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Posts posted by atom

  1. I think you are missing the bigger thing... players who are opposing to that idea want players to actually play pvp, and not just skip it and get the mods (that are called PVP mods for a reason).


    It can get lonely in there sometimes.

    i understand that and i think the reason they put this exclusive PvP thing in is to promote PvP. however they must realize that simply can't be done .. at least not in this way. the majority of players are here for the co-op PvE game exclusively and simply have no interest in PvP in whatever shape way or form. there is no way anyone can make PvP more appealing since it's a totally different type of gameplay for a different type of player.


    if i'm a vegetarian i'm not going to eat meat no matter how much salad dressing you try to put on it.

  2. So question how is this any different from the event mods, only available from one thing, it's also limited time(pvp mods arnt) , what if I don't like events then I have to buy them, same arguement really so why only pvp complaints

    P.S. I think pvp mods are great and should be useable in pve

    the difference is event mods are within the realm of PvE which the majority of players are here for. not to mention you can even get  then if you play solo. comparing grind/time walls within PvE to the totally different gaming experience/genre of PvP vs PvE is not fair. it's like comparing apples to markets.


    i think the PvP mods are great too and i wish to see more of them usable in PvE and i hope this is the direction the damage rework is taking. however due to the fact that this is primarily a PvE game and the overwhelming majority of players are here for the co-op aspect everything usable in PvE should be obtainable in PvE.


    i'm starting to realize that anyone opposing this very reasonable idea has PvP rep and is trying to speculate the sudden high demant and low offer of those mods. naughty naughty 

  3. I've given you plenty, you just can't seem to wrap your head around very simple concepts.  Massive grind walls that require potatoes to get out of (and then moves the same grind wall+potato fee to other syndicates) is every bit as much of a gate to most players who want syndicate content in opposing syndicates.

    That's why you're still able to sell syndicate weapons and mods pretty easily in trade chat. 


    No one really has any problem with this.  They just trade plat/mods/weapons for what they want.  And these are for items that are really, really good in PvE. PvP mods are not even remotely as effective and are every bit as accessible.


    Your objection to the current state of PvP mods in PvE is slippery slope argument and speculation on weapon damage changes which DE hasn't even finished designing and hasn't talked about in any meaningful detail since nothing is finalized yet.


    My opinion is that we shouldn't make mountains out of mole hills.  A hand full of subpar mods that are every bit as acccessible as plenty of other items in the game are not going to split the player base.  You need to come back to reality before you post again.

    funny you should say that when you're the one who can't tell the difference between a time/grind wall and a totally different reason for playing. comparing grind/time walls within PvE with PvE vs PvP is wrong. it's not the same kind of gate and that matters.


    yes many players skip the those walls within PvE and they can use the same trading method to skip this one. however this makes for a divide between the handful of players that have PvP rep and speculate the high demand vs low offer of PvP mods and the rest of the playerbase which is primarily PvE. 


    no one has a problem with the grind/time walls in PvE because everything usable could until now be acquired for free within PvE. we understand the need for those walls in a f2p game and we can choose to climb them or pay for a shortcut.


    my objection is again if it's usable in PvE it should be obtainable in PvE because the overwhelming majority of players here came for the co-op PvE gaming experience. it's really that simple you should be able to understand it and it's not just my opinion that should be obvious if you look at this thread and others like it.


    so far very few players such as yourself are opposed and what to keep this PvP exclusivity and they no doubt have something to gain from it so please cut the BS.

  4. is it just me or does exalted blade have excessive camera shake now? similar to what fluctus had before the latest patch when it was toned down. please adjust it for EB also. it's very distracting and too much of an eye strain. ty

  5. You don't know where your begin because your arguments are nonsense and aren't really backed up by the reality of the game.


    They are not only available to PvP players.  People who want them can play PvP or trade for them. Plenty of people hate grinding for other syndicates yet they have to grind syndicates or trade.  Plenty of people also hate the grind involved for prime stuff yet they have to grind void missions or trade.  Or how about grinding trials for arcanes?   


    Where were you for people that don't like grinding that stuff? This affects you more than it does others so you're complaining about it, but the simple fact is that PvP mods are every bit as accessible as plenty of other items in the game that people don't like the missions for.


    If you want to talk about bad precedents, bending over backwards to forum whining about accessibility of even the most insignificant (and PvP mods are most definitely insignificant to PvE) mods/rewards/etc. is a terrible precedent to set.

    what? please reread your post and try to think about what nonsense means

    "They are not only available to PvP players.  People who want them can play PvP or trade for them"

    come again? if the are not available in PvE they are not accessible to PvE players. they are exclusively available from PvP...that means PvP players ... do i need to make you a drawing?


    we are not discussing the grind here but the gating of PvE items bhind the totally different gaming genre known as PvP

    i don't like the grind either and have spoken out against the excessive use of RNG but that's a very difficult and sensitive topic i'm sure you can understand why.


    "This affects you more than it does others so you're complaining about it"

    you assume too much i already have all the PvP mods. what bothers me like i already said is having PvP exclusive content usable in PvE.

    make it possible to obtain in some way (there are many very good suggestions in this thread) and we don't have a problem


    "If you want to talk about bad precedents, bending over backwards to forum whining about accessibility of even the most insignificant (and PvP mods are most definitely insignificant to PvE) mods/rewards/etc. is a terrible precedent to set."

    so in your opinion we should keep quiet about problems that have the potential to grow into something that alienates players and split the community.


    you still haven't given me one reason for why you think having PvP exclusive content usable in PvE or why you think forcing PvE'ers in PvP can be in any way a good thing.

  6. That's a nonsense argument.  Theoretical accessibility is meaningless to the vast majority of players who don't have the time or potatoes to waste going in and out of syndicates for something they can throw ~20p at.


    Because CTF and TDM don't require any cooperation /s.


    Because they're just as readily accessible as plenty of other content.  They're not accommodating PvP focused players in making PvE content more accessible so why should they bother doing it for PvE players with mods that aren't even all that good or remotely necessary?

    dude ur so full of it i don't even know where to begin. i already listed all the arguments for this. i'm tired so this is where i draw the line.

    can you give me a single argument on why you are opposed to this? why do you think PvE content should be exclusively available to a small percentage of players that are PvP oriented? why do you think forcing PvP on PvE players is good?

  7. "The difficulty of acquiring PVP mods via PVE needs to be equal to or higher than it is in PVP to make it fair IMO."


    This suggests to allow them to be acquired through some means in PVE, but make it much more grindy than PVP.

     i can get behind this. i think it should definitely be possible to aquire them in PvE while rewarding PvP players dedication. 

  8. Tell me how it's any different from people who have to grind out of the rep hole and throw a catalyst offering to get out of negative rep to grind for other syndicate mods. It's just as inaccessible as PvP mods are for most players.  Staggering numbers of people just trade for syndicate mods rather than grind for them yet you don't see people complaining about that.  These PvP mods are no different.


    I don't need plat off PvP mods.  I have plenty of catalysts and reactors stocked up and have been able to keep more than enough plat for my needs just selling off arcane helmets/extra mods/primes etc. etc. and occasionally buying plat when I get 50/75% off.


    This boils down to people wanting to rail against PvP for no good reason as usual.

    it's different because the other syndicates are within the PvE realm and theoretically accessible to anyone that came to this game for PvE (the overwhelming majority of players).

    PvP is a totally different game genre for a different type of player and your comparison is flawed. competition vs cooperation


    nobody is railing against PvP for no good reason the only problem we have here is gating PvE content behind PvP.


    again i say if it's usable in PvE it should be obtainable in PvE. how is that unreasonable? the only reason you would oppose this can be a selfish one and that i can't abide.

  9. So many +1s


    Most people have to trade for syndicate mods and weapons that they can't reasonably get.  How is this any different?




    It's not exclusive.  Anyone can play PvP.  And again, none of these mods are especially good in PvE.

    again you willfully misinterpret what is being said. the mods are exclusive to PvP while they are usable in PvE and because of that we have a problem.

    i get it you have tons of spare rep with tensihn and you smell an opportunity to speculate the rare status of pvp mods and get rich off of it.

    this is another reason why having PvE usable mods exclusive to PvP is a bad idea

  10. So how bout this. You know the little mission objectives that you get at the start of the mission? Perhaps tenshin can give you bi-mission side objectives in which you have to complete. Instead of conclave rep, it gives you tokens, and you spend tokens to purchase the mods from tenshin since he is the pvp master etc..


    Here is the catch, you don't have to be max ranked to get all the mods, just trade in the appropriate amount of tokens to get the mod :D. I think this would encourage players to become better, and have them get a little trophy mod(pvp mods since pve players don't want to pvp) at the end.


    However adding it to the drop tables would create massive salt and rage, because pve players don't want the pvp mods and they will complain about how DE is this or that. Thus it is not a good idea :/

    i like the idea. and i like the PvP mods system and the direction of balance they take and i wish we see more of that in PvE as well. all i'm trying to say here is that if it's PvE content it should be available in PvE in some shape way or form. not exclusive to PvP which is such a different take on gaming experience compared to PvE.

  11. So how would you introduce the mods without making them pvp exclusive? I mean it could be done, just have to reward skillfull game play, it is what the conclave is for.

    I am genuinely confused. What did they do in fire fall? can we avoid it o.o? sounds really bad if so many players left

    idk there's a myriad of possibilities ranging from them being available from other syndicates as well to having them added to the mobs drop tables or mission rewards or even making conclave sigils reward rep for certain actions in PvE.


    i agree that conclave stuff rewards skillful gameplay (or rather best hardware/connection and abusing hosting and broken meta) however that argument goes out the window once you make the mods usable in PvE.

  12. People said the same thing when they started doing a lot of weapons as clan research.  Piles of weapons have been added as market BPs as well since then.  Nothing is set in stone and it's pointless to speculate about trends that you can't prove will be permanent.


    And again, it will only be a real issue if they add mods that are actually good in PvE.  None of these really are.  There are superior mods that can take that mod slot in every case right now.  Speculating over whether the damage rework will change that is pointless since only DE knows whether or not that will be the case.


    The mods are not a necessity so if you absolutely must have them, play some PvP or trade for them.  Nothing entitles you to getting them any other way.



    right .. i'm entitled because i expect PvE content to be obtainable in PvE?


    also once they released the 1st clan tech weapon the continued to do so ... so you point is .. proving me right?


    the only reason they moved on from that i because the devised new time and resource gates for which i understand the necessity but gating bhind PvP to promote it is a whole nother level of bs and disregard towards the majority of the player base.

  13. So... 4 people cooperating to defeat another team 4 people cooperating isn't a cooperative experience?


    The problem that tends to come from PvP it's actually easy to fight on paper but requires a cumunity effort: If new players are exposed to douches who just farm them, insult them and don't try to teach them how to improve will likely quit or become douches themeselves. I try to catch any new player I can find in Conclave and point them in the path of the good competitor, "Humble in victory, graceful in defeat, honorable in combat" and teach them some of the basics and how to deal with douches. Now take that to a cumunity level and you reduce the amount of douches because they aren't reproducing.


    About not liking PvP, I will tell you a story:

    A few years ago my friends began playing an onlyne game which had terrible pve, namely the only pve options were "grind mobs" and "do quests that demand grinding mobs", I didn't like it, but my friends had fun with it, why? because you could level trough pvp and the game mechanincs made possible for players to beat other players of higher level even in 1v1 combat. I hate PvP at the time so I quit the game, months passed and my friends had fun with it and experimented a lot of awesome and funny moments while I grumbled to myself what was the fun of PvPing. Years passed and we began playing another game, when we finally  reached the levle cap we discovered that PvE was abundant but had limits, once you got bored your only option was to PvP, I gave it a try and actually enjoyed the thrill of fighting other players, there were moments of rage, moments of awesome but mostly funny moments. THEN I understood how much of a doche I was and how much fun I didn't experienced because of my stubborness, nowadays I play PvP for fun and challenge (yes I have my rage moments but that's mostly for "fake balance" or outright imbalance which also enrage me in PvE [like a certain game where only 1 class out of 6-10 is useful] ).

    nice story and i know what you mean. i must admit i did enjoy 1(one) of the many PvP instances i played here but the vast majority of them are riddled with the lesser kind of player here for feeling 1337 by speculating the latest broken meta without a shred of honour or grace.

    PvP can be fun amongst friends however the point here is about gating content behind PvP when the overwhelming majority of players want nothing to do with it.

    there is no valid reason for exclusive PvP content that's usable in PvE. this is not how you make PvP more interesting



  14. Precedent only matters if it's followed.  This doesn't have to be.  Speculation that it will be bad because of the damage rework is pointless fear mongering.


    Teshin mods are going for well under 100p (20-30p max); challenges+syndicate cap allow people to grind out enough for a mod each day if their mastery is high enough.  Most PvP players barely spend any standing since content hasn't been added often enough to teshin's offerings for people not to be able to fill up their standing pool if they play regularly.

    now you're being willfully ignorant. when was precedent not followed in this game in situations such as this?


    also you are disregarding the supply and demand rule which very much applies to this case where one of the mods clearly outshines the others in demand.



  15. You guys realize that it's relatively easy to farm plat via trading, right? And literally the only mod worth using out of the ones now enabled in PvE is the Spring-Loaded Broadhead for Daikyu. Everything else is worthless as you'd be sacrificing damage for utility.

    this has been addressed already in this topic but i'll reiterate. bad thing about this is the precedent it creates and mod's usefulness will probably change with the damage rework.

    also try finding one spring-loaded broadhead in trade for a reasonable price please. hell even make it 100p ... nobody sells it because very few players have it and if they do and are willing to trade it you can bet the price will be huge. not cool



  16. I do understand the implications. And as I've said multiple times even though I'm not a pvper and don't care for the game mode, I have no problems with this at all. If there were PvP mods I wanted I happily jump in and grind it out. Is it gonna kill you to PvP a few times? No! It is not a big deal. If you're not willing to do 100% of the games content you don't deserve 100% of the gear. Hell, if they made that nyx adsorb augment usable in pve I would jump in without hesitation and a smile on my face, and again that's coming from someone who doesn't like PvPing in any game at all. "Fair" this has nothing to do with fairness lol that's absurd. I hate that word "fair", life's not fair and no one told you it would be. Fair is a made up, childish notion. As many, many people have said repeatedly, major changes are coming to both mods and the star chart so there is a very real possibility all those mods will be available by other means. Maybe try a little patience instead of screaming the sky's falling.

    i don't want 100% of the gear. just the part that's usable in PvE. and i want to be able to get it playing PvE. end of story


    p.s also this is not real life this is a game in which i expect to get away from real life issues. the moment this becomes a chore and loses it's fun is the moment it loses my interest

  17. I understand what you're saying but think of PvP as new content like raids, bosses, ect. All have desirable gear locked behind them. The problem seems to be you feeling "forced" to do PvP. How exactly are you forced? As a pve player, how do you have even the slightest motivation to obtain these mods? They are worse than any other option we have available. They will have absolutely no effect on pve bc no one with any degree of intelligence will use them in pve. This disparity of "forced" and "need" are totally in your head bc the reality is you are not forced to do it and you don't need those mods. Honestly you shouldn't even want them.

    you are not seeing the big picture and the precedent this creates. the mods are not mandatory now but it creates the possibility of them releasing ones that are in this manner. PvP and PvE are very different game modes usually catering to a very different type of player. most of us came this game for the PvE aspect and want nothing to do with PvP. they should keep things fair and not break their promise of keeping the modes separate by having the mods also obtainable in PvE. end of story

  18. what i mean is simaris changes the target each day even if i took the job days ago and never managed to scan a single one.  if you talk to him the menu shows that you accepted the job and the updated target so i didn't think it was necessary to cancel and reapply for it.

  19. -Post item i want to sell

    -Some copy/paste post that covers the whole chat box

    -Some copy/paste post that covers the whole chat box

    -Post gone

    -Wait 125 seconds to post again


    it's a buyer's market. here are the instructions:

    -step 1: open eyes

    -step 2: use them to scan for WTB

    -step 3: pm the user with your price if you have it

    -step 4: profit


    bigger better faster stronger version here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/552095-how-to-trade-like-a-pro/

  20. That's fine. But then this results in people complaining when new weapon variants are released, and you are quite literally wasting your time because DE can and most likely will make better versions of everything, so why even bother forma'ing anything that isn't a Prime, Vandal etc? It's useless, and you can't complain about a lack of forma when you're using it on things that will become obsolete. You'd have more if you chose them properly. I'm not directing this at you, at the general forma freaks who feel the need to put at least 3 on everything they own. No. You're overusing them. You don't need that much forma and it's not drying up, sorry. You're just exhausting your supply far too much for little compensation in return.

    in this case you don't need to use potatoes either and treat almost every weapon/frame like mastery fodder if it doesn't have a prime/vandal/wraith/dex/etc in the name. i don't think that's DE's intention. i'm sry this is not an argument it's just your opinion man. if you don't use forma ur not in a position to comment i'm sry. the fact is many of us use forma and are mostly out of them since the nerf. maybe you saw topics like this from time to time? that means there's an issue and in my experience more players need forma then don't.

  21. If you  didn't maanage to get the daily target within the day ... You'll only get that if target is the same... But better go cancel and accept the new daily synth ... I had that with BM's for a while ... I just wondered why could I do that sitll ... but it's just bugged . And reported to moder to move the thread to "player helping players".

    this did happen i must admit but on asking simaris what is my target he shows me the updated one so i didn't think it was necessary to reapply for the job. i'll definitely try your tip thank you.

  22. They're only screwed over if the mods are actually good, none of them really are.



    Name ONE gun that would benefit from a PVP mod. Which one is worth giving up damage on for holster speed?

    that's not the point. things may be different after the damage rework. the point is IF IT"S USABLE IN PVE IS SHOULD BE OBTAINABLE IN PVE!

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