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Posts posted by Lady_Viper

  1. Zaira really felt as if she was back in school again. The way that Loka man had whispered to the others while looking over at her, the way she had spotted some scurry off, and how the commandoes was talking about them and their rumours. Backstabbing, it always came down to backstabbing. Not that she wasn’t used to it or couldn’t handle it, but sometimes it would be nice with some change.


    Though she did wonder how honeyed rumours could lead to infighting. With these accounts, it seemed very likely that this was just another one of their ploys.


    Looking over the crowd, Zaira soon spotted the Arbiter leader standing around talking to his group. Her gut feeling told her that if there really were some rumour about her death floating around, then he would be the one to know about it.


    “Kera, I’d like to try and get some information from the Arbiters. Will you have my back?” The Diplomat scarcely managed to finish the sentence before a barrage of gunfire filled the air. Instinctively she covered her ears before looking in the direction of the sound, and not far away from them when they entered the courtyard stood a Grineer Firing squad. Their target being the Valkyr who seemed to have been acting as one of the guards.


    She could hardly conceal her initial shock and was pretty sure her eyes had widened at the sound and sight. Another death, another reminder of how important it was to get out of this place as soon as possible. 

  2. I guess you're right. To be honest, my goal for the character was to save Carnifex, I knew she would get herself killed sooner or later without anyone wanting her alive. Now that she's dead, I think there's no point for this character anymore.

    But making him a prisoner sounds pretty good. Just be aware that he was a psychiatrist, so he's a master at convincing people, a master.

    Oh we didn't want to kill off Carni, we liked her crazy too. We just ran out of IC reasons to keep her alive.


    And on the second part. Yeah good luck with that, we do have a lot of characters claiming to be master manipulators. Just because you're saying that this Grineer is a psycologist it doesn't mean that he's safe from being played in the game as well.


    In the game of Brimstone, you win or you die. 

  3. Well, he does still think that. But one has to realize that the grineer are relying too much on their degrading clones. All he wants is the same as any other grineer, to serve his queens and ensure their victory. Just think about how instead of taking advantage of things, the grineer just destroy everything even if it's sonething they can use. Imagine how powerfull they would be if they wouldn't do that. And he realized this.

    I think if anyone in the empire has at least some brain, they would allow him to continue in his goal.

    I realize that you see it that way and want a character to see things different from the others. But it's a very OOC way of thinking for a Grineer. Doesn't matter if he still serves the Queens in his mind, the other's won't see it that way. In their eyes he would be defect because he's challenging their fundamental views. Things like that tend to have a violent result IRL, so imagine how the aggressive Grineer would react. 


    What we're trying to say is that your character doesn't fit in the role or setting you want to place him in. Someone like that could exist but not in the way you want him. If caught he'd most likely be put down by his own kind. The way you describe his personality will still rub the meridian the wrong way. Essentially if he did manage to escape he'll be on his own trying to serve the queens while still trying to evade capture from his former allies and comrades.  


    I can see that you want some out of the box thinking but you have to think about the character, what surrounding he/she's in and the cultural and environmental aspects of it. A character like that could exist, just not the way you want him to.

  4. His line of thinking wouldn't exactly fit into Grineer society 


    "They are people acting on an ultimate xenophobia, fueled by hereditary madness, and a burning hate of anything and anyone not like themselves. In the end, should they succeed, there will only be Grineer left alive in the solar system."


    If he really thinks and feels this way then why hasn't he joined the Steel Meridian? 

  5. Well, I don't really want him to be that powerfull, but lets say he's kinda inspired by the specters from Mass Effect... his authority I mean, not his skills.

    Ah, to the void with this. I'll just say it right away, it's a grineer psychiater. Why? I'll explain once I have time...

    ...Okay what now? psychiater? Is that something you made up yourself? 


    And the authority of a specter in a prison? The specters from ME answered only to the council and could do whatever they thought needed to be done to finish a mission and have all the resources and backing from the council. Converted to this RP that would mean that your char would only answer to the Queens? Which would also mean that he got even more authority than Drake's warden. 


    So please, try to find time to explain all this.

  6. Zaira still found it incredibly unlikely that none of the commandoes would have heard anything of a rumour like that. She thought that they’d most likely tell her if they had, and if not, at least tell Kira who in turn would have told her. If there was a rumour that floated around then people would hear it, it pretty much stated itself. People talked, and unless they had a personal part in it, spread it to anyone who’d listen. In which case the commandoes would hear of it despite them being in contact with the potential targer.


    Unless it was something which this “group” had managed to keep to themselves to have control over who knew about it so to not give any warning. But then it wouldn’t be a rumour circling around to start with. So this was ether a new rumour which had yet to reach most of the prisoners, this man was in on it, or he was making things up for his own amusement and/or agenda.


    Even so, the possibility of it being true, even though unlikely, made her more paranoid than she had been earlier today. The constant appearance of “What if” in the back of her head was really bothering her. But before she could ask any more questions, the man quickly left for his own table, all to her great annoyance. He hadn’t proceeded accordingly.


    What followed made her narrow her eyes in suspicion. The way he was whispering to the rest of his table while pointing to her made her even more suspicious. Something was not right. Before she could ponder any further on it however, the guards were beginning to herd them out to the yard.

    While moving, Zaira tried to spot the Arbiter leader in the mass off people. If someone would have heard a rumour like this then it would be him.


    Turning slightly to Kera while still looking the crowd over on the move, the diplomat asked the commando “So what do you make of this? 

  7. Oh, sorry, went for the scientific meaning. That is, without sex.

    Uhm... In that case, what's the word for it?

    That is the scientific term. Nonsexual, doesn't have sex, not interested in sex, got nothing to do with being girl, boy or something else.


    Besides that it is confirmed that Equinox is female in both forms, and if you look at it, you can see the day form actually looks more like a female swimmer rather than a guy. But if you really want to go the non-gender route then Achaix gave a good suggestion. Androgynous.   

  8. Arthos smiled back. "You have spoken with hardly anyone. It's unlikely that you've heard about the plans of some scum to use your death to start a riot."

    He motioned at the commando unit. "Some of these fighters have grown attached to you... or at least, that's how those unsavory individuals see it. You are the catalyst for their plan of distraction: once you are stabbed in the back, they believe the commandos will fight against the killer and his friends, starting a riot. The thugs who are orchestrating this will slip away from the Labyrinth while the guards are busy... though I do not know how or where they'll make their escape."

    Zaira’s eyes narrowed slightly while the rest of her face stayed the same “His?” This man sounded rather specific. The first thing that came to mind was the two mercs who had been leering at her in the showers. They could very well be planning to kill her but on a second thought if they wanted to kill her then it would hardly be to start a riot.


    She had been here during one herself; those people he talked about must be very few, because she could only imagine two, maybe three successfully slipping out, even in the chaos of a riot, without being detected by guards and patrols. Or perhaps they were idiots, wouldn’t be a surprise.

    But how could he be so sure that she hadn’t talked to ‘hardly anyone’? She had been here when he arrived, what did he know of any network of hers? Was he pulling her leg?


    “You seem rather certain of this, Have you been watching me so intensively that you know who I have and haven’t been talking too? Should I be flattered or worried?”


    Zaira felt amused and highly sceptical at the same time. If this was something being planned within the time the man himself had been here and had time to observe her, then there had to be someone else having heard about this as well. The Arbiter came to mind as someone to check with.


    The fact that he must have been observing her was troubling her as well, not that she isn’t used to attention, but the fact that he had indeed observed her enough to have noticed she hadn’t talked to that many people since his arrival spelled trap to her. He could just as well be one of those persons he was talking about, sent here in an attempt to win her trust only to stab her later. 

  9. Looking at the woman and very briefly meeting her cold and brittle gaze, Arthos was almost amused. To his eye, it was clear that this Corpus had never been under physical duress in her life until her imprisonment. She was slowly cracking under the unfamiliarity and harshness of her new position, though she seemed to have gained the commando unit's protection.

    Despite her unassuming stature, establishing an alliance with her could ensure the inclusion of the commando unit into his and New Loka's forces, and who knows? The warden had taken an interest in her. Perhaps she was the piece he needed for an escape?

    "Excuse me, Mordecai, Mido."

    Arthos stood, and went directly to the Corpus woman's table, taking care to bow respectfully before adressing her, speaking as softly as smooth silk. "I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, madam, but I couldn't help but overhear a few rumors flitting about. It seemed to me that your being unaware of these rumors could prove to be... detrimental to your health."

    The commandos didn’t seem to be very talkative when having their food, as most of the responses were simply nods or comments that were shorter than her own. Before she had managed do eat much more of her food, Zaira felt as if someone was standing close to her, looking at her, and looked to the side to find the man with the dreadlocks by the table.


    His voice was surprisingly pleasant for such a rough looking man, but it also set of a lot of warning alarms in her head. People, men especially, were usually only that smooth when want something from the one they were talking too. Despite that, this was a game she had played many times before.


    The diplomat raised her eyebrows as she smiled her trademark, pleasant smile and spoke with her own smooth voice “Really now? And what could those rumours say that I haven’t already heard from others here?” 

  10. “You know who I am, I am not here to harm you” Jinx said as she tried to get some order in the Nekros’s chaotic mind. Trying to make it easier to spot memories flashing by her, she felt her curiosity taking the better of her again. It was Dalimir she had to have her main focus on. She had to focus in his consciousness, not the memories, though it was very tempting to shift through some more.


    She wanted to go even deeper into his mind to explore, but she’d have to settle for what flashed past her. The Nekros’s mindscape was among the most chaotic she had seen. Something which was fascinating in itself.


    She could hear him clearly now. He knew, or close to at least. She thought she’d be happy that someone would find out. Overjoyed at the, oh so honourable Captain's impending misfortune if someone did find out. A joy which she did feel. But then why did she also feel her own stomach cringe? Should she tell him that she knows?



    Atlanta got the volunteers she needed, and by far the loudest of them was the one she had come to call X. Some of the other engineers had complained that he had taken too much command of things, hovering over them and basically told them how to do their job. As long as you could actually back up your claim of being and knowing better, Atlanta herself didn’t have much problem with it. Bit X had done little to win her favour.


    Putting him to the test might be a good idea. She’d have to keep an eye on him. If he broke under pressure then he’d hopefully stop with his behaviour that irritated some of the others. If he didn’t, then he might be worth having around.


    “If you’re done with what you’re currently doing then head to the Archwing and report to Carth" Atlanta shouted back at the overly excited tenno.

  11. Back at the Mess Hall, Modechai nodded over to Zaira over by the Commando's table, The Commandos looked like any commando would look, tough, muscled and combat trained, he then whispered to Arthos. "The Warden's taken a special interest her for some reason, rumours are heading around here and there but the Warden doesn't take anyone in for any typical reasons. snitches don't get any special treatment either and they get shot if they fail her." on the Commando's table, Kera nodded to Zaira and motioned to the New Loka's who were glancing to their table. 


    Zaira was calmly trying to ignore her craving for coffee and eat the rest of her food when she noticed Kera nodding to her to get her attention and then motioned in some direction, obviously wanting her to look there. And so she did, only to see that some from the New Loka table were looking her way. Among them the one with the unhygienic dreads for hair.


    She first wondered why they were looking at her specifically, then it occurred to her that she must look rather misplaced among the bulkier and stronger looking grunts at her table. Or was it that they'd heard rumours and was just looking at her because of that? Zaira suddenly felt as if she was back at school with students whispering behind each other's backs. Then again, wasn't everything really like that in the end?


    Keeping calm and collected, her usual dignified self, she gave them one look to let them know that whatever they were up to, she would not be intimidated. Zaira was careful to remove any signs of weakness. Those animals could probably smell it, and she'd be damned if she'd give them a reason to jump her for it.


    Looking back to Kera and the others by her table she curtly stated "Well don't I feel like a zoo animal today." She felt increasingly annoyed over people staring at her today. Which might largely be from the lack of coffee. Or that the two mercs from the shower rooms were still fresh in memory. 

  12. Jinx only grunted to her diagnose. She knew she had been lucky, but the thought of having to take it easy or lie still for even a day annoyed her exceedingly. What really annoyed her more though, was when she noticed the Medics mental defence again. It was just like sliding off a glass-cupola. Sliding over nothingness. Something there but still nothing. Knowing that she was there but not getting any actually sign of a mind being present infuriated her for some reason. It wasn't supposed to be like that. Everyone thinks. It shouldn't be quiet.


    She didn't linger there however and quickly caught up on something. Temperance was conversing with her again. The Nyx wrinkled her nose in disgust and brushed against his mind to make her presence and disapproval known. Something the Ash should recognise by now.

    As the Mirage passed by on her way to the door, her thoughts threw Jinx off. They were so loud and strong that they couldn't be ignored, and quite frankly was almost giving Jinx a headache.


    So many thoughts and emotions thrown around. Anger and guilt. Insecurity and fear. Exhaustion, worry and mistrust. All bundled together with loud, disorganised thoughts that was basically screaming.


    In all this emotional turmoil she could only make out "I don't want to get hurt" "The song was an honest one" And "stalker fanatic" She thought the heard something about an Excalibur too but wasn't sure, which also made her wonder if it was about Arthur.


    To spare her own head, Jinx deliberately diverted her mind away from the Mirage and focused on anything else but her in the room. She'd hopefully be out of range soon enough and things would be calmer again.


    There was so much pain in the room. Pain and confusion. People with cloudy minds due different painkillers or loss of blood. Pain from minds still actively knowing what was going on around them and the soft murmur from those sedated.


    Out of all this there seemed to me an erratic background noise. One mind seemed to be more active than the others, and It was close. Jinx soon identified it as Dalimir. The Nekros's mind seemed to be working on overdrive. And the wall that most people put uo around their minds was gone, crumbled, as if the bricks which had once built it had already been torn down without her having anything to do with it.


    Something was going on in there and the Nyx soon lost to her curiosity and without any deffenced stopping her, simply entered Dalimir's mind. And as she had already guessed before, it was very active. Memories swirling all around in a disorganised chaos with images appearing only to dissapear in the next moment, so fast that it was hard to tell what it was.


    She tried to focus, get some order, she focused on the strongest memories that stood out, and soon they appeared. Environments forming around her as if she was there herself. His awakening, how he had to fight his way to freedom for such a long a time. Something which appeared to be a initiation ceremony. His clan? She recognized the Clan symbol. Then another ceremony where someone obviously of high ranking handing over something they called "the sphere of knowledge" to the Nekros. A ceremony which she did not recognise from her own clan.


    Then a forth memory emerged. Thick trees of a large forest. The sounds of firing Grakatas, and Grineer dying left and right. Then the great pleasure he took from ending their lives. How he enjoyed and smiled widely when he brought back the souls of their fallen brethren to fight and kill the rest of them. It was a feeling which disturbed Jinx, and yet felt so familiar and recognizable.


    His mind was in chaos with something having stirred it all up. She stepped in, no more the passenger but a participant, and let her presence be known. Trying to manifest herself into his mind she spoke to him "Dalimir" With firm voice.




    Atlanta had been listening in on the radio chatter and so knew when it was finally over. She hoped that Aleric remembered to return her Opticore, and that he hadn't scratched it. The Nova had to keep herself occupied, which was easy when there was so much work to be done.


    With the direct threat eliminated and work on the engines and cooling system progressing as they should, she turned her eye to the maps again. Most of the inner sections and systems had been gone over again and again. She still needed crew on the engines and their involving systems. But she felt confident that she could take people from the other work groups, or switch them with some from the engines if someone felt they needed a change of scenery, for another task.


    "Okay people! We're progressing greatly and are almost done but we still got time on our hands and I want people to check the ship's hull for any damages or weaknesses on the outside. I need personnel skilled with moving about in a Archwing while multitasking for this. Any volunteers?!"

  13. It was with great effort that Jinx moved over to the beds. She hissed in pain when trying to sit on it and made a grimace when trying to lie down, quickly deciding to lie on her side instead of back. She hoped that the Trinities could get rid of this pain so she could be fully back in action again. Limping around like a cripple wasn’t something she enjoyed.


    Also, waiting for your turn was boring, so she started to look over her surroundings. Jinx hadn’t been to medical before. She had simply passed it when taking her walk about the ship to learn the map and what was where. Actually entering it was something she hadn’t found the need too.


    It didn’t take long before she spotted the Mirage with Temeprance. By the looks of it, she was talking to him and judging by her body language it was a private conversation, whatever it was. Curiosity took overhand and Jinx reached out with her mind, a light presence lingering over the heads of the people present. Before doing any actual prodding she wanted to pick up anything that might be worth the added effort of it and risk of someone actually noticing and getting pissy about it.


    Again, intruding someone’s mind was a rude act but Kate was acting a bit suspiciously to her. She had done something to upset Arthur to the point where she felt it and he had stormed off and she was now talking to Temperance. The Nyx, face still hidden under her helmet, narrowed her eyes as she concentrated and tried to pick something up.



    If you had been able to slam the doors on the ship, Arthur would have done it. Instead the door just closed itself behind him, sliding shut with a soft sound as he entered the room he shared with Jinx. Now pacing back and forth he still felt like hitting something, and considered another bulkhead but managed to decide against it.


    That Mirage didn’t seem to be able to think. Why bring such an idiotic weapon and use it when there were allies in the proximity? She could at least acknowledge that she had acted wrong. But had she? No, instead she had defended her action. Idiot. She could have killed her and she didn’t even seem to realise that. Instead she had been insulting him and compared him with that monster.


    Arthur stopped as he once again passed the image Jinx had put up on the wall before and looked at it. Two excaliburs and a Nyx, looking proud and happy, stared back at him. Bringing pain and memories of better times. 

  14. “Hurt? Me? I don’t know what you’re talking about, I feel peachy!” Jinx replied to Lancelot as she walked besides him with stiff, slow and carefully placed steps. A whimper escaped her lips however as they closed in on the stairs and she realized she’d have to walk them.


    The fact that another one closed in on them, probably wanting to help too, did not help Jinx in her attempt at salvage her pride. Something which would have made her sigh in something close to resignation and complaint, but instead she now got annoyed. The Valkyr, which she just now recognized as Lusith, was basically talking over her head. She was talking about her as if she wasn’t there.


    “I’m standing right here you know” She said with a strained combination of annoyance and pain.



    Arthur just kept walking, nether stopping or taking time to look at anyone he might pass, never giving anyone as much as a glance. Thinking about what that Mirage had said just made him even angrier. And that built up anger which had not gotten its outlet on Kate now exploded, making him for the first time since he began his long-stride march, stop in his racks. Only to in the same moment punch the closest bulkhead.


    Removing his tightly clenched fist from it, Arthur could see the dent his blow had caused. And he had just done the same to Kate, a fellow tenno.


    He then quickly resumed his march and despite his still lingering anger managed to double-check his map to make sure he hadn’t taken a wrong turn because of not having paid enough attention as to where he went. Right now, he just wanted to be alone. Or else he’d risk breaking something or someone. 

  15. It wasn't the backtalk Zaira was worried about. Mercs had a tendency to do what they wanted. She herself wasn't strong enough to take them down if they tried anything, she didn't even have her handgun as a life insurance, making her largely dependent on Kera and her crew.


    Washing down the bread with some of her drink, Zaira then started looking around the room. She needed allies, but there had been little to no opportunities to connect with other prisoners. So far she had only been talking to that Arbiter, but that had yielded little of interest or use.


    As she observed the others in the mess, she caught herself drumming her fingers against the table with her free hand. Restlessness, annoyance, she could feel it all. And she knew why. She really needed her coffee. Maybe she could get on the kitchen staffs good side, or perhaps someone else around already was. Maybe that Arbiter would be of some use sooner than expected? 

  16. "Saved her!" Arthur hissed through gritted teeth, now feeling more rage than before he had punched her. "You kept firing an area effect weapon while knowing that people were close to the target. Did you even aim for the mark?! Her shields were out because of you! It's a miracle that you didn't kill her and you claim that you SAVED her!"


    Then those words, words which cut deeper than anything he could imagine. "You're just like the Stalker" and all he did was standing there staring back at the Mirage. Rage and anger still filled him though now he wasn’t entirely sure where to direct it all. He wanted to break the Mirage’s arm to prevent her from using her weapon again. He wanted to crack that grineer looking mask of hers. All this swirling inside him, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to do it, he wanted to make her suffer, yet something stopped him.


    And as she went to Temperance’s aid and summoned her hardlight copies, all he could do was stare in silence. She spoke again, and he answered, his voice almost a hiss “You think I care about a copy? You think I can’t tell which one of you is real Mirage? This isn’t over.”


    Without waiting for any reply he turned and marched off towards the Manifold’s entrance and his shared quarters. He wanted to be alone, feeling like the first person opening their mouth would be next on his hitlist. As he briskly walked away, he completely ignored Lusith who hurried over to Kate.



    An amused snort turned quickly to a pained whimper when Jinx had listened to the Nekros. Somehow the muscles that tensed when trying to not laugh triggered another surge of pain. When she had managed to gather herself afterwards she told him “Oh I’m not working WITH you if that happens. I’m gonna work all around making sure that you don’t screw up. And if that happens, I’m gonna pull the plug on your little experiments faster than you can say ‘Void’. And believe me, I’m very efficient on that.


    She then turned quiet and even tensed as she felt something. Rage, anger, and she sensed it all from Arthur. She turned her head to where she sensed him and saw him disappear up the stairs and back to the ship. A bit away she saw Kate and Lusith by Temperance’s side. Didn’t her brother go after the Ash? She could have sworn she’d seen him carrying Temperance back towards them.


    The Nyx narrowed her eyes while studying the Mirage, instinctively knowing that she had something to do with it. A quick surface scan was enough to know that she was upset, and Jinx was not debating with herself if she should look deeper into that or not. 

  17. YOu want a short and simple answere? Yes, I do care. Probably shouldn't but I do. I've been waiting patiently for you to return, not trying to act the nagging mother...again. And I payed attention. I always pay attention. I sat here, waiting for fish, waiting for snale who then disapeared too but without a word, I was there you were gone.


    I also saw when you returned to other RPs and wondered when you'd return to ours.

  18. Yeah thanks for taking everything I say as me being angry. I'm upset. Do you even remember that you told us that you'd wait til the battel was over and the RnR started to get Lusith back in? As you stated that it would probably be easier for you to get into it again.

  19. Don't you dare Winged. You're the one not posting and the rest of us are trying to work hard on getting this moving again so that we can go back to more character interactions. And we're almost done! We don't need that another one from the starters quit on us. And from my POV, its from a very weak excuse too.

  20. Jinx instinctively wanted to shout at the Nekros to stay away from the colossus as they were still firing at it. But another wave of pain shot through her body, causing her jaws to close shut. And the danger of the constant hail of projectiles raining down at the colossus plus close surroundings didn't seem to stop the Nekros at all. In fact, he didn't even seem to notice it, to which Jinx could only conclude that he must be an idiot. Scatterbrain would be something mild to say in this case.


    Despite all that however, the Colossus was soon still and unmoving. No sounds escaped its giant maw anymore and Jinx's mind which had been struggling to keep the voices of the beast from overwhelming her became quiet.


    The Nyx lowered her bow and put it back on its holder at her back. Another jolt of pain surged from her lower back and out through her legs and up her spine from the sudden movement. A pained grimace formed, hidden under her helmet.


    When an Excalibur she recognised as Lancelot came over to her, asking if she was okay and in need of assistance she simply replied "I'm fine" upon she tried to take a step on her own as to prove a point. Something which backfired as the pain jolted through her lower back and down her legs again. She then stood completely still, thinking that maybe she did need some help after all.


    That thought was put aside however as she heard the Nekros speak to Tacis about the giant infested. Was he insane? Despite the pain, Jinx began to slowly move towards the Nekros and Grandmaster. If Lancelot insisted on helping, he's have to help supporting her walk towards the two.


    Abra was now giving his opinion, to which she agreed. Which only made her more angry as the Nekros kept insisting. She limped closer and though gritted teeth due to her pain managed to say "The risk? You think it's worth the risk? Do you realise what would happen if even a single spore gets on board or manage to follow us somehow? We can't let that thing get a chance to manifest back in Origin or any other place we're going to like a Phorid. Burn it. Eradicate any trace of it. And decontaminate everyone and everything that's been out here. We should probably do a sweep of the entire ship just to be sure."



    As the life-signs of the colossus faded more and more to the point where people started to approach it, Arthur started taking more of a shortcut instead of his original route as it got more safe to do so. Jinx seemed to be in pain judging by her walk. Carrying Temperance as fast as he could to get over there he suddenly came to a halt when he saw Kate move in.


    Anger quickly built up within him as her doings were still very fresh in memory. He felt his muscles tense as he saw he approach. She had barely gotten time to say her "Do you need help carrying the boss" before Arthur simply dropped the Ash to free his arms and gave the Mirage a right hook. Though he was still angered he also felt slightly surprised at the slight pain he got in his fist as it connected with the side of Kate's face. But it wasn't near enough to bring him out of his current angry state.

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