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Posts posted by Lady_Viper

  1. I really don't think the Warframes strayed from their operators in the case of the stalker and his acolytes. More like their operators got severe mental breakdown. We see the Stalker hesitate when he first see the operator and how Hun How comments about him hating to imagining himself as that fragile little thing that is the operator we play.

  2. 11 minutes ago, AlendasNaro said:

    Uh... That is a bit tough for a freelancer any good suggestions?

    Warframe got a vast arsenal of different weapons. I'm sure you can find something which fits close to what you originally intended and keep to the lore. One thing to stay away from though would probably be weapons specifically stated to be Tenno tech/tenno made. You can easily look up the different weapons in the Warframe wiki 


  3. Winged, if you don't like your hair getting curly in the humidity then just cut it off, Or wear it in braids. 

    And holy S#&$ a lot of people posted in here all of a sudden! The silence is broken! Lets have a party! 

  4. Donno, but considering that a lot of the wrongly posted things tend to be only one sentence trying to stat a comverstaion....I'm almost inclined to think that people troll us. Or maybe they just spew out random short posts like this to increas their standing in the forum by just adding posts they've written.

    I do hope that he contacts a MOD when s/he gets back online, or I will.

  5. 15 hours ago, KoGames said:

    IDK i didnt put it there

    If you didn't put this thread here then who did? You created it, are you saying that you don't check which sub-forum you're in before posting? This obviously doesn't belong in the Role Play section, so I suggest contacting a community MOD so s/he can move it to the proper section.

  6. ”Dalimir!” Jinx shouted after the Nekros as he moved towards the surgical suit. Cursing under her breath she pushed herself off of her berth and moved after him and Cordia. Dalimir, though she could somewhat understand his obsession, was now starting to get on her nerves. What made him think barging in like that would be good for? Especially in his state.

     Her mental berating about that though would have been hollow had it been in audable words as she herself was moving about when she shouldn’t. Jinx didn’t feel any pain, but felt it hard to force her legs to move normally, nor was she very quick at the moment as she only moved as fast as she dared.

    The Nyx did worry about the hell that would break lose if Dalimir found out about Temperance though. Not for what may happen to Temperance himself, she had convinced herself, but for what would happen to the rest of the crew. Discord was something you spread among your enemies, not your allies.

    Dalimir and Cordia disappeared through the door and it shut close in front of Jinx’s face, causing her to curse and hit her fist against it. “Dalimir! Get back out here!” She doubted he would hear her though. Instead she reached out with her mind to try and monitor what was happening in there. She wanted to be prepared for whatever consequence that would come out of this.

    A strange feeling went through her lower back and down her legs as she stood there. It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel very pleasant ether. And before she knew it, she felt how her legs gave out under her “S*it” and she crashed to the floor.


    Arthur had finally found his way back to the console he’d been downloading at before the battle. He hadn’t really had time to check on what he had managed to download so far, but he set the settings to take up on where he had left it and started the download again.

    Then nothing, there was nothing for him to do while he waited. He could take out his Hate and practise some kata’s. But for once he just didn’t feel like it. Nor did he feel like taking some practice shots with the Dread. Maybe he would just find something robust and punch it like a sand bag to get out any aggressions that may still linger.

    But he did none of that, instead he was just leaning against the close by wall, being bored. He had to do something about that boredom but he just felt so drained after all this, and no matter what came to mind he immediately checked it off as something he’d done already.

    The Excalibur looked towards the door from which he had entered and started to wonder. Where exactly had all those infested come from? When he and Jinx had been sent to intercept and get their own people to safety, the infested were already on the loose, presumably far away from where they had originated, and was chasing after Dalimir. But where exactly had the colossus and all those ancients been kept? And most of all, why?

    The Orokin had been up to a lot of things. As far as he knew, they were the ones who had created the infestation to begin with, but then it got out of control and they put a lot of effort into eradicating it. Or trying to at least. So how far back did this place date exactly?

    His eyes went from the door to the storage device currently working on the data download and then back to the door again. Arthur then linked the storage device to his HUD to keep track on and be alerted when it was done, and walker out. He started to follow the same way he and Jinx had been running before facing the wave of ancients coming towards them, and planned on following it to where he last remembered being. After that he guessed he’d just have to stack whatever traces the ancients had left back to where they had come from.


    Work had progressed once again in engineering. With most of the repairs and diagnostics done, things had begun to return to daily maintenance instead for some. Atlanta herself was standing with a data pad, making lists and schedules for the different archwing teams.

    Letting just one team do all that work outside was just stupid. Covering the entire ship would take hours, or days more like. Having one team do all that job would just be dumb. People got bored, or tired. And when that happened they started missing little details that may be important. Bored and tired people made mistakes. But she couldn’t spate as many as she would have liked for the job at once. So she had been working on a schedule for different teams to take turns so that they could get some rest and time to eat or other basic needs that hours in space might lead to.

    She felt stiff. Her muscles were still tense and her face had yet to relax. She put her current work to the side for a while and looked at the CPID at her wrist, thinking whether to write or call Aleric, the blasted Volt who had sent that Mirage down to her again.

    The Nova finally settled on sending one short message, stating “We need to talk, Now.”


    The young Volt had finally reached the armoury and headed in with Atlanta’s Opticore in his arms. Inside he found Aleric with Sema, discussing something. He didn’t wish to intrude, but he didn’t feel like telling Atlanta that he had stayed longer than necessary just because he couldn’t bring himself to interrupt something.

    “Excuse me? Armoures Aleric? Chief Engineer Atlanta want’s you to check over her Opticore again and...erm...she’s not too happy with you.”


    Meanwhile the Archwing team was beginning to finish up on the first section of the ship. Carth felt happy with the result so far, but then again, they had hardly just started. “Okay everyone, almost done with the first one. I’m marking the next section so you can just continue on to it when you get done with this one. Okay?”

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