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Posts posted by Yxivi

  1. There's been many threads like this. I know, it's frustrating but unfortunately majority of the community (esp here in the forums) defends this kind of behavior. They will give you "reasons" why vote kick won't work and like there's nothing can be done about afk players, etc. Welcome to the ugly side of wf community.

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  2. 2 hours ago, krc473 said:

    I also provided a suggestion. It needs to feel more rewarding, so pearls per kill the team gets - remember, you dismissed this due to ‘AFK farming’. I am not demanding it gets adjusted. If DE wants to adjusted it they can, I am just not going to bother with it in the current state because I see no value in it.

    I mentioned it once, and only once (excluding to stick it in this reply). You asked what people thought, I gave my opinion. But you seem to be bringing up irrelevant things (I.e. my post count). Let’s stop and actually consider what is useful, and what is ‘derailing your own thread’. If it isn’t useful/relevant you don’t need to mention it.

    Your post count was mentioned because you said afk leeching isn't a problem, and if you've been in the forum for quite sometime, you'd see a lot of recurring threads about afk leeching, which means it is a problem (for a long time, really) but how come you think it isn't a problem? Weird, right? 🤔
    Yes, you gave a suggestion but the pearls per kill, as I said, it's been discussed a lot in the other similar threads so I don't see why we have to talk about it here again (and I also gave my reasons why I'm not fully supporting the idea).

    Anyway, I edited my main post and added something.

  3. Just now, krc473 said:

    People are AFKing for a reason. This event is unrewarding and boring, yet people want everything. AFK farming is the solution, because it makes it more tolerable. If DE fix the issues with the event people will stop AFK farming - not all of course.

    That's why I'm here with these suggestion to tweak it a bit coz this game mode is already out now, it's impossible to think of a huge change for it. IDK, there's a trend here in the forums where people want everything and demand the game to adjust to their wants and needs. 
    I said, I know why people AFK, sometimes I feel like AFK-ing too but that makes it even more boring for me, so I try to at least play as intended. You completely miss the point of feedback threads if you're just gonna keep saying that "this game mode is boring so we just gonna have to afk this event". We give feedback to make something better. I'm trying to give a different idea, you know think outside the box, coz you're fixed on the pearl per kill suggestion, and there's no point to keep repeating that suggestion again and again.

  4. IDK, I think getting 10 kills is pretty easy even if everyone is playing aggressively. It's not like there can be a Saryn here that just kills everything the moment they step into the map.
    About the point per kill. Obviously what I meant there is pearls per kill. The problem is that (believe it or not) there are players who don't appreciate AFK leechers in their team. The common suggestion is that the bonus pearl per kill is a personal gain. Make it a team benefit then you will see the leechers again making others work for them.

    If you don't care about the pearls, then why do you feel the need to respond to my thread? 🤔

    7k posts, I think you know how many threads are there that complains about the afk leeching problem in this game? It is a problem. 
    Maybe solo afk isn't not much a biggie compared to those who queues up in public squads just to afk. But as I said, this game mode wasn't intended to be played this way (just poor planning and design ruined it). I know and understand why people AFK this event, that's why I'm trying to give suggestions that *hopefully* gets considered and *hopefully* gets more feedback and be refined by other players, coz I'm just one mind, maybe others can suggest better ideas or something.
    I too would like to earn more points but seeing how DE is so afraid to frustrate players (coz we know there will be an outcry if they changed the amount, either its reduced cost or more gains for every round) so I'm trying to think of a different approach, coz that has been suggested too many times in the multiple threads regarding this event. 

  5. Okay, this is probably one of the many Dog Days feedback thread but hear me out!

    The game mode was fun at first but with the amount of pearls required to get the stuff from the shop, this turned the game mode into a horrible and boring grindfest. And ofc, anything that needs heavy grinding will result to players AFK-ing the sheyt out of it. 

    The common suggestions you will see are:
    • Reduce the cost of the items in the shop. That is a bit unfair to those who already grinded their assets out, so that's probably unlikely to happen now.
    • Increase the points at the end. Again, this would be a bit unfair to those already made the effort.
    • Points per kill. This encourage active participation BUT the other concern is that it will lead to toxicity because of kill steals, so maybe this one won't really make it.

    Now, how about if every kill reduces the timer by 3 (or 5) seconds? This will encourage kills from everyone in the squad because you speed up the mission by participating. If you afk, then you're pretty much just slowing down the mission and hurting your own efficiency. Kill steal is not a problem because the main objective is just to kill as many enemies and as fast as possible. Adding a 10 personal kill threshold to earn the 50 pearls at the end will deter serial afk-ers (will also sort of fix the solo afk method, because I'm sure this game mode was never intended to be an idle game). 

    You can add a bonus to reward skill and effort too, for example, having 0 deaths would award 5 bonus pearls for the player. You might be thinking, "how about most kills?", this a no-no coz this will end up to kill stealing and some crybabies *@##$ing about someone hogging all the kills. Let's aim for something that encourage team play. 

    EDIT: After playing a few rounds of Index, I thought of maybe adding a somewhat similar mechanic. Every consecutive kills of the team (aka combo) will add a multiplier for the end-of-round pearls, this consecutive kills will only "break" if the enemy manages to score a point within that window or if no kills (from the tenno side) are made within a time period (maybe 3 seconds time frame?). The numbers for the combo threshold to increase multiplier counter is up for the devs so they can balance it out. XD

    So what do you all think? It's still pretty early and hopefully DE will do something about this coz it's kinda sad that people are making this an AFK event (can't blame them if the game allows it to happen) 😕


  6. 10 minutes ago, vegetosayajin said:

    It happened to me on lua sortie, random team, I was with melee frost... so for me frost is the best stealth frame now.

    that was last season, it's now "fixed" you have to be undetected

    Are you sure? I didn't even notice I completed the act, all I remember was doing some fissure in the void tileset (Lua tileset doesn't have alarms too) and I don't really use "stealth tactic" when running fissures.

  7. Ofc you will know it when you need it and find out that you're out of ammo/energy or because you're already dead. 

    I understand the cinematic thingy but I believe you can just use the captura if you need some clips. I think it's impossible to play without those important details on your screen, even if you say "it's just for filming", then yeah there's captura for that. O,o

  8. They need to stop making frames/skins that are feetless if they're not willing to waste time and resources making custom movement for every single thing the frame has to do (melee, aiming, crouching), they just look weird and stupid. 

    • Like 1
  9. Or just give the players ability to downgrade a skill in the focus tree. The refunded focus will still remain on the focus school (ex: if you downgrade from madurai then the focus points remains on madurai school, you can't use it on other schools). This will help optimizing focus skill builds coz I've seen people royally mess up their focus trees.

  10. Up for this. They can make it similar with the UI theme, plat purchasable. Something like, the most basic options we can have (free by default) is color settings of outline and fill, opacity and size. If you want a different looking crosshair then they can make it purchasable with plat.

  11. While I have weird dislike on Volt (coz them speed spammers made me hate the frame!), I do feel like he had very little screen time (and shinning moment) on that trailer. I mean, if that was my first time to know about warframe I wouldn't be interested on the Volt warframe coz I didn't see much of its abilities, he didn't seem "powerful" on that trailer while Excal and Mag were a total badass. It would be great if it had a scene where he zaps the whole battlefield (not just a group, and he's not even the main focus on it). Sadly, Volt feels like an extra on the trailer. XD

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  12. I love looking for the caches in sabotage missions, here are some tips which I find very helpful when I'm hunting these caches:
    • Thief's Wit mod on your warframe partnered with Animal Instinct on your companion will cover a huge area so you can easily see the lootable loots in the map.
    • Use the map overlay. 
    • They have a faint humming sound, turn off your background music.
    • Stealth frames might be good for this so you won't be bothered by enemies shooting you while trying to figure out where that humming sound is coming from. XD
    • Carrier sentinel with its Looter precept will break containers within its line of sight. A cache will stand out once Carrier destroys all the breakable containers in the area (that's why you use the map overlay).
    • Max range Limbo can destroy containers (this kinda works like Carrier Looter), but the advantage of using Limbo (vs other frames) is you can completely ignore the mobs while searching for the caches.
    • They're usually in hidden places, so always look up and down.

  13. Things to note:
    • The ephemera is rewarded for watching the main stage panels, the stream before the actual tennocon.
    • Is your account linked to warframe?

    Anyway, DE will be running a script to fix the missing rewards (although seems like it's only for the missing Nekros Prime drops, no statement about the ephemera)


  14. 5 minutes ago, GnarlsDarkley said:


    That's why I stopped giving advise and instead asked of their progress, which isn't very far.

    Because all the things I mentioned do in fact help with their situation, but are hardly achieveable in short time. 

    Although Ignis is pretty easy to get. They just need a clan and they are done. OP is at least MR 5 (War Within), You adivse to Loki yourself and Atterax is MR 2 (and no you don't need Memestrike)

    They do help, a lot of things can help. I can also suggest OP to get Octavia instead coz she can be invisible while the mallet takes care of the enemies but that wouldn't be achievable in one go (with their current state at least).
    Loki isn't that difficult to farm, I advised Loki just so the OP can have an option if they would rather want a stealth frame, which is pretty handy to have to complete spy missions easily (for newbies).
    IDK why you have to bring memestrike, I didn't say anything about memestrike O,o
    And I said some weapon. Opticor is MR14, ignis needs a forma and I bet OP is pretty low on forma too. 
    OP can go the killing route or the hide-and-run route, and honestly I think the hide-and-run route would be the easiest route they can take. (And even when we're well equipped we'd rather just avoid the enemies than waste time killing them only for them to respawn after a while).

  15. Just now, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Ok this doesn't seem to work.

    Instead of advising you sth, I'll ask this:

    1. What do you have?
    2. And what are you willing to invest (time/plat)?

    I can say Ignis, Lenz, Opticor, Loki, Atterax, Guandao, Zaw, Tombfinger, most likely you'll say (I don't have it)


    As for the Kubrow (just rerun Earth (Forest) and farm Eggs and breed like there's no tomorrow)

    I'm sorry but I think you're giving OP a lot harder time by introducing more stuff for them to do. Breeding Huras kubrow, again is another RNG.
    OP is obviously a newbie and probably a low MR, some of those weapons needs a high MR. Zaw and Tombfinger/kitguns needs some standing on their respective syndicates.
    The OP posted here and is looking for an immediate solution, otherwise they would just take their time making their loadout stronger. 

    I would advise OP to either get Limbo by doing the Limbo Theorem quest (it's probably on their codex already as they're done with The War Within questline) or farm Loki (he needs to be modded to have a longer duration tho). If OP is up for some crazy RNG challenge, maybe Ivara.
    If the warframe slot is an issue, then OP can try to run some Fissures, a few prime parts can easily earn them 20 plat they can use to buy the slots.

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