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Everything posted by Blightkill

  1. Hi everyone o/ In my opinion one of the biggest early game problems for warframe is the required time from vor's price to natah. To challenge this problem there are many different aspects that need to be changed and in the following i would like to make a suggestion: 1. As already mentioned loadout lends: The frame is lend to another person with all mods irremovable locked in the loadout and the lender keeps all his mods but looses access to the lent weapons. Furthermore this should exclude kuva and incarnon weapons as they are way to late game and could cause confusion when the new player wants to get these later. As we already use the body of our crafted warframes I don’t see a reason to not implement this loadout lending as a permanent feature but it should have some time limit attached per loadout. 2. Starchart “skip” when a new player embarks on the journey through the star chart they get to know the gameplay mechanics but also combat features. Unfortunately that takes hundreds of hours of self exploration and trial and error. That’s why I suggest a skip from Venus or Mercury to Uranus where they can start the natah questline. But there needs to be some additional tutorial which condenses important aspects of the gameplay experience. I would expect some sort of a mini quest which combines the loadout lend feature with this introduced somethink like that: The other tenno would like to lend you their power but before they do so there are some combat tutorials where they show you their experiences. I know most important are combat related aspects like: These elements are regarded as good, these work well against this faction, how more advanced movement looks compared to just running around, how movement affects survivability, … They may also be a need that there are a few loadouts permanently borrowable which are created by DE staff, streamers,... 3. The last step is to guide the new players after or while they are still lending the loadout: A way to farm the weapons/ mods so they can get up to that point in equibment fast. This may also cause that below MR 10 loadout lends will default to non prime frames/weapons (for vaulted gear) and non prime mods as to make them achievable in a reasonable time (or you can advertise your pay 2 skip the grind here) I really hope that suggestion helps you in streamlining the new player experience :D
  2. Hi community/ support team, after the armor removal changes Oberons armor strip doesnt work anymore. I tested his strip with: 232% Strength -> 116% Armor reduction with and without his augment in several steel path mission and the simulacrum (190 corrupted heavy guner) I did 50 consecutive s4 casts on said heavy gunner with and without his augment. In all cases there wasn't any armor reduction . After some reference tests with nekros, amber, styanax and hildryn i am quite sure, that Oberons strip is not working properly. The easiest way to reproduce the problem is, using oberons s4 with more than 200% strength in the simulacrum. I hope u can fix the problem and have a nice morning/ evening :D
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