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  1. I feel like this might need to be mentionned, since I assume I can't be the only one that this might bother. Lately, I've been doing some more public missions, and with the overwhelming presence of either wisp of volt (or even both) in pretty much 9/10 missions, I feel the need for some kind of option that would allow players to deactivate the ability to receive specific buffs. I did mention wisp and volt specifically because the speed buffs are getting extremely annoying, either gameplay-wise or just for navigation: the whole melee convulsing makes it rather hard to handle properly (with specific combos, lunge attacks, etc.) while the whole wall-headbutting by just walking really just makes the experience horrible. And yes, I know I can just backflip to get rid of volt's speed, but having to do it every 5 seconds because of a speed spammer is kinda not helping in any kind of way. Also, we have absolutely no way to get rid of wisp's speed apart from falling out of map. I get that some players like speed and attack speed (great for them really) but for the love of everything, allow others to have some kind of option to just not have to deal with this in almost every single mission.
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