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Posts posted by Lady_Viper

  1. A flash of white light came over them. For a moment Arthur thought that they had been hit by a radial blind and in reflex he had drawn his Hate to lash out at whatever he could hear trying to sneak up on them. His HUD tried but failed to filter the light to levels where he could see anything, but all of a sudden he could see his own hands again. He could see Lancelot, his Hate and his own movements yet there was still a bright white light. What was off about it was the emptiness he sensed. The alarm-clocks in his head rang furiously from all of it.

    They were both standing up and still there was this feeling of nothingness beneath them, even all around them, as if they were in an empty void. All of a sudden it was as if they had landed on ground again as a floor appeared beneath their feet and seemed to expand into the distance. Still clutching his scythe, Arthur’s mind was racing as a room with vaulted ceilings and machinery grew forward around them. “Did we just get telepo-“ Like Lancelot, Arthur jumped by the sudden sound of the Cephalon’s voice speaking to them.

    When the other Excalibur had asked his questions, Arthur had some of his own. “First off, Where are we exactly and how did you get us here and why? And what happened to you?

  2. Arthur watched in silence as Lancelot spoke and moved in on the transmitter before saying “You know, considering that we’ve already unleashed a terrible evil here, I’d say our odds are good” When he finnished, he moved over to the unit, put his hand over the other Excalibur and pushed.


    ‘Well aren’t you just the suffering martyr’ Jinx though acridly. The Trinity’s sad little smiles were starting to piss her off now instead. It angered her that she just seemed to accept her suffering. The thought that Anna also might think that putting up with all that somehow made her better than others crossed Jinx’s mind, stoking those flames.

    ‘Better feeling anger than sadness. Anger keeps you going, sadness just turns you into a sobbing mess.’

    She didn’t say anything in response to the Trinity, instead biting her tongue so to not start an argument. Like Anna herself had said, she had a think skull, so no matter what she said it wouldn’t help. She instead turned her head to look at Zokah to see what her thoughts on all this was. And show what her own thoughts on it were, though she was not sure if the point would come across with her helmet still on.

  3. 4 hours ago, Drakeardian said:

    Arriving a seconds later, Lancelot raised his eyebrow at this room, strange and unknown to the Tenno before catching up with Arthur. he then looked around before saying "Nothing of danger here it seems." he then looked to Arthur "I'm guessing you didn't find this place by accident." in a curious voice as he looked at the Unit.

    Usually finding places like these wasn't an accident but it could be. "What is this?" he asked as he motioned to the Unit.

    “It’s just some transmitter that void towers use to direct its corrupted around. It’s either that or a music player, but that’s unlikely.” Arthur told the other Excalibur while still having an arrow notched to the bowstring, ready to draw and unleash at any given moment. He then gave the transmitter a glance before looking to Lancelot again.

    “And I found this because a door just happened to open and the lights in the corridor were flickering like lights on a runway. Yeah I don’t think this was by accident. Something or someone wanted me to come here...It was after I had tried to contact the towers cephalon but I haven’t seen anything other strange happening so I’m not sure if it’s actually trying to contact me or if it’s something else." 

  4. On 8/30/2016 at 0:15 AM, ultimatumcore said:

    "Yea... And the ones I can't save..." She faltered for a second, slowing in her movements. "Everything they could have done... But no longer can... Friends they'd go back to... Family... The missions they would have completed, the achievements, the bettering of the solar system they could do...That's all my fault too, isn't it." She shrugged, her eyes looked lifeless for a second, staring at nothing, a crack in her armor. She brightened up after a second again, looking back to normal. "I try not to think about it, and do everything I can." She offered, lifting a whitish bandage from a store cupboard and applying it to Zokah's midsection gently. "This is a neat kind of bandage, it holds all the materials your cells need to reconstruct themselves, there probably won't even be much of a scar." She offered cheerfully.

    Once again, she had nothing to do except leaning back on the sickbed. It might have been more comfortable for her to have removed the helmet, but she wanted to be able to monitor things and have easier to get on the com-net in case something happened with Arthur and Lancelot. An update would be nice.

    With nothing better to do, Jinx started listening in on Zokah’s and Anna’s conversation, expecting it to be even more senseless rambling on the Trinity’s part. But instead she felt a sickening knot forming in her stomach. ‘I couldn’t get there in time’ Her face became strained and her mouth turned into a thin line as she continued to listen. ‘Blade’

    Looking over to the side where the Trinity stood trying to smile even though it was painfully obvious it was fake, Jinx raised her voice to be heard “It’s not your fault. It is never your fault. You didn’t give the killing blow, you didn’t kill them, the enemy did. You are not at fault.” She was determined when she said it. Yet she wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince, herself or the Trinity.


    On 8/18/2016 at 11:51 PM, Drakeardian said:

    "I copy, Apologies, just had to make a quick message." said Lancelot as he replied to Arthur quickly, still sprinting and moving to Arthur's question. He felt himself a bit bad that he left Arthur in the open on what was going on.

    He then added "I'm still heading to your position, let me know if anything changes."

    Arthur was on the verge of tapping his foot against the floor or pace back and forward in the small space by the transmit unit. That was how bored and impatient he felt waiting on Lancelot to show up. He had half a mind to just start tampering with the unit himself. If there was something weird in the tower wanting to harm or kill him, why lead him here and not just off him with the automated defences on the way here? The other half was constantly thinking “What if” but he was still bored.

    ‘If he’s keeping much longer I’ll just take the scythe and stupidly poke at it’ he thought to himself before realizing ‘Blade would have poked at it’

  5. “Hello? Lancelot, do you copy?” The silence was annoying. The least Lancelot could do was to respond seeing as he was the one trying to get in contact with him. Arthur eyed the transmit unit again, trying to decide if he should just leave it be or try to poke it with something. The latter option felt incredibly silly when he thought of it.

  6. She watched as Lancelot got on his way, wishing it was her rushing through the ship to the tower instead of him. Instead, all she could do was to sigh in annoyance and lean back against the bed.

    Jinx didn't pay much mind to what happened around her at this point. She was far to annoyed over the fact that she was confined to taking it easy, not straining herself. The thought of it alone was enough to make Jinx want to throw something across the room. She was stuck, and Arthur was probing around in the Tower without her. She'd have to kick him for that later. Suppressing any worry was all she could really do right now.

    The Nyx had noted that Zokah was in the bay now, being cared for by that Trinity who had been stupid enough to step in between them and Lancelot. Funny enough that had been not long before that Idiotic frost had Accidently fired his gun at the briefing.

    Jinx blinked as she remembered, she had almost forgotten about that Frost. The idiot had been with them for such a short time and things had been so much smoother without him that she hasn't lingered long at his fate. Though with it now in mind, she still wasn't sure how to feel about his spacing. She scowled, he was an utter idiot and baffoon, he didn't deserve her sympathy.

    She cursed. Just the stupid notion of the idiot had distrackted her from giving Lancelot Arthur's last known Location that she had marked on her map. She had to rectify that.


    Atlanta narrowed her eyes at the Volt as he spoke, he sounded honest, but the formality of it all made her feel as if he was holding something back. She kept staring at him with deep blue eyes as he spoke. When he ended she took back her Opticore without breaking eye contact with Alaric.

    "Don't let it happen again" The Chief Engineer said in a stern voice, emphasizing every word, before returning to her work, shouting out to some engineers to get the other archwing team on their way.


    To see where the ominous flickering lights had led him was a bit of a letdown, anticlimactic even. And yet, there seemed to him be something that really wanted him to be here, the fact that the devise in the small room usually functioned to send after corrupted didn't exactly calm his paranoia ether.

    Arthur stood there for a moment, only observing the device. Something wanted him there, something wanted him to do something, and he really wasn't sure he'd like it. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea, even though nothing had happened, yet.

    His com unit came to life and to his surprise it wasn't his sister. It took a second for him to remember to whom the voice belonged to, but it hadn't been necessary for him to pay much mind to that as he soon announced himself.

    Before Arthur managed to respond, Lancelot had in quick procession repeated himself so manny times that Arthur felt as if he had to cut him off before he repeated himself again.

    "Arthur here." Part of him felt hurt that Jinx had sent him a babysitter, but part of him was also relieved about the backup. Wasn't that really why he had told her what he was up to to begin with? A hope that someone would come for him in case of trouble?

    "I've found something and I don't know what to make of it."

    Lancelot would receive a message from Jinx with her brother's last known location that she had marked out on the map.


    "What?" Was all Carth managed to say as he doubled checked his own instrument, but nothing showed for him.

    "I get the same readings" came a respond from one of the others.

    "Same" Said another close to Xiu.

    "Make out how large the affected area is and mark it for later. There's nothing we can do now without consulting the chief. And if we stop every time we spot something to fix it it will take longer to get the whole picture of the ship."

    Only a moment later a message showed on the Archwing leader's HUD. "Wrap it up with the marking, we got one more sector to go and after that we'll be relieved."

  7. Astra, Atlanta's not a "frameist" if Kate had been any other frame she'd still be hating her gut and be suspicious of her after the things that's happened. Kate got a remarcable ability to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

  8. He didn't like this, not at all. It was way too quiet in here. The cephalon wasn't responding, all was still and quiet. No sound of footsteps, no faint sound of voices, not even the sound of machinery, only the sound of his own breathing inside his helmet.

    Arthur was starting to feel tense, the quiet was worse than when you heard someone, at least that meant that you could keep track on where possible hostiles were. Now? It could mean that there really wasn't anyone there. But in most cases it had meant that there was someone lurking about who was a better at stealth than he was.

    The sudden movement made him act by instinct and he quickly notched and drew an arrow, aiming it where he had seen movement. The Excalibur carefully closed in on the opened door along the wall before quickly rounding the doorframe, pointing the notched bow down an empty hallway.

    Lights flickering on one by one, and then one by one went out, and kept going. Again, again and again. Arthur felt the hair on his neck stand on end and adrenaline rushing through his body. He half expected the Stalker to appear though a veil of smoke, he was almost sure he would, but nothing happened. Only the lights flickering on and off in sequence.

    Nothing else had moved and nothing else had happened. Maybe it was a trap. Maybe it was the cephalon trying to contact him, if it had been incapacitated somehow it made some sense. But even if it was the cephalon it could still be a trap.

    He stood there for a while as the lights kept flickering, trying to decide what to do. His brain told him that going into the unknown alone was a really bad idea, and still he didn't want to turn back or stand still, waiting for anyone to come over. There was also this curiosity, this need to know what was in the end of that hallway that told him to continue, to keep going.

    It could also be that there was nothing there and he had just worked himself up for nothing. He had to check it out, but it might be a good idea to contact Jinx o let someone know where he was and intended to do. If only to counterweight the fact that going in alone was a bad idea to begin with.

    "Jinx? I've found some irregularities in the sector the infested came from and I'm going in to investigate. I'll mark out my position to let you know where I am." He left out the part with the ominous lights.

    "Hm? No I don't have anyone with me. Speak with you later, I'm going in." With that he closed the comm link and with cautious, slow steps and raised bow at the ready continued to the door, and opened it.






    Jinx had just opened her mouth to tell the Excalibur that the Grandmaster was perfectly capable of handling most any situation and that it was Dalimir she was more worried about. Besides that she had just got an affirmative from the Grandmaster so she knew that her warning had came through. But before she managed any sound he had asked her about the colours of her Warframe, reminding her of her original task and mission.

    Her mouth shut again as she looked at him in silence before shifting on the sickbed to stare up in the ceiling instead. With a flat voice the Nyx answered “What better way to stalk a stalker than in his own colours.”

    Only moments later, she heard something from the com in her helmet and reach out for it to put it on again. "Arthur? Where are y- what? Do you at least have someone with you? Arthur wait!" And with that the audio was shut off.

    A wave or anger washed over Jinx before giving way to worry. There was something he wasn't telling her, she just knew it. She immediately took the map up on her HUD to look at where Arthur had marked his position. It was an area she hadn't been too before, so she had no idea of what was there, nor did Arthur judging by what and how he had said it.

    The Nyx was about to jump off of the sickbed and go find him herself before stopping and remembering her predicament. She could make the injury worse if she got up running, or at the very least slow the healing process, and yet she couldn't just let Arthur go snooping about on his own. The tower was probably empty by now, but what if he ran into more infested that they hadn't found or the sentry held back some corrupted that they didn't know about and her brother ran into them?

    She tried to think of something to do about it, and then her eyes ended up on Lancelot again. Maybe she couldn't do much but he could. He wasn't injured, and wasn't doing much right now.

    Jinx looked pleadingly at the Excalibur by her side "Would you go join my brother in the tower? I don't like him skulking about alone in that place" She didn't want to come across as too worried, but she wasn't sure she had managed that.






    Atlanta looked up from the datapad in her hand to stare the the master armourer in the visor of his helmet, as if she was staring right through it and into his eyes.

    "Something wrong with it? Something wrong with it?!" The Nova could barely contain her anger. Just the thought of that Mirage made her blood boil.

    "I don't know, you tell me. You're the one who sent that...that thing, that Mirage down here. Holding MY GUN. Do you have any idea of how much she could have done to sabotage it? To make it a ticking time bomb? Or just some little thing to make it blow up in my hands? Do you?! Did you know that she had the nerve to threaten me, with my own weapon?! Had it pointed at my face!"

    "She is not allowed down here, she is never going to be allowed down here. And you sent her here, handing her an opportunity to sabotage. Now what do you have to say?!" Her voice dripped with poison and she had taken steps towards the Volt while speaking. Now having reduced the distance between them and standing in front of him she repeated "What do you have to say"

  9. On 7/16/2016 at 9:42 AM, WingedCrusade said:

    I think if Atlanta tried anything on Lusith, she'd probably just be like "Haha, what are you doing there with your fists to my bell-Oh........ Stop that now."



    Unless Lusith got hysteria mode on she'd still take damage and wouldn't be so casual about it. I also don't think that she'd be that calm and casual while actually in hysteria.

    And in Hysteria I don't think she would be able to do much if she just happened to stumble through a well placed portal, having her end up in space outside the ship. :3 

  10. 5 hours ago, ultimatumcore said:

    "If she notices" Is the operative segment right there, It'd be meta for her to suddenly decide to get good at psychology for no reason and then have it be of use, Dalimir might be enough motivation now that I think about it.

    Oh I was more thinking of the wonderful chaos that would ensue if she tried to poke around in Atlanta's brain, but that's just my love of drama talking....Though Atlanta may be in need of some actual therapy. Or some anger management class. 

  11. “If she notices that people are a little messed up in the head before they leave the tower, she’d most likely try to read up on any psychology"

    I think both Kate and Atlanta would be considered "messed up in the head" mind giving them some therapy? :3

  12. “Yes he should have” Jinx answered out aloud. Lancelot’s thoughts had been so direct that the Nyx couldn’t help but catch them up. “Oops...sorry about that...would you mind getting me back to the sickbed?”

    The Nyx then focused her mind towards the surgery room. She wasn’t sure invading Dalimir’s mind again would be a good idea. In his current state it could backfire and cause more harm than good if she didn’t know what to do and how to do it immediately. She had already experienced mental tampering backfire horribly when in a stressed and pressured state trying to save Munin on that blasted Derelict they called a church.

    Now she instead turned to make sure to warn the Grandmaster in there. She had seen his combat reflexes. If he had heard the shot earlier then he’d be on high alert and possibly strike at whatever tried to get in. She then suddenly saw the likeness between Dalimir and Munin in their stubborn attempt to reach their target, and it worried her.

    Grandmaster Tacis, the one trying to get in is Dalimir, the Nekros. Do not open fire or try to cut him down. He’s in a horrible state but he’s still a friendly.’ At least she thought so. Wanting to find out the truth might be a flaw in this case but he was still part of the crew. And if he for some reason felt like bashing in Temperence’s head, who was she to judge?


    Arthur had reached the point where he and Jinx had met up with the other tenno being chased by infested, and continued down the hallway he had remembered seeing them come from. But he soon had to set his HUDs scanner to detect infested tissue traces and spores to take him the rest of the way. The occasional marks of infested feet scraping against the floor also helped.

    It was awfully quiet. The sort of quiet there is when you’re being watched, or right before someone springs a trap on you, ambushes and the like. Even though his brain told him the silence was due to them having killed everything in here, that feeling of imminent doom still remained.

    But hadn’t there been a Cephelon here? Arthur was sure there had been one when they arrived. He might not have talked to it much himself but it had been there. So where was it now? He couldn’t recall seeing what it had been up to when they were fighting, had it been destroyed somehow?

    “Hey Cephelon! Are you still around?” The Excalibur called out. If it was there, then he finally had some questions for it. He then silently wondered if the other two who had been poking around had asked the same questions, or if he’d give it a few new ones.


    As they moved in over the next sector and continued their scans, Xiu and the others would be able to finds some irregularities in the hull. Scans showed it to be in the material itself.

  13. Just now, motorfirebox said:

    I think if they were just suits, DE would say that they're just suits. No point in keeping things mysterious if there's no mystery.

    They could just be trolling us into seeing whats not there to keep their options open for future ideas without having to say "Yeah we changed that" 

  14. 1 minute ago, Serafim_94 said:

    You know, before Second Dream I always believed that adults actually got turned into children by the Void.

    As for warframes - you probably overthink it. If you want to know what the're made of - just look at resource requirements. THey are bio-robots, built to manipulate Void energy in one way or another, and remotely controleld by kids. They probably have some rudimentary AI for independant operations, as seen in Second Dream.

    Funny, I was thinking the same at first when trying to wrap my head around the "What was children doing on a military ship!" thing

  15. Another sad/frightening thought. We know what happened to that officer who breached quarantine to go comforting the frightened children when they were found. Imagine the parents actually surviving whatever happened, the kids who gets affected by whatever happens gets scared and runs to their parents for comfort, or the parents try to comfort them. And then imagine what the children might have accidentally done to their parents with the powers they can't control. 


  16. wow you sound really sure for someone who recently claimed to not have any idea. You really can't just imagining the operator behind the stalker having gone bananas? S/he never really entered that "sleep" that the others were put in, was awake the whole time, knew what s/he was ( which the lotus actually stated).

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