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  1. I watched 3 hours of Brozime this morning, and claimed all three rewards from the Twitch page. I received a note in my inbox with the voidplumes and the glyph, but have not received the archon shard. It has been maybe ten hours, so I am thinking there is some sort of glitch. Thanks!
  2. Important to remember that things like -Magazine on a single shot weapon is actually a good thing as it bumps up the values of the positive traits. So a ++- is more powerful than a ++ if the positives are the same and the negative is harmless.
  3. I'm curious to know if I am an outlier with RNG, or if I am noticing an actual pattern. I zeroed out my curses yesterday, and we completed the Gargoyle's offerings for the week. Since then, I have gotten 54 more curses with a pretty skewed distribution. Knowing: 26 Seeing: 24 Hearing: 4 Please tell me that this is just RNG madness, and that some of you are getting a ton more Hearing than anything else.
  4. From what I understand, the gargoyle is a decoration that is placed in the dojo, then interacted with for event rewards. Has anyone figured out a way to find the gargoyle? Is it just a matter of searching each room until you find it? Thanks!
  5. No, it's definitely the same one. I go to Cavalero to see if I can upgrade it, and it's there, but I have no progress on the first step. Then, I go to my Arsenal to look at the Lato I still have equipped, and it shows no sign of an Incarnon Adapter.
  6. Has anyone seen an Incarnon Lato bug? I installed it on the Lato, and now it is sort of half on, half off. In the Arsenal there is no sign of it, and completing the challenge (Solo mission with it equipped) does nothing. But when I get to what's his name on the Zariman, I have the choice to remove it. I imagine there is some cost to take it off and put it on again, so I want to make sure I'm not missing some hiccup before trying that.
  7. One of the annoying things for me about the Duviri weapon selection is that I see many of the worst weapons regularly. I have most weapons, so the forced inclusion of unowned choices has a small pool to pick from. And many of that small pool were weapons I had but just didn't enjoy, so I got rid of them. The situation forces a strange option. If I want to have it not show up as much, I can acquire the weapon. So I would go through whatever effort is required and pay for a weapon slot just to not use the weapon. Feels like a cash grab. A quick and easy fix would be to remove the mastered weapons from the list of unowned options. Then if there is some crappy weapon you keep seeing, you can acquire it, master it, and then sell it (clearing up the weapon slot, at least).
  8. I assume this is pretty universal, but with a pretty big sample size, I would guess the success rate (non-bug rate) of this particular challenge is about 33%. You find the chest, and it just won't open. Other players come over, and they can't open it either. Has anyone found a reliable way around this bug?
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