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Posts posted by Yxivi

  1. Just now, nanohead said:

    maybe it would help to say that i did get it to work untill i came accross the pile of garbage that im suppose to use the lure on and thats where i got stuck. the animal would'nt make a noice so i couldnt track it with the lure. So i left the Vallis and came back. and not i cant even find a spot

    Oh, that explains it. If there's already an animal "lured", you won't be able to see any other spot until you capture the animal or kill it. 
    But you said you left and re-enter Orb Vallis but now there aren't any spot? Maybe it borked your game, try closing the game and relog?

    Also, Condorc lure only work in Plains, they don't spawn in Orb Vallis.

  2. Limbo is a fun frame but the rift mechanic can be complex. The subtle effects also doesn't help and just add confusion to players who are trying to explore Limbo's abilities.
    If you're new to Limbo, better stick to the simple gameplay of using his 2 and 4 only. And then practice around playing with his 1 and 3 in lower level missions ON solo (don't do this in a squad pls!) or in the simulacrum until you get a hang of shifting things in and out of rift.

    I've been playing for a year now and I'm also interested in Limbo's gameplay but to this day I still can't reliably make use of his 3 to pull enemies into the rift. It just gets really confusing, so I only use the 2+4 combo if I really need Limbo for a mission. I also explored other warframes instead of frustrating myself mastering the rift mechanic, there are like 30+ other warframe and you should try them out before judging.

  3. Liking this! Especially the separate Dragon Key panel since it's easy to forget that you have them equipped (proven by the recurring threads of people wondering why their stat suddenly decreased).

    But for the fishing spears, Plains of Eidolon have 3 types of fishing spears and unlike in Orb Vallis, the type of fishing spear you equip matters.
    I think the easier solution to this is make any body of water that can spawn fish prompt something like this when you get near it:
    (This should only prompt if the player owns a fishing spear)
    Image is photoshopped, I grabbed the image from wiki's Fishing page lol so our Excal here is already equipped with the fishing spear, but you get the idea 😅
    Interacting with it should open the appropriate fishing gear menu for the area and automatically equip whatever fishing spear is in the fishing menu slot #1. So if your last fishing session you were using the Tulok, then it will equip the Tulok the next time you fish again. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, LOKOUBA said:


    You are right, the game cant adjust to everyone. But is the solution i presented not reasonable?

    Also, even if what you are assuming about DE’s intentions is correct. You need to remember that a lot of today’s Warframe mechanics come from unintended bugs that DE did not intend(aerial bullet jump for example). So i don’t think intention is relevant to the idea im giving.


    Because we already have that? Old Nightwave goodies are returning via Intermissions. 

    People wanted self-damage to be removed, there's really no point in leaving a frame make use of self-damage. Do you like hurting yourself to get a buff? (Self-harming tendencies? You might wanna get checked by a mental health professional). Don't you like maybe...want a better way to get a buff instead of shooting yourself in the foot?
    And again, if they wanted Chroma to be a self-harming frame, then they probably would have think of a better alternative to self-damage instead of straight out removing it from the game. The fact that they were like "oh we know Chroma is fooked but that's okay coz it's only 1 frame vs majority", means they probably don't agree in exploiting self-damage to buff Vex Armor.

  5. 22 minutes ago, LOKOUBA said:

    the "catch up system" is time gated by itself, what if a player missed both series 1 nightwave and this intermission? how much longer do they need to wait for series 1 exclusive rewards?

    Idk man, the game can't adjust to everyone's needs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    And regarding Chroma's indirect nerf...I think DE never intended that skill to be used that way, that's why they are totally fine with removing self-damage. What every Chroma player should push though is for him to have a better kit. This is a pretty good opportunity to call DE's attention to have a look at Chroma.

  6. 1. The way I understood it, self-inflicted status will go along with self-damage. Blasting yourself with explosives will just throw you back.

    2. This is Rapid Resilience, it doesn't say anything about self-inflicted status. Probably just worded weirdly, but what this mod simply do is reduce the duration of any status you have. So let's say you were hit with a rad proc, then this mod will reduce the time you will suffer from the radiation proc.
    I think the mod in question should be Cautious Shot, the mod that reduces self-damage. Either they'll give that a new functionality or turn it into a resource like endo or vitus essence kinda like a refund thing...or they'll leave it be until it turns into a super rare mod of the past that serves nothing but a collector's item. XD

    3. They will probably implement that stagger animation on the operators too or we'll just be transferred back to our warframes, idk.

    • Like 1
  7. Eidolons and railjack were never meant for beginners. I understand that you are a returning player but as you said, you've been out of the game for a while and you're just starting to catch up with the changes. Still tho, eidolon and railjack are the closest thing we can get to endgame, so you can expect this to require some "grind" for you as a returning player.

    Now, regarding your problem with resources in amp construction, I suppose you are mining to get the ores?
    During daytime in the Plains, there's a robot thingy that spawns there called "Tusk Thumper". They drop a lot of Plains resources (from ores to fish parts) and it is faster to get resources this way. Getting a higher tier bounty from Konzu will spawn tougher versions "Tusk Thumper Bull" and "Tusk Thumper Doma", these bad bois can drop rare resources. 
    You can learn more about Tusk Thumpers here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Tusk_Thumper


    • Like 3
  8. 18 hours ago, SpringRocker said:

    Look, you said they stop spawning when the object is completed. I started up a capture, capped the guy without killing anyone else 10 seconds in, made my way to the halfway point to extract, killed corrupted that were still spawning in after the objective was completed, got enough and extracted.

    I basically do this anytime there's not an endless for the relic I want. Corrupted don't stop spawning just because the objective is completed.

    Well, I don't know how to explain to you anymore but I've been to several fissure missions where I didn't have enough reactant and there were no enemies spawning no matter how long we wait.
    Were you solo? Were you in a group? Did you join in late, as in you started and everyone is already at 8/10 reactant? This is very prevalent in Earth exterminate. You can keep saying they don't stop spawning but you have other people in this thread saying otherwise. 

    • Like 1
  9. On 2020-02-21 at 11:10 AM, TheMostFrench said:

    I find this to be very laggy and buggy. Sometimes it will start putting me into a squad and there is no timer to cancel, or the timer is less than 3 seconds. Like you said sometimes you have to click then leave again and again, seems like it would be easier to just have a toggle to be host or not.

    I wasn't against your suggestion tho. I just told you about the method in case you didn't know so you can try it for now coz we'll never know if they'll add something like this.
    Coz I'm pretty sure this isn't the first thread that asked for a feature like this

  10. You can sort of do this tho?
    When you start a mission, it will do a countdown, sometimes it will look for a squad. If it does this, click X to cancel and keep re-selecting the mission until it stops trying to find a squad and eventually the mission will start with you as Host. Tho I think depending on how busy the node is, it might just keep getting a squad. But I've been doing this on missions where I want to host and wouldn't mind random people joining in. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, SpringRocker said:

    Not true.

    I was pretty sure that wasn't the case so I just loaded up a capture relic. immediately capped the target without killing anything, went 400m towards the extract, and was still getting fissures and corrupted enemy.

    You just need to listen for them and they do move around.

    I've been to several missions as a late joiner. Some people don't wait long enough but for the few squads I joined that was kind enough to wait until I get enough reactant, we wasted minutes waiting for spawn, some even helped to look around the map for enemies but there were none.

    • Like 2
  12. Just now, SpringRocker said:

    They are.

    They do keep spawning. Keep an ear out for fissures when they open, they corrupt enemies walking near them and (I believe) also spawn corrupted.

    Some missions like capture and exterminate STOPS enemy spawn when the objective is done. This happened to me several times.

    I hope they just make it so that enemies will continue to spawn regardless if the objective is done or not, at least for fissure missions. People will not waste their time in the mission once they have 10 reactant, everyone will proceed to extraction anyway. 

    • Like 5
  13. They should just add a 2FA and an email verification before we execute a larvling 🙄

    Kidding aside, hold to mercy kill the larvling is probably the easiest solution for this, maybe they can also add a noticeable red glow over larvlings (think like those red glow voms in the Plains) just a visual reminder for us that this thing we're about to kill is a different enemy than others. The prompt for the weapon should also be immediate coz right now there's delay before it shows up that's why most people mistake the larvling for a thrall 🤷‍♀️

  14. This usually happens to me when I'm playing with a high ping. I never experience this when I'm playing solo, so it might be lag and the game just fails to register your action (casting of her 4).
    Idk if there's a way to fix this but what I do for now is (if I notice high ping, or it this bug just happened), I wait a few more seconds before releasing my hold on her 4, to make sure it will register my action. Kinda annoying.

  15. Idk why you want to penalize not using abilities too much. This is warframe, where most players just spam abilities coz there's no cooldown and have easy access to infinite, regenerating energy. So any mechanic that revolves around "not using abilities" is just a wasted mechanic because people will always use abilities anyway 😕

    The passive definitely needs to be changed, it needs to give an advantage for the warframe.

    I cannot think of any suggestion right now tho, I just wanted to comment regarding "incentivize use of abilities". If any, maybe add a mechanic where people will have to manage their use of abilities rather than encourage more (mindless) ability spamming. IDK 🤷‍♀️

  16. Imma comment here again.
    It would be nice if they add an option to tone down effects of teammates (visual and sound). I don't want to set the graphic settings to the lowest possible just because some people like to spam these weapons (some abilities are also visually disrupting too) because I also enjoy these nice particles and sfx myself. An old game I used play had an option like this, so I think it is possible for something like this to be added.
    Not only does it prevent trolling (I experienced people spamming simulor or the other bright energy weapon in defense mission just to blind everyone) it will also help those with lower hardware setup.

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