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Posts posted by TheLexiConArtist

  1. As a solo player, kindly do not do anything that arbitrarily slows me down for the 'crime' of simply not bloating my mission with ambulatory potato sacks.

    Warframe is more parallel play than co-op. Everything in the game should be fairly possible solo, and not more punishing than being solo (therefore having less versatility and a single point of agency) implicitly makes it.


    Scarlet Spear is currently a violation of this in multiple ways. Firstly, the Op Link defense time is upscaled to 400% for no real reason as a solo player, with no agency to change that other than bringing in some extra sacks of potatoes when you are, and should be, able to otherwise finish the mission alone. Secondly, on Ground (ironically called the 'solo friendly' option by DE) you're tasked with mandatory fighting of higher enemy scaling (in addition to your Control/Defense obligation) - being solo and not versatile limits options to scale for your fighting while maintaining sufficient defenses - and you are tasked with shooting the Condrix, a giant damage sponge that soft-caps damage per second scaling from any single source. Guess who's a single source? Of course, the solo player. You want to have a group assaulting it because your lone efforts are being forcibly diminished.

  2. 4 hours ago, CopperBezel said:

    Under sensible definitions, JC was a content drop, and a good one.

    Content yes. I'm inclined to disagree on it being necessarily 'good', though.

    Vapos enemies are another example of one of DE's consistently repeated issues - "Throw bigger numbers here for the vets to fight during its introduction and/or associated event", which then becomes a permanent inconsistency in terms of the game surrounding them.
    Why do these level 15-20 enemies have so much more dangerous bells and whistles, or so much stronger baseline guns/protections, than the level 35-40s we get 4 planets down the line?
    Why does the player fight notably superior Drekar Grineer and mildly/situationally superior Frontier Grineer on Earth before encountering their basic forms?
    Let's not even get started on the Vallis corpus, which have been grossly overtuned since launch.

    We, as veterans, mostly won't recognise the difference, especially at-level. But when the levels are equalised for an external reason - Lich nodes on Jupiter versus Pluto for example - even we might notice the scratches on our paintwork are deeper for these fairly early-set variant enemies.
    I feel for the new players when they encounter these wildly inconsistent and unexplained spikes in opposition though.


    Disruption is also mediocre at best. The reward structure in isolation is very appealing, but Demolysts/Demolishers are a slapdash "lol nope" design that removes most viable strategies and boils it down to a sad DPS check. Most of this is because blanket Nullification fields are the most binary and terrible thing DE refuse to stop abusing, but there's also other issues making it worse.
    Prime among them was that one of their 'genius' ideas for a Demolyst was a unit that heals itself alarmingly fast to full and then becomes even more completely lol-nope to any efforts at slowing it down. That Moa is a trainwreck.
    Unexplained super-shielding that took simulacrum tests to understand (no status, no health damage while any shield exists) and regenerated too readily for its effects, pushing people into 100% Shield Disruption squads for higher scaling runs. I'm not even sure if this all still applies since the Hostile Mergers event, but it was a real pain for shoving endurance (legitimately).
    General Diminishing Return scaling across the game having a far-too-punishing floor of 90%, rendering most abilities not outlast their own casting animation (and Nullification forcing this diminishment sooner than it otherwise should).

    It also scales atrociously down from squad play to solo - you can't multi-task more than one Conduit unless low level or super-lucky; you can't find the Demolyst promptly because you are but one person and there are 4+ directions it might be approaching from, therefore limiting your DPS race time.

  3. 1 minute ago, rawr1254 said:



    I skipped over the text block one time and miss something relevant to what I'm going to say. Trust my luck.

    At that point you might as well just make augments free in general, though, and some of them are actually huge power improvements that can't really be treated that way. Some sidegrades or utilities, sure, but take something like Razorwing Blitz, for example. The only 'loss' by making it a special nil-drain slot is if you want to equip two augments, but that'd be more likely to see people just toss in the best value augment and ditch the rest with the freedom to capitalise a full build on that best value one, in most cases, except a couple where they directly stack multipliers.

    By extension to that, a lot of augments would then be better served baked into the kit. 


    Which might not be a bad thing either, but we really don't need more convoluted special-case things that will inevitable tangle up the spaghetti with which the game is built.

  4. There's already not enough capacity to fit things into the Exilus slot without over-polarising yourself into an inflexible build, how the hell are you going to stuff an augment slot onto all that?

    I mean, at least that one is safer to polarise to a single certain polarity - wait, you could potentially want to use it for those 'no-passive' mods to clear up your Exilus spot, never mind, back to square one.

  5. 8 hours ago, X0ll0X said:

    I’ll be using obtaining the Titania Prime Systems blueprint from scratch as a practical and timely relevant example. Statistical analysis is something I haven’t needed to use for a while, so apologies if the numbers are wrong even with the assumed simplifications. The drop rate data comes from the wiki. I’ll ignore relic packs since their drop rates aren’t that transparent and I don’t see them matter in the grand scheme nor in cases of bad luck. For the sake of simplicity for the calculations, how those calculations can be scaled up, and because I prefer playing WF like that, said calculations will be made for solo.

    The first step would be obtaining Axi T5 relics. The chance of obtaining one of those ranges from, for example, the comically low ~3% in C rotation of void T3 defense, to more reasonable 6.5% and 11% for B and C rotation for regular T3 defense. In my opinion, there are only 2 missions to choose from for obtaining the relic in question: T3 interception with 14.29% in both B and C rotation or Lua disruption with 14.29% in B and 12.42% in C rotation.


    We know the drop chance for Axi T5 in the given circumstances is 14.29%. To put that chance into perspective I’ll be using expected values and values to have a 90% probability of obtaining at least 1 of a given thing much as the wiki does.

    Plugging in 14.29%, it means we expect the correct relic to drop every 7 attempts - or rounds in this case. However, since the universe isn’t obliged to be nice and neither is the game, it can take significantly longer to obtain a single relic. To get to a 90% chance of getting lucky at least once it takes about 15 rounds.

    To convert that into something more tangible, I expect it to average out at around 28 minutes of farming per single Axi T5 relic in a very generous, new game mode compared to basically all the other alternatives. Even with other mission types with quick-ish modes, I expect that number to easily double (when dropped on A rotation or both B+C) or even quadruple - assuming it has the same high drop chance as in this example. Even here, you could have a 10% chance (ie, the same chance of getting a rare drop out of a radiant void relic) to not see a single Axi T5 relic after 60 minutes of just doing Lua disruption as fast as possible.


    Finally, it’s time to earn the fruits of your labor and open that relic. Due to the Relic in question being of the Axi tier, let’s just say the mission takes 5 minutes and you obtain… a common drop as will be the case 50% of the time. Calculating the expected and 90% values, you get the expectation of 10 attempts to get a single rare drop after all the preceding work and to get to 90% you need 22 Radiant Axi T5 relics.

    To put this convert this into time investment using the numbers I proposed above: I expect a typical single attempt to average out on about 45 minutes. With bad luck involved some of these runs can easily clock up to 76 minutes per run with a 10% chance, the same probability of getting the desired item, of it taking even longer. Even without the RNGods screwing you over with the actual Titania Prime systems blueprint drop, this means an expected average of 7.5 h of active farming to get this single rare relic drop. And this is with very favorable farming conditions for the relics themselves, lest we forget. Just being unlucky on that part in this example can bump up the active farming time up to 12.5 h

    These are rookie numbers.

    Let me take you all the way back to Valkyr Prime and recount the tale of getting her Chassis. The Axi V5 Relic that destroyed my will to live and proved how bad the low end of the delta can be to me.

    You say, 'drops on B and C rotations' and use a mode to force that. I say, 'dropped on C rotations only, and you had to obey normal reward structure'.

    Like any good solo lad, I did my grinding on the most reasonable node. Xini. Squads might do Excavation faster, but a) that's semi-forcing a Frame choice to be sure of protecting the papier-mache drills and b) solo excavation power carriers. No thank you. Interception's fairly close alone, although the map here is still one of the worst. A few frames could wide-range or remotely interrupt a capture, and the Zenistar's disk still functioned (rest in peace, sweet prince).

    I got fairly consistently unlucky here with drops and it took me an average of 7 gameplay hours in mission between each drop of my target relic. Just one. Yes.

    I'm going to nicely skip over the void trace grind for now, but that's additional busywork. Obviously, I'm not going to do anything but maximise my odds, so Radiant Shares are the order of the day. Forced because acquisition is unreasonable.

    One radshare has a 34.39% chance to yield the rare. It took me 8 radshares to finally see it, putting me squarely in the bottom.. let's see.. 3.4%. Not even as bad as it could have been, but still bad.

    The result: 56 gameplay hours in Xiniplus trace farming, plus recruiting and relic cracking time, for a single rare part drop through the system's intended acquisition path.


    And people wonder why they see players aborting pub missions on the hunt for randoms with new relics. How many Axi fissure sessions can you drop in and out of in 7 hours? In 56? Odds on you having gotten the drop by sheer brute force long before farming out your own - pretty decent.


    Partial solutions to the intended Relic path's problems already exist, but DE keeps shooting themselves in the foot.

    Endless Fissures would have provided a setting in which to farm more relics than normal (and target an Era) while also farming more Traces at the same time due to the Fissure Bonus tiers. But this was killed dead-on-arrival, by making it require consumption of a relic each time to increase this bonus tier (and access the resource multipliers for Traces, or the bonus refined, era-specific Relics). You expend more relics than you gain due to dud rewards in the tables.

    Bounty Reward Rotations do completely solve the biggest issue of not being able to target a specific relic with your time investment, and it actually works staggeringly well for this purpose... when we're allowed to target the relics we want. Unfortunately, all too often, and at times all too consistently for releases in a row, DE have been shoving only Unvault relics into the Bounty reward tables. Unless Bounty tables can rotate through every Relic not currently in the vault, it can no longer serve the purpose of fixing the systemic issue.


    This leaves us with the black sheep of Relic acquisition. A path that was never meant to be the primary source, but a mere sink for excess - Syndicate relic packs. With Relics came the removal of pre-grinding the keys to the doors behind which new items are going to be locked - you need new Relics with each new introduction - yet Syndicate packs remain singularly as a lingering path to pre-grinding by stockpiling Standing medallions. This makes it automatically superior to the pure RNG relic grind for a new release, because you can work toward it whenever you feel motivated, rather than waiting for the gate to be raised (new relics in drop tables).

    And yet, that's not great either. You still have to gamble with all your pre-ground Standing, because those packs might just decide to blow your entire bank and not give you that one certain relic you want. Usually an Axi. So.. it's better than pure RNG grind, yet worse than Void Keys were, and worse than Bounty farming could be if they only allowed it to function.

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, LuckyCharm said:

    I do understand your reasoning, but I also am very questionable what purpose the polarity system actually serves besides restricting you. What I proposed mostly was that you'd still be able to "forma" to get the added mod juice into your frames/weapons/etc, but mainly remove the lockout that comes with lots of forma, the constant need to reforma things when reworks and mod changes happen, and it'd make the very redundant aura forma, stance forma etc redundant. They were bandaid fixes at best any way and only really used in niche circumstances even though they cost just as much or more than normal forma. 

    It's out of date, that's all. In the past we didn't really have a pile of 14+ drain mods to stack in our builds. The Exilus slot - and its additional drain - didn't exist. Primed mods didn't exist. Rivens didn't exist. The worst offenders were a core mod here and there like your Damage, your Multishot, and your basic Effective Health modding; maybe a fatty Corrupted mod. Three or four, not several fat Primed mods and/or several fat Corrupted mods and/or the core mod(s) all stuffed in possibly alongside a Riven or an Exilus. (Or both, now weapon exilus are a thing!)

    Cutting down three or four fatties left the rest basically free pickings. Now you can need 6 or more polarised slots just to fit a complete build.


    Free uni-polarity won't happen though, because the need for more Forma while having a 23 hour build time means the bundle is always an attractive buy. That's why I proposed something that would make people more likely to invest more - by only removing the disincentives.

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, (XB1)A Sad Valkyr said:

    Because its sole useful ability is too good. Vazarin puts every defence frame out of a job, and laughs at the school actually meant to be the defensive one. I'm not asking for it to be killed off, I'm asking for it to be tuned so I actually consider the idea of bringing a defence frame in. What DE wants with that nerf, however, is for defence frames to become required, which is okay, but you shouldn't need to off an entire school to do it.

    School versus school is a different matter. I myself got hoodwinked by the original '<verb> the enemy' descriptions back at launch and the one I first picked still isn't much of anything to do with its claims.

    But you cannot say that Protective Dash puts every defensive frame out of a job, when it's more fallible and requires constant attention to do it, while also locking you out of any other abilities and your weaponry completely if remaining in Operator, or for still a large portion of that time due to the several steps required if returning to frame between Dashes.

    You'd have to be fortunate enough to keep enough enemies grouped close by to Dash through and restore more energy than you're losing, if you want to keep up the protection indefinitely without exposing your precious little potato in order for their energy to come back naturally. Prot Dash doesn't help soft lads itself, and Void Mode means more cost, no regen.
    The alternative is to jump back into Frame, but that still leaves you potentially open to displacements and mistiming with the additional state transitions. Client Transference lag, anyone?

    • Like 1
  8. It takes about 4 seconds tops to do a Grineer hack because it's purely timing, maybe a couple extra for Corpus to eyeball the layout so you know where to start twirling them tiles.

    I know the hotkey, but I don't know if I've ever actually bothered to make a cipher, Razorback aside.

    What a pointless crutch.


    I'll take my Auto Breach mod though, at least that's convenient and not much else but Untraceable is worth slotting on Parazons anyway.

  9. Can't I be jaded and having fun and getting rewards?

    I haven't been this motivated to tryhard in Warframe for months, probably. And for what..? Personal satisfaction. Why not.


    I'm going to roll out of this event with a >100 Spacer Tier 3 emblem on my shoulder and enough Stance Forma blueprints to superglue the world's most pointless jigsaw pieces onto every melee in the game, just to say I could.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, Avienas said:

    Better idea, i say that D.E. needs to capitalize on the mastery system with an extension:


    I recently dredged up my original suggestion from years ago to show to someone else, so here, let me go grab it to clarify:



    polarities-new.pngIn this mockup we can see:

    • This Warframe has two optional Aura slot polarities - Madurai and Naramon - with the polarity currently in use (Naramon) highlighted.
    • This Warframe has one optional Exilus slot polarity - Naramon - which is not in use, allowing an Exilus mod of Madurai polarity to be used without penalty.
    • This Warframe has a bank of polarity options for regular slots, still kept separate from 'special' mod slots:
      • One Madurai polarity - currently in use, allowing Primed Continuity to be reduced in drain.
      • One Naramon polarity - in use, for Constitution.
      • One Vazarin polarity - in use for Redirection.
      • One Zenurik polarity - not in use because the build in use has no Zenurik mods, retaining the 'unpolarised' slot for free normal-draining use by a mod of any other polarity.
      • Zero Unairu polarities - no Warframe mods are currently in the Unairu school, but this would be an option for future mod releases.
    • (Ignoring the stars of the old Forma indication), this Ivara has had four Forma installed - unlocking, in addition to its native Naramon Aura and Regular slot polarity and native Vazarin Regular-slot polarity: the extra Aura polarity, the Exilus polarity, one (used) Madurai polarity, and one (unused) Zenurik polarity.

    Since then we've had a bunch of UI tweaks, and the area I put the polarity bank now holds rankup stats, but there's still real-estate that could be leveraged.

    It also accounted for Auras separately than normal slots to preserve the existing system - this would be less necessary now we have Aura Forma but could still be applied to keep the Exilus slot separated (unless and until we get a uni-polarity for that too).

    Umbra polarity could be added in, with minimal intrusiveness. The design allows for aggressive storage optimisation to cut the result down to a maximum of 6 new bytes per item (using four bytes split into 4-bit nibbles for the banks stored in pairs, as no more values than 0-9 are required for each polarity, and 1 additional dedicated byte per 'special' slot).

    So, minimal database load too. Really wish DE picked it up.


    DE are more likely to rework the Polarisation system in a way that preserves the individual Forma value (and incentive) because I'd wager Forma are probably one of the bigger plat sinks out of the market. Some people, like myself, don't consume Forma much explicitly because of the result in the current modding economy, inflexibility isn't worth that extra 15% power strength or whatever.

    So, by moving to this system, it improves the QoL for polarisation, gives a better (and respected) incentive to invest more heavily, as you could forma up all the way to 8/8 of each polarity if you wanted, without ever coming to find you 'wasted' it (variant equipment aside).

    It'd also partially remove the need to ever have duplicate equipment since you can rearrange at your leisure, and if DE also permitted the slot polarity config to be saved as a part of the loadouts when implementing this, then the only salient 'reason' to have equipment dupes would be for different focus lenses, I think!

    • Like 1
  11. 50 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    No thanks. The current system creates player choice on how they want to design a build. If you remove polarities, then the game is boring and there is little build depth. You would just polarize a Warframe 10 times or a weapon 9 times and slot every build you feel like for whatever application. We don't need to dumb down the game anymore in this regard.

    The current system is just an old and outdated system that no longer accurately reflects the game's modding economy. Still, I wouldn't ask that polarities be removed outright, rather that the point of Forma in extending flexibility for expensive builds be returned. It currently does the opposite; you forma slots for expensive mods, whoops! Can't vary your build. New shiny mods come out? Too bad, you have to overwrite previous effort.

    Instead of polarising slots, we should polarise items, then be allowed to mix and match those unlocked polarities into our standard slots in any combination of using and not using what we've paid for.

    No forma becomes more valuable than it already is, and it encourages more forma investments to keep adding permanent flexibility that will never screw you over in any future mod additions or changes.

    We'd lose most of the 'cross-polarity' penalty, which is hardly a bad thing, but if desired by DE, some of this could be kept if 'non-polarity' is treated as a quantified number as well; baked-in polarities could still imply cross-polarity modding until the respective 'no polarity' quantity is increased to cover them.

    2 minutes ago, Avienas said:

    Less your weapon has NO USE for critical chance and critical damage, Which lets be honest, SMEETA & ADARZA kavats exist, arcane avenger, Vigilante mod series and even just having a harrow in your party can make any non-crit weapon into crit-able weapons. You are NEVER skipping the critical chance and critical damage mods ever in your kits.

    This is oversimplified and inaccurate.

    Harrow, Adarza and Avenger are additive crit chance. Point Strike (etc) doesn't multiply on these, so you'd probably be less likely to still use Crit Chance, even if you might feel spicy enough to still roll Crit Damage on this, depending on uptime.

    Smeeta is assignment crit chance, precisely 200% no matter what your mods or base chance are doing, so you absolutely would not use Crit Chance mods. The fact you're direct to orange-crit in some cases might minimise the value of initial Crit Damage (it only accounts from White to Yellow anyway, any tier above is 200% damage not a further exponent of crit damage multiplier) making it less worth the slot in some cases.

    Vigilante mods are simply 'chance to upgrade critical tier', so this again doesn't particularly incentivise Crit mods. At best, you're seeing a Nukor-type crit damage upgrade happen when it's otherwise unreliable (so modding Crit Damage good, chance still not so worth the slot). If you're already hitting yellows or above, though, it's once again just 200% damage regardless the initial Crit Damage multiplier.

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  12. 9 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    I cant believe I have to explain this again. Jesus christ. This is painful. Is your reading comprehension this bad or are you being difficult just to satisfy your epeen? 

    "To complete your arcane potential you needed 20 arcanes" if and only if you wanted two of the same arcane. And what I've tried to tell you already is most people didnt do that. 

    How many players do you think were running around with 2x rank 3 arcane energize or grace for example? 

    You're demonstrating willful ignorance (and being condescending about it like you actually have a point, you dont) by deliberately ignoring and REFUSING. TO. ACCEPT. that it is a lot of extra grind for a lot of people. 

    Under your own definition of what "what grind is to be defined as". 

    21 is more than 10. 

    10 is less than 21. 

    I'll say this again just because math is hard most people didnt already have 20 arcanes. They had 10. If that. 

    Now, are you satisfied with this big fat L or would you like more? 

    Okay, thanks for making yourself look an even bigger pillock than before.

    A single rank 3 arcane is still 10 arcanes. A rank 5 arcane in the new system takes the place of having more than one rank 3 Arcane available in the old system.

    So if someone wasn't aiming for 20 arcanes before, surprise surprise, there is exactly zero more grind to reach the same arcane completion level as before (single rank 3, 10=10).

    If, however, someone was aiming to double-stack, there is exactly 5% more grind to reach the completion level (two rank 3 -> one rank 5, 20 -> 21).


    Because as I've said, 'grind is grind, numbers are numbers', we're not talking about the specific changes to specific arcanes that, in some cases, might make a current rank 3 lesser than its previous incarnation, or as was mentioned, the unavoidable casualty of Proc Resistance arcanes needing more for 100% now due to their previous potency.

    We're strictly talking about acquisition, but you want to equate a rank 5 arcane with a single rank 3 arcane, which is strictly disingenuous at best, imbecilic at worst.

  13. Just now, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

    This isn't a joke, right? Like, you're actually being serious?

    Depends on how you're asking. Not sure if you're being sarcastic that I'm being critical or genuinely asking if it's that bad.

    Wishing they didn't fix the bypass? Not really, for defending anything big enough that it'd also be hit by the lasers that wouldn't help much.

    My description of the effectiveness? Well, 'four quadrillion times the damage' is obviously hyperbole, but I have seen a single Battalyst breaking a Vitrify panel in one of these assaults even at level 25, and by the later levels, even having Vitrify leech tens of thousands of extra health by passing over units doesn't slow down the destruction afterwards much.

    From what I've seen since, in terms of the Scarlet Spear experience, making the Battalyst laser-spin obey the blockage actually turned out to be more like a nerf; because the oplinks are too small to be hit much, and I can move away, having them shoot through was less dangerous than them breaking the obstacles and letting everything else in as well.

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  14. 1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    An alternative observation is great! I wish @IllogicalLogic420 had answered my question on where they got their initial information from 😞 . If it came from their own singular biased observations, I feel doubly uncomfortable using unverified healing numbers in my musings. I hope more data points are added, I’d be quite interested to know what the end result is

    It was probably judged based on the overheal amount alone, since it's harder to ascertain visually what's getting healed, if it's still getting hit otherwise. I recall a moment where a lapse of control had left me at some ~16000 health on a link, recovered control then got a support drop and had ~19000 by next deployment.

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  15. Shotguns that hit 100% in the old maths were over-performant in net proc per second output as compared to their equivalents in other weapon categories (e.g. comparing 'status hose' shotty vs. 'status hose' rifles).

    Shotguns that did not hit 100% in the old maths were under-performant compared to shotguns that did hit 100% (non-linear spike at the threshold) and compared to other weapon categories.


    Shotguns, in the new maths, now perform significantly better at any status chance that would not have equated to 100% in the old system.

    Shotguns, in the new maths, now perform reasonably comparatively to non-shotgun weapons in net procs per second at all times, instead of arbitrarily more effectively when they would have equated to 100% in the old system.


    These are the facts.


    And just for those who know whom they are:

    The trend for receiving a LESSER improvement in the migration to new maths is tied NOT to PELLET COUNT but to the ORIGINAL STATUS CHANCE of the weapon.
    Greater old status = lesser improvement (but improvement nonetheless where not hitting the 100% Breaking Threshold).

  16. Since the Revised update, the proc lasts much longer. Unless you have access to a proc-cleanse ability such as Rolling Guard, it's now effectively back to its old "set energy to zero" mechanic for most frames, because they simply won't have enough capacity to offset the several ticks of 50 energy loss.

    It's horrible and the fact the same proc is still mostly irrelevant on enemy units feels extra distasteful.

  17. It is NOT a 500 health heal.

    It is, from my own observations, at least a 3000 health heal, of which 500 can temporarily exceed the maximum health of the OpLink (20000 -> 20500) as a measure of not having an overzealous support drop completely wasted on 1hp lost.


    Whether 3000 is more palatable is another question, but it's just a credit sink. Most of us barely notice 75000 in the grand scheme of things. Nobody's making you drop it.

    • Like 1
  18. I wish they didn't fix Battalysts bypassing Vitrify and Snow Globe.

    Sure, I can feasibly avoid the Disco Dance of Doom, but it does 4 quadrillion times the damage of anything else at its level, thanks to scraping multiple lasers each probably ticking constant damage of which any single tick is already on the high end of what other Sentient attacks are outputting.

    Even at level 25, a single Battalyst can carve out the defensive wall if you let it spin a rotation or two. By the higher levels, it might as well be a Nullifier bubble for what it does to them.

  19. 1 hour ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    I cant believe I have to explain to you how basic math works. "11 more arcanes" is more than "1 more arcanes". 


    When the update dropped you would only need 1 more IF and only if you already had 2 rank 3 sets. Which I doubt was the case for most people. Like I said before, how many people do you think had ONE set of energize? Let alone two. 


    It would be reasonable enough if a rank 5 arcane was better than a rank 3 arcane. But in several cases, well that isnt the case. They're sometimes either a side grade or straight up worse. And even THAT wouldnt be so icky if several rank 3 arcanes were suddenly not made significantly worse than they used to be. But you know, you can grind to undo the nerf. Kinda.

    I can't believe I have to explain to you how basic reading comprehension works.

    To complete your arcane potential you required 20 arcanes in the old system.

    To complete your arcane potential you require 21 arcanes in the new system.

    You need one more, in total, to finish your set. How many of the previous 20 you already had does not change that figure as you can break apart anything you had towards a second Rank 3 arcane in order to fund towards a Rank 5.


    Numerical changes can be discussed as numerical changes, mechanical shifts (energise with cooldown) can be discussed as mechanical shifts.

    Grind is to be discussed as grind.

    Stop comparing apples to oranges.

  20. 5 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

    Dividing by pellet count instead of reverse calculating the per pellet chance is literally a nerf by pellet count.

    A tigris prime with 3x net status should have a per pellet chance of 25%, not 11%, which is a nerf by pellet count as a gun with 3 pellets remained the same as pre nerf once modded for status.

    Sorry No Way GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

    Exergis (3-pellet) baseline: 260.44% net procs per second than old maths.

    Tigris Prime (8-pellet) baseline with actual per-pellet chance: 259.14% net procs per second than old maths.

    Tigris Prime (8-pellet) baseline at your per-pellet suggestion: 573.32% net procs per second than old maths.

    We get it, you're unhappy that your broken 100% status output was fixed, but this fake news is getting old. You're not convincing anyone into giving you an equally busted result.

  21. 6 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    That's assuming you already grinded, or paid for, 2 rank 3 of the same arcane. 

    How many people do you think previously had ONE rank 3 energize, let alone two? 

    Assuming what? They have one more to get than they did in the previous system in order to reach peak completion, no matter how much they'd gotten in the previous system.

    Whether you had 20 and needed 0 (now 1) or had 0 and needed 20 (now 21), that's still the same 'more grind' than before - again, specific arcanes' number/mechanical changes notwithstanding.

  22. 1 hour ago, Lioneriod said:

    Well i was afraid of suggesting something way too far and getting the devs away. So i tried with something smaller and more relatable. But yeah i 100% agree with the death of rng in this game. 

    Complete death, not so much. But these things could all benefit greatly as a backup - 'bad luck protection' which becomes more relevant the more work you put in (the more limited your desires become through quantity of engagement).

    The ideal, for me, is to roll random drops that can be opted out of for a proportional amount of credit at the respective shop. The exact proportion of pricing within rarity and between rarities is up for DE to decide, but it preserves the RNG nature of good drops, while giving you a backup if you just never get that one thing you want.

    Sortie tables, for example. Imagine you're a player with 100 more Orokin Reactors than you have items in which to put them (i'm almost there myself). Reactors are a rare-tier drop, but they're 100% useless for you in this scenario. You could pick up credit instead of Reactors when they show up, which you could use to buy the Catalysts you still need; when a Catalyst rolls from the table you just get one, but every (2, 3, 4?) Reactors you roll could be siphoned off into an additional Catalyst buy.

    You completed a Sortie! Reward (Orokin Reactor || 100 Sortie Cred)

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  23. Just now, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    To be fair, Nullifier required a rank 3 + rank 0 (11 total), or a rank 1 + rank 2 (9 total) to reach 100% immunity, now it takes 21 total.

    Fair point, but that's a number problem that I think was just unavoidable due to the bar set by the old design.

    Still, most of the proc arcanes are ill-desired, Nullifier is probably the most relevant but also common as dirt. It's hard not to have had a double-stack of that before you're anywhere notable on the other ones whilst contending with limited drop tables and RNG.

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