenaline surges and naturally high pain tolerances making it so that injuries could be ignored during the battle.


    It's only video game "Berserkers" that seem to think Berserker = Low defence + high damage output combined with masochism playstyles (Injuring or otherwise debuffing oneself in order to gain damage output) while history shows Berserkers being pretty much the opposite - High defence (Pain tolerance) and high damage output (Lots of adrenaline).


    Considering Valkyr's high armour pool (Which from her lore cannot be from her actual frame) it suggests that her design is that she has high pain tolerance like berserkers from history - This then makes sense that she would have skills like Hysteria (Providing invulnerability) and Warcry (Increasing armour of self and allies as well as attack speed)


    Warcry is fine as it is, it makes sense when considering the history of Berserkers (Demoralizing enemies who see them and how fearless and scary they are, whilst bolstering allies who get bolstered by seeing them in action) and as far as gameplay goes, it's one of the best buffs to melee users - Allowing people to do better damage and survive longer. It's arguably her best ability too, Steel Fiber + Warcry + Rage + Life Strike = Huge melee damage output and nigh invincibility.


    Making it into a worse version of Roar would make it boring... It would also blur the lines between Rhino and Valkyr - Where one gets a defence boost and team wide damage boost while the other gets defence down and a self only damage boost...


    Also some berserkers cut themselves in front of their enemies to further the "unkillable" thing and also to psyche them out.  Even a small of 4 or 5 guys would often get freaked out when they come across one shirtless ax man cutting himself and charging at them swinging that ax around willy nilly

  7. Maybe the Tenno are better left-handed with Dual Weapons.


    But then what about the daggers, zorens, and kamas!?  Why can they use full size things in their main hand!?  And who is right handed when shooting guns, but left handed when using swords and knives!?  And why is it when they use single swords or heavy weapons, they're right handed!? 


    This doesn't add up!

  8. I can't even get these jerks to spawn.  I've run about every invasion mission I could find.  Always siding with Corpus.  Have only gotten the "Don't meddle with our affairs message" keep doing missions and they won't even show up.  Right now my main concern isn't that they don't drop the parts, but that they don't shop up period.   I've singlehandedly slaughtered thousands, hell maybe tens and even hundreds of thousands of Grineer.  I'd think I'd be a priority target by now, but nope.

  9. One thing has bugged me for a while about Uranus' ring in general, is it common for Rings to orbit vertically like that? Whenever I see a plaent with rings, fictional or not they're always horizontal. So is Uranus the odd case out or what?


    It is accurate in that regard.  Something happened long ago that caused Uranus to get knocked off its axis and thus it's pole, along with its ring was shifted to be vertical like that.  

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