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Everything posted by Steel_Rook

  1. You don't have to grind to unlock either Railjack or Necramechs. The Voidrig is basically free and Railjack's cost of admission has been reduced into basically nothingness by this point. You do have to grind in order to upgrade them, but this is no different in Duviri. At this point, I've but dozens of hours into the thing. I'm still missing most level 9 and 10 Intrinsics, I'm still missing 2 of the 5 melee weapons and the only reason I have the bow is I paid for it. You can "play" Duviri just the same as you can play Railjack. There's still plenty of grind to it.
  2. In response to the OP's issues: Warframe itself is not actually all that complex. That's part of the problem. For nearly every problem, there are usually small handful "ideal" solutions which turn it trivial. And if one isn't willing to min/max, then it's simple enough to go for an immortal/oneshot build which works pretty much everywhere across the game. There are a few viable mod builds per item type (weapon, Warfame, etc.) with the rest being objectively inferior. Warframe is a game of gear checks. If you meet the gear check, victory is virtually guaranteed. The only variable is how long it takes. If you don't meet the gear check, you're either guaranteed to fail, or you'll take so long to succeed that it's not worth the bother. It's not that Warframe is complicated. It's that it's poorly explained and ass backwards. The root cause of the majority of Warframe's issues is power creep. DE refuse to institute any significant nerfs or substantive redesigns to legacy core systems, instead piling on more power on the players and more levels on the enemies. Multiplicative damage buff stacking means we can increase our weapon damage by 100-200 times quite easily, meaning enemy EHP needs to be pushed into the stratosphere such that overpowered weapons are required. But then people complain about the game being too easy so content goes up in level, but then most of the community ends up behind the curve so the game needs to be made easier, repeat. And because the game expects "optimal builds", players get pushed into the same few cookie-cutter builds themselves. Take your average critgun. The player has very little reason to slit anything besides base damage + multishot + crit chance + crit damage + elemental damage + elemental damage. That leaves two empty slots, which usually get filled with some combination of more damage/multishot/crit, optionally with something else attached (like Wildfire being Magazine Size + Elemental Damage). This is why I've proposed entirely removing Multishot from the game and turning ALL damage buffs additive. Yes, even critical damage. And that's just off the top of my head. Duviri is no different. Even assuming for the sake of argument that Drifter combat is good (which I don't agree with), it doesn't matter. All it takes is a couple of Decrees before combat turns entirely irrelevant. Enemies go down in a couple of shots so blocking, dodging and interrupts no longer matter. The random gear we get assigned similarly ceases to matter. Any autogun is as good as any other once rate of fire is boosted to ridiculous degrees. One melee is as good as any other once attack speed goes so high that our animations turn into what may as well be a cartoon dust cloud with hands and feet sticking out of it. There's a decent game at the core of Warframe, but DE seem to have decided it's more "fun" to completely break any semblance of balance and mechanics to the point of reducing the experience into an idler game.
  3. I've been a proponent for "hold to repeatedly melee" for a while. There's nothing bound to holding the melee button right now, so why not? I hardly consider "mashing keys" to be a legitimate mechanic any more.
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