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  1. I recall that when Warframe was released on PlayStation, there was an option to migrate the account from PC to PlayStation, but I discovered Warframe on PlayStation and started playing it there. Since then, the only other time I believe there was an option to move accounts was when the Switch version was released, which is what I did with my PC account. I barely used it since then, and I've completed all the quests and am up to date with my PC account. I don't think it's fair; I've never been able to merge with any account. Just because I wanted to try the account on Switch, I've lost the opportunity to merge with any other unrelated account. Today, I managed to overwrite the Switch account with the main one, but if I can't merge with the original, I prefer to leave it abandoned and not play on PlayStation
  2. I just tested it now. I've transferred leadership of the clan and even left it, but I still don't have the option to merge the accounts.
  3. Happy Holidays to everyone. I've been playing Warframe for about 8 or 9 years. Since it was released on PS4, after a couple of years with the account and tired of the delays in console updates, I decided to create an account on PC and start from scratch; it's currently my main account. I was looking forward to the merge to unify my platforms and recover my 'Rhino Palatino' skin along with some ornaments and other items from the beginning of Warframe. However, after attempting the merge, I see that my account is not eligible to merge with my PS account because when the Switch version came out, I wanted to try it, and a copy of my PC account was created on Switch. I understand that I cannot merge it with the account that was copied; in fact, I have already overwritten it so that only the main PC account remains, but I find it unfair that I can't merge with the PS account. I've never had the chance to do so, and it's not an advantage for me since it's a completely different account.
  4. Buenos días y Felices Fiestas a todos. Llevo jugando a Warframe unos 8 años o 9 años. Desde que salió a PS4, tras un par de años con la cuenta y cansado de los retrasos de las actualizaciones en consola opte por crearme una cuenta en PC y empezar desde 0 actualmente es mi cuenta principal. Esperaba la fusión para poder unificar mis plataformas y recuperar mi skin de 'Rhino Palatino' junto con algunos ornamentos y demás del inicio de Warframe. tras intentar la prueba veo que mi cuenta no es elegible para fusionar con la de PS porque resulta que cuando la salió la versión de Switch, quise probarla y se creo una copia de esta cuenta de PC en switch. Entiendo que no pueda unirla a la cuenta que es copiada de hecho ya la he pisado para que solo quede la cuenta principal de PC pero veo injusto que no pueda hacer merged con la de PS. Nunca he tenido la posibilidad de hacerlo y no es una ventaja para mi ya que es una cuenta completamente diferente. un saludo.
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