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Posts posted by atom

  1. i hate the cap tbh. the cap feels ok for syndicates but terrible for focus.

    i wish we had diminutive xp gain (affected my MR) instead of a hard cap. switching gear in arsenal would reset the gain limitation until the mark that triggers it is reached again for that specific lens.

    this would encourage me to make use of my varied arsenal and buy xp boosters.

    the sheer amount of xp needed to max the trees should be enough of a limitation. make them bigger if u have to. 

  2. i play this game to have fun. destroying enemies is fun for me. picking up stuff is not so much. enter carrier


    calling me lazy because i don't enjoy running around picking up crap is just bollocks




    i wish they would make vacuum percept available to all companions/frames and give carrier a new ability that has been suggested so many times. actually carrying stuff for you like extra ammo/energy/health (a buffer of sorts)

  3. As much as I'd like it to be plat purchases, the fact that is real money transactions is WAY better for the artists making the items and for DE in general, thou I do wish the price was a bit lower.


    And depends from game to game: TF2 worshop creators get money by checks/bank transfers monthly, if I remember correctly, could be very wrong. A few people make a living out of selling DOTA 2 stuff, too. I have no idea what sort of deal the tennogen guys have.


    steam wallet is not real money. it's a digital currency you can only spend on steam afaik. so actually most of the sale % goes to valve in the end as everything the creators make is bound to steam unless they choose to try various dodgy practices of getting cash out of steam which could potentially result in a ban.


    i'm with OP on this one and i hope they can make them available for ingame purchase with plat asap.

  4. I don't buy it for the exclusive status (not to mention these "time limits" cycle yearly with DE so everyone can get it, it's not exclusive). I buy them because I skipped on proto-excal when it came out the first time (didn't play excal back then) and kept regretting it for over a year.  


    And I'm actually pro-permanency. Hated the fact proto-excal was time limited.


    My point (several pages back) is that first DE lures you into a quick buy (with a time exclusive limit, which until now have always been on a yearly cycle) only to make the same skins permanent several weeks later. That's a very cheap trick to pull on loyal fans.   


    They should have made it permanent from the start.

    so you should be happy they finally corrected that mistake.


    i agree they used a cheap marketing tactic they shouldn't have (both morally and economically) but i can forgive them for it and just be glad about the change.


    for the record i bought the skins on day one too because i liked them and i think it's a good thing anyone that missed them now has a chance to get them.

  5. Here's the thing. I'm sure some of us have bought platinum at an "inefficient" time. But many of us wait until we see the 50% or 75% discount pop up.


    So to me, the max I'd spend on plat in one go would be the 2100p pack, that's £65.99 or  £16.50 with a 75% discount. So to me £1 is ~125p that is the conversion I have in my head, so when DE sells a skin for ~160p I'm thinking "Is that worth just over a quid" and the answer is generally yes.


    Warframes? at ~275p it's a harder sell, but sometimes the question is: "Am I willing to sacrifice just over 2 quid to be super lazy and impatient?" sometimes the answer is yes. 


    Now that Rota Syandana is nice but it's no where near ~600p nice, because that is the equivalent as far as my wallet goes.


    I'd be looking to pay less that a DE created asset, sorry to the creators out there but I put a premium on assets made by the game creators. even at a generous reading that puts it at £1, that's the sort of level that a virtual scarf in a computer game should be.

    same here

    i do hope they add them to the game with the standard conversion rate so us non-steam users can buy them too

  6. you seem have no idea about the meaning of 'Limited' dude. 


    actually I don't care about money, I don't care about skins, whatever, it's just meaningless outfit in virtual world.

    I even don't expect DE will take some action about this. I paid and it's gone. it was just complaining. 


    The point is they tricked. okay?


    please think first before you say something. your attitude really make me disgusting.

    when i see TIME limited i know it means it's available for a limited time and it will come back in the future (which is what is happening now)

    if you bought the items just so you can have something not everyone has access to ... let's just say u got what u deserved.


    Quite a few of us bought this skin BECAUSE it was available for a limited time (even with the clear indications it might return yearly like some of the proto-skins). I bought several without even having the weapons/warframes for them because I really regretted buying the proto-excal skin the first time around.


    It's a marketing tactic, which is fine.


    You feel cheated though when they suddenly become available for all time. Right now I'm sitting on several skins (worth hundreds of plats) because I bought them on a just-in-case basis. If I had known that they would become permanently available in the near future I wouldn't have bought half of them.

    yes it's a cheap marketing tactic i agree and it's despicable but expected at this point in history from a company that needs to make money. the bigger fault is in you for buying something you don't really want just for the exclusive status. learn, grow and get over it.



    I didn't expect you would LIE to me... I trusted you, DE.


    I hope there will be some extra benefits for early purchased users. or give my plats back :p

    time limited meant you had it before it was available for everyone else (tbh they should never have been time limited to begin with)


    you got what you paid for why would you ask for a refund? early purchases had the benefit of early access that's enough. you don't really need some exclusive digital item to feel special do you? didn't your mom tell you you are special already?

  8. i use t3d to rank up stuff regularly and having a rank 0 frame is fine if you mod it (you can using aura) and you bring a good weapon. i do get a lot of flak usually from folks that see a rank 0 frame and assume that means unmodded. the thing is after the 2nd forma and past w10 if you use a booster you actually have a decent frame for use in the game if you took the time to mod it before. that being said i would not take an unranked frame to survival unless i had a camping team.

  9. That is more of a fear of the unknown. This mod would only make warframe less of a nightmare to mod. The modding of a warframe is a disaster right now. It would be balanced by the fact that you can only get it from baro, it would cost tons of cores and space/forma to fit it on a warframe. Then it can't go past the already reachable 75 % cap. This mod is fine. 

    That is more of a having my cake and eating it too. This mod would only make fleeting expertise more or less useless. The modding of a warframe requires tradeoffs right now. Calling it balanced by means of exclusivity status is a real stretch. This mod is pointless.

  10. no one like AFK'ers in their game but Archistopheles is right. it was probably before w5 so really nothing the team couldn't handle and it's possible the person had a legit reason for being away from the computer for a brief time.

  11. i think the only problem with QT atm is the stagger lock. this can be fixed by adding to QT the effects of the PvP mod Anticipation that grants a 8s immunity to stagger after a previous stagger has been inflicted. the stagger immunity bound to QT can be less, 4s should be enough to allow escaping a dangerous spot.


    to clarify it think the OP's idea doesn't really address the issue because u can't cast if you are locked in stagger after stagger and then die

  12. And this is the kind of player that then says things like "pvp" is toxic.

    The easier way is not always the the best. Pvp syndicate deserves being treated like any other syndicate and get its exclusive rewards, and ways to these rewards being gotten by players who can't pvp could be added later. Still if you don't want to do pvp that's not a good reason to stop other players for being rewarded by their performance. We're no asking for things being unlocked after getting certain KD ratio (that would be elitism) but simply rewards from our syndicate in the same way the other syndicate reward players dedicated to them.


    my mommy said elitism keeps the game alive, and that yiu could also complain about it and start opening threads asking for the deletion of skull badges (elitism at its best) prime accesories (money elitism) or at least asking fir them being farmable in pve or simply not usable in this mode due to not being available for everyone. She also sent a hug and a cocoa for you (:

    pvp deserves rewards but because it's a different game mode (one would say opposite to the rest of the game that is co-op) having exclusives in it would be unfair towards the majority of the player base which has no interest in pvp.

    you must understand that it's a syndicate just because DE chose to name it as such .. that doesn't mean it's just like the other ones.

  13. Nope. You're still being selfish because you don't want rewards for people who plays in a gamemode you don't like/can't play. Srill nobody forces you to get everything in game, so "fircing is ti pivipi" sounds just like a childish argument. If you want have fun by killing masses with a sinple button, that's your choice. If you don't want go in the "competitive" part of the same game ("competitive" due to no leaderboards nor leagues, nor whatever. Only competitive during the current match) to have fun, that's your chance/issue. There have been suggested some ways to get pvp standing without even doing pvp, but you still against this syndicate getting exclusive stuff using the same childish arguments "everything should be available to everyone via pve" to keep us away from anything else instead of providing ideas to close the gap between pve and pvp, thing that could make happy to both of us.

    please try to read what i wrote. i'm not at all against rewards in pvp. what i don't agree with is EXCLUSIVE ones. surely you can find satisfaction in being rewarded same as everyone else in this game whether they choose to play in competitive mode or co-op. if you think you deserve more than the rest of us i'm sorry to tell you that means elitism, entitlement and selfishness.

  14. Pve also doesn't need to be the only game mode where tou get rewarded for playing. Don't be selfish and allow players who are actually able of playing pvp to get something that you will keep restraining yourself from getting simply because you don't like the game mode where it is obtained. cosmetics would be fine, but I agree that if there was something else, a game modifier (mods, weapons, etc.) There should be a way maybe with godlike levels of rng grind and difficulty to get it without set a foot near the pvp console.

    you are the selfish one here pal because you want exclusive stuff. i'm the opposite of selfish because i'm advocating for the rewards to be accessible to everyone. i'm not saying no to pvp rewards i'm only against exclusive ones.


    i't not only about not liking pvp for some of us it's an issue of machine performance that restricts us from being competitive in pvp. i can play pve just fine with 40 fps but in pvp that's borderline unplayable.

    also you may want a challenge in a game because you have little of that irl at your age but maybe some of us just want entertainment and a way to chill in our game. why should we be forced into that arena when we are here for a co-op experience?

    my days of pro pvp are behind me and my "gaming" rig is not updated anymore. i'm over it simply put and this is why i play warframe because it's easy and fun. having exclusive rewards in pvp that affect the pve part of the game spoils my game. however rewarding pvp with the same rewards as pve or keeping them restricted to pvp is in no way negative for you. get my point?

  15. Oh, that spoiled bunch that wants everything their way and is always pessimistic about archwing and conclave while providing no feedback at all.


    That's actually great, those mods are all little bonuses that'll reward those who play the game in its entirety.


    I like the hypocrisy on some people, they be like: 'I supported the game in its infancy' and then 'archwing and conclave are unfinished, they suck, i won't play it and,WTH,why are those people that play it being rewarded?'


    Please, don't hold back more open minded people. Thank you.


    Also, DE is trying to find a middle ground here, you have games like Destiny, where you are basically forced to play crucible (pvp), and don't come with that 'Destiny is crap', it's a nice opinion you have and that millions of people will be glad to disagree with, myself included. Having an  open minded about both, I can say that DE has indeed found a nice middle ground to interwine the different parts of its game, otherwise, conclave would be plain pointless.


    Sharkwing, now this, keep'em coming.

    i like how the "open minded" poor unrewarded players are always throwing around insults to justify their selfish pov


    my point is you don't need anything exclusive as a reward please stop being selfish

  16. 100% guaranteed you CAN NOT get more players to play pvp by putting desirable and useful pve mods behind it 

    it will never work


    people only play pvp because its fun

    but you can only have fun if you can be competitive and you can only be competitive if there is a level playing field and you can only have a level playing field if pvp its not p2p hosted


    maybe some will try pvp again, if thats the intended idea then ok fair enough and it was worth the shot 


    still think faction vs faction (non-tenno) pvp would have been a huge success and faction pve mod rewards would have been appropriate to entice players in

    totally agree with the balance issues and i very much like the idea of faction vs faction. however there would be balance issues there also because let's face it ... one faction is clearly dominating


    it's the grineer

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