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Posts posted by ixidron92

  1. hace 21 minutos, peterc3 dijo:

    This is an easy fix, then. Don't use it. Complaining X should be part of a base Ability does literally nothing. When has DE ever listened to this complaint about an Augment?

    Then what's the point of the feedback forum then? Are we just supposed to say "all's good" on every thread? Feedback forum is to suggest changes. That's not complaining.

  2. hace 2 minutos, DeMonkey dijo:

    (And people wonder why I don't like referring to such things as ''Exalted'', sounds so ridiculous half the time)

    That said, no, I don't think Titania should have ''Exalted Razorflies''. She already has 2 Unique weapons that require modding, a third would just be overkill imo.

    Sentinels don't even require formas to get to full potential and "exalted" stuff get an Orokin catalyst/reactor by default. So, I don't see the problem at all. It's just so much utility wasted.

  3. We were on Rotuma (kuva fortress) finished the mission, got to extraction and extracted, got the mission success and recap screen and then, we've got back on the mission instead of the orbiter. We couldn't see eachother. There was no HUD or minimap, we were invulnerable to damage, had unlimited ammo, the mission recap screen was overlayed on top of the screen and we couldn't abort the mission. There was no way to leave. We had to forcibly shut down the game.

    We've got nothing, no rewards and the mission was considered as failed.

  4. It still baffles me that we still don't have single player extraction on survival, Eidolon plains and excavation. Specially considering you can lose everything after literally hours of farming if the host disconnects.

    Having no single player extraction only creates conflict, 1 guy wants to leave, well he's screwed unless another player agrees to leave too, either he aborts the mission and loses everything or he waits until someone decided to call it quits. But what about the other 2 guys, they didn't want to leave, but they are forced to extract by the other 2 who want to leave. See the problem?

  5. hace 6 horas, plexus_brachialis dijo:

    ah yes, let me go in expecting an endless mission and getting capture/spy/thing after 3 min instead

    i would be behind the idea if it was maybe node or two per planet where you could expect random string of objectives for change of pace, but not for every node.

    Well, of course endless missions and dark sectors should remain the same. They are aunique and tied to progression. Same goes for other special, unique or tied to progression missions. The change should apply only to the generic, procedurally generated missions.

  6. hace 13 horas, BowlerHat dijo:

    Happens every once in a while and it is just depressing. Finish objective... Well now kill everything. Well thats another 5 mins...

    Seems like you want PoE incursions in normal play. Good in theory until your objective is 1k away and then the next.. Is where you started.

    One of my favorite type of missions is Orokin sabotage, because it really has all that rolled together. You have to find the portal, hack and defend one console, then hack and defend another console, then kill a miniboss, steal the void key, close the portal and evacuate.

    hace 11 horas, (XB1)Erudite God dijo:

    It would be cool as long as the normal straightforward missions remained.

    Yeah, sure, early game could be simple missions and then increase the chance of getting more than one objective as you progress further into the game. You could still have a single objective mission on Sedna for example, but it would be more likely to get 3-4 objectives.

    hace 11 horas, TheKianL dijo:

    It does sound good, but I'd rather it was a separate game mode over it being every mission. It'd get pretty annoying and kill the game for me to be honest. 

    Really? because in my opinion, what kills the game is having overly simple and repetitive missions where you skip 3/4 of the map by parkouring at high speed and go straight to the objective, finish it and then skip the rest of the map as you parkour to extraction.

    This is ridiculously obvious on capture and assassination, where you go straight to the guy you have to kill, ignore everyone else and then extract. Those 2 types of missions are usually as dull as a sack of potatoes.

    hace 9 horas, Rocktimus-Rhyme dijo:

    This is coming in the Railjack expansion later this year or Early next year. Just be patient.

    I've seen the gameplay, it seems like its own contained mission type rather than the mission update I'm proposing.

    hace 11 horas, InDueTime-EN- dijo:

    I would imagine this would do well with the "Assault" game mode. Instead of one linear set of things, you could have random stuff. 

    Yeah, it's similar, with randomized stuff you could play for hundreds of hours without repetition. There are currently 14 mission types excluding variations, archwing and arena. without repetition and 5 objectives per map you could have 240240 different missions, include the map randomizer and it's almost impossible for you to play the same exact mission twice.


  7. The thing about procedural generation is that at some point there's gonna be repetition. At some point, you'll know all map pieces like the palm of your hand. It doesn't help that missions are very simple either, so, after the first few planets, in the end you end up just skipping straight to the objective, avoiding all enemies. I've had missions last under 2 minutes and let me tell you, after Mars, it all get very boring and repetitive, yeah, I have to capture a guy for the hundred time, I have to sabotage the reactor for the hundred time, etc.


    You guys have a system that can put pieces together and randomize a map and those pieces can be used for most objective types. So here is the thing, instead of having a single mission objective, why don't we have several randomized objectives? Imagine starting a mission node and you get 3-5 randomized objectives every time, so it's never the same.


    Say for example, you have to infiltrate a control room (spy), there you get a datamass you have to take to another console (mobile defense) to open your way to the ship's reactor (sabotage), but right after you sabotage the reactor a miniboss blocks the exit, now you have to kill it to get out (assassination). 

    The combinations are endless and it would definitely make default mission nodes much more palatable instead of a chore you need to complete as quick as possible to get to the next planet and continue the main quest.

    Add a chance to get crossfire on any mission, and not just the basic 3 factions, add syndicates too, like Red Veil and Steel Meridian. Those 2 are Grineer enemies and they say they are constantly fighting them, yet we never ever see them.

    Wanna get it even more interesting, Archwing hybrid missions. Begin in space and board a ship or drop from high up the atmosphere and fight your way down to the enemy base.

  8. Justo ahora, KirukaChan dijo:

    Was it always like that? If this is indeed the case, I may be buying that Prime Vault Accessories thing after all.

    Yeah, same with normal extractors, they don't die if they are at 100% HP.

  9. hace 1 minuto, -AoN-CanoLathra- dijo:

    Well, I have both of the Primed Extractors, so I can't say much about the normal ones. However, stuff like Neurodes and Mutagen Samples are always nice to have, and as I said I tend to go for the mid-tier resources, like plastids on Uranus (iirc).

    Chances for rares are the same, for primes, only capacity is doubled (you get twice the amount). 

  10. hace 5 minutos, -AoN-CanoLathra- dijo:

    If you combine the higher-tier extractors with the Warframe Android/iOS app, you can gather rare resources while away from the game. They also tend to get rather large amounts of plastids and other mid-tier resources, amounts comparative to a dedicated farming run, so it can make that farm easier.

    Besides, you can both set these drones and run missions at the same time, so it's not like they get in the way.

    I've been using extractors and the app for 20 days straight, still haven't got a single rare resource. To be honest, that 5% chance is either wrong or maybe I'm just having the worst RNG possible. Still, gathering a rare resource every 8 hours seems very, very underwhelming.

  11. This feature seems kinda odd. I mean, the rewards are ridiculous to the point that one minute on an endless mission can easily yield more than a drone in 4 hours. On top of that you're limited the just a few drones. Which makes me wonder, did this feature used to be more important in the past and got outdated? 

    Maybe it's time to improve it a bit. Considering it's a very, very simple feature, it shouldn't take long or take much development time.

  12. hace 11 minutos, Dopekoke dijo:

    By that logic I guess we should give Gears of War infinite ammo, Call of duty, Battlefield, GTA, Counter-Strike, HALO, Destiny, etc., seeing how you state that it's an "outdated, mostly pointless feature".  

    It pointless here, not in those games. Call of Duty, Battlefield, Counter-Strike and HALO are PvP games and ammo management is a relatively important part of the game and in all of those cases it's balanced on a completely different way. Either you have to buy ammo, you have to kill someone and steal their ammo or you have  ammo boxes.

    This is a PvE horde shooter, ammo management isn't even a minor concern most of the time for most players and weapons and it's not an important part of balance either. It's a superfluous feature that's just a waste of processing power and clutters the screen with unnecessary stuff. You could remove and most people wouldn't even notice. So, why keep it?


  13. hace 20 minutos, Croise dijo:


    Did we really reach the point where picking ammo up is to much?

    That is sad............just sad.

    I know this sound mean but,leave this game and play something else!maybe a clickergame etc.

    Could you read before being sarcastic? I never said it was too much.

    I said it's very superfluous to the point that the passive ammo you gather just running around is enough (for most weapons) to keep you going without having to actually go around looking for more (i.e: basically the opposite of "too much"). So, why not remove the feature altogether? and at the same time reduce the amount of screen clutter while improving game performance, because it no longer has to spawn and keep track of hundreds of 3D objects with individual physics and collisions.

    Removing an outdated, mostly pointless feature could actually have an overall beneficial effect. It keeps things simple and maps free of unnecessary clutter.

  14. I find 2 main reasons for this, 1 from a gameplay standpoint and another from a technical point of view.

    (First of all, I don't mean removing clips or reloading, just carrying an unlimited ammo supply by default)

    1) The gameplay argument:

    Currently, ammo capacity and ammo pickups are superfluos and have almost no impact on gameplay. At first I thought they would be relevant with weapons with very low ammo capacity or very high ammo consumption, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Pickups are very abundant and ammo pools are large enough, even for weapons with small capacity or high consumption, to never run out of ammo.

    This brings me to a secondary argument here. Should we ever run out of ammo? Melee weapons have the advantage of never running out of ammo, they don't require reloading and most of them deal damage on a large cone, but of course, to compensate for that, they have a limited range, except that's pointless on a game where you can cover a 100m distance in 1 second and the enemy's most common strategy is to stare at you at point blank.


    2) The technical argument.

    Did you know that pickups are actually 3D objects with collision models, physics and SFX? Do we really need hundreds of those littering the entire map?


    TL/DR: I think ammo pickups and ammo pools are superfluous in the current state of the game, with minimal to no impact and removing them could improve performance, both in gunplay and basic game performance (less stuff to render and keep track off, less PC resource consumption).


  15. I was on an endless excavation on Mars. The host left, the mission automatically aborted, although it said mission successful, we've got nothing, the end screen was completely blank. The mission was still marked as uncompleted on my map. Also, after closing the mission summary screen, I couldn't move or open the menu, using the movement keys only moved the cursor. So I had to forcefully shut down the game and restart.

  16. Obviously, replacing all dialog is out of the question, I just mean the generic dialog for the generic missions. Like how "Deal time, interested in half priced life support?" replaces "i'm sending you another life support capsule".

  17. So, I was playing this mission and instead of the usual Lotus talking on her monotone voice, the announcer was Darvo. He was freaking hilarious. "Deal time, interested in half priced life support?"

    If Blizzard can sell announcers so can you, come on. It would be great to have new announcers for generic missions. Ordis, Maroo, Davros, etc.

  18. I don't really care about pointless platformer quests so I have no intention of ever completing it, don't care about the reward either and there are better ways of farming endo. Still, the blinking light on the alert icon irks me to no way, because it's not an alert at all and it always makes me jump to the map looking for a real alert when there is none.

    So, is there a way to permanently disable it?

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