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Posts posted by BRZZAFK

  1. 55分钟前 , Dark_RRiderr 说:

    Not really, you keep all your weapons, warframes, cosmetics, slots, endo, kuva, lets just say pretty much everything.

    You really compare starting ALL over in diablo 3 with just shortly forma a weapon, warframe or something like that? You must really hate playing warframe lol

    Since Warframes and weapons ect still get stronger and stronger from every time you forma them out again in the end. In Diablo you just start over entirely and if the character gets stronger hangs in the random stuff you find and the set that you get from the season. Thats an entire different system (which i dont like and glad warframe doesnt do stuff like that)

    I think they both are the dev's attent to let player re-experien the low end content for new reward. Diablo's seasons mode sure not gonna work on warfame though. Warfame more like a hoarding game. But since nuker became a thing in warframe. They can learn something from it's gameplay.

  2. 29分钟前 , Dark_RRiderr 说:

    Yeah they can, after you played through mostly only the people having fun with creating new heroes and deleting their old from time to time have still fun playing it...

    I was mostly talking about combat but now since you mention it. it kinda like how we polarize warfame isnt it?

  3. 2小时前 , LittleCurly 说:

    There are so many ways to challenge yourself in Warframe. The platform is content rich, it just requires some imagination. Dragon keys, as suggested, being only one way to make it more challenging. Have you considered trying to complete every mission type in "Operator" only mode for instance? Have you explored some of the amazing synergies between some weapons to make less powerful/popular frames really fun? What about completing missions without touching the floor? Boredom is only possible if you stop using your imagination. So get out there and experiment! Good luck Tenno.

    Or play another game.That will be much more entertaining.

  4. 1小时前 , TARINunit9 说:

    Yes, please, I would love to know how I can whittle down the Lich's possibilities without randomly guessing the first time they show up! That is absolutely everything I want from this system* and would immediately make me agree with you

    But until such a time said mechanic exists, the first Lich stab is a dice roll. Literally. The game literally rolls dice to decide what the Lich's requiem order is, and you have to blind guess. That is mechanically, under the rules of statistical math, the same as a dice roll

    *except for more personalities, larvlings that aren't boring, Lich boss battles that aren't boring, Lich space fleets, Lich strongholds, and everything else they promised us in late 2018

    So do you think the game mode will be more fun if they just remove the mods and you kill the lich after you kill 150 thralls? I have seen a lot of people complain about RNG in this game recently but the game is full of RNG for a long time. Wonder why it still be a thing that didnt solved both devs and players side.

  5. 41分钟前 , PookieNumnums 说:

    By far those games are way less horde murder. In one day a player in wf can obliterate multiple times the number of enemies in either of those games entire campaign. 


    You missed the point but i smell what youre sniffin at. Heres to hoping difficulty selection in warframe adds that level of challenging gameplay many tenno want. 

    *spoiler: it probably wont* 

    I will say it's a wrong move to make warframe into horde murder game in the frist place. We suppose to be ninja not war crime machine. But in the gameplay wise it's subjective. Many will argue this is better. 

    There's also game like diablo build the game around horde murder but scale better than warframe and has endgame. Devs can learn a lot from these game.

  6. 2020/5/23 PM12点58分 , PookieNumnums 说:

    Imagine a game touted by its devs as power fantasy actually having difficulty.



    This isnt and wont likely ever be "souls-like" 


    I doubt we will ever see the kind of reaction based combat like souls or monster hunter in warframe. But. I don't think thats ever what it was pretending to be. 

    This is a game where its easy enough to become over powered. If thats not your thing, either dont become over powered or maybe you're in the wrong game. 

    Sad but true. Trying to force your idea of enjoyment onto a game that isnt and never was designed to be that way just isnt gonna happen and makes zero sense. 

    If you really need to feel challenged, take your favorite weapons unmodded and see how far you can make it through the star chart, or in an endless mission, before you become ineffective. 

    Whats the difference between that and dmg sponges? 

    Its not like having harder enemies is going to mean value appropriate rewards. Nor is it going to give you cool points. Nor is it going to make the combat deeper. Ai isnt changing.

    Get over it, be creative and create your own challenge, or move on and only come back for new stuff that really interests you or when you need a break from more complex combat in other games. 

    Doom is a power fantasy game with optional high difficulty with engaging gameplay.

    Devil may cry is a power fantasy game with optional high difficulty with engaging gameplay and have depth in the combo system.

    I will not say warframe has no depth at all. But it doesnt have much optional high difficulty and engaging gameplay.

    Dont use power fantasy as a excuse for bad game design.

    • Like 2
  7. 2020/5/26 AM12点06分 , Fl_3 说:

    No luck involved? So why do you only have an 80% chance with a full squad all running the same relic? What's the other 20% blue smoke? 80% is an 8 in 10 chance, if you roll over that 80% you fail, that's due to Random Number Generation RNG. Even with a full squad, RNG can still spit in your face just as you've admitted it does in that statement.

    It was suggested that unlocking a required mod would then give you a blueprint that you would have to craft using a recipe that would involve an amount of Kuva, but, RNG is easier which is why DE took that route. 

    Players do not like RNG, look at how many more people are playing Railjack now that the amount of RNG and grind has been reduced, look at how many more people started running liches once you could see what weapon they were carrying (ok, this is making people ask to see what ephemera the liches have, which is a step too far, IMO they shouldn't have let us see the weapon either). Honestly? if liches were more fun you wouldn't need that because people would be more willing to play them. The only good thing about liches is that they raise the base level of the mobs in that mission making it a little more of a challenge. When hard mode comes in players won't need that, they'll be able to play against higher level enemies simply by choosing hard mode  

    We're here to have fun, not to bang our heads against the game.

    I know that RNG is a major mechanic in Warframe, that there isn't much that we can do in the game that doesn't have some kind of RNG from loot drops, to quest rewards, to relics both prime and requiem. Warframe plays well, it's fun, 

    Why not surprise us with something that is gameplay related? not something that is dice roll controlled.

    Look at Scarlet Spear, Spear was fun, it was entertaining, it had 2 sides, Murex Raid and Condrix Interception. Look at Dog Days, that was just dumb fun in which everyone was equal. No RNG, just gameplay, good solid gameplay.

    All the events are like that, simply because they don't have to be stretched out over months until the next piece of content is dropped, because DE only seems to know one way to make content last and that is to limit access to its rewards with RNG.

    It's what they're good at.


    It's not like you go to fram Octavia for 20min either you get one or you get none.

    No one will say "oh my weapon have state chance and crit chance on it. every time i fire a bullet it's damage depend on RNG. It's a luck game."

    If you throw a dice repeatly you will get a stable number. 

    RNG is not that terrible if we have enough sample which in this case how much time we need for a chance.

    In Octavia case it's 20min for 22% chance.

    In melee riven case it's 13min for 84/40756 chance if you want a god roll.

    These are the reason people feel frustrated. There's no progression you either get what you want or you get nothing. And the time you need for retry is unreasonable.

    In Requiem relic case it's 5 min for 80% chance. If you dont get the specific mod you need you save your time for the next time you need this mod. If you dont get mods to choose you get more kuva instead. Meanwhile you getting kuva for additonal reward. That's not like If you dont have luck you cant do it. It's more like you dont have time or really hate kuva and fissure so it's a painful process for you or some people.

    Personaly I dont have opinion on RNG design. But the fact is people love RNG the same reason people go to casino. If devs do it wrong players feel like they are wasting thier time. if devs do it right it's additcted and make money. It's how warfame work for 7 years.

    I agree you on the gameplay part though. If we have to do something repeatly. Atleast it should be something enjoyable. Otherwise I dont see the point to do it just for virtual reward.


  8. "they should nerf ignis. no they should nerf bramma frist. no they should nerf melee frist. no they should nerf saryn frist. no they should nerf equinox frist......"

    • Like 1
  9. 2020/5/22 PM4点22分 , Fl_3 说:

    Ok, so your telling me that if someone needs a mod that drops from a Requiem 1, they can go into a Kuva siphon (50% relic drop chance) and the mod they receive will be a Requiem 1 (25% per relic so 75% chance it'll be a 2,3 or 4) and, when he cracks it, that it will yield the mod he wants and not a riven sliver, or an amber ayatan star or the other mod that's in there? 

    Can you guarantee that? Are you willing to stake your life on that? because you seem to be pretty certain that there's no RNG involved in cracking open relics.

    You can alter the odds of the RNG by refining a relic, but you cannot equip a relic and say "This is going to drop Xata" no more than you can say "I'm going to win the lottery today" because when it opens it's a dice roll that you can slew, but otherwise have no control over. The only way to get that Xata mod is to open relic after relic after relic. If your lucky, Xata drops on the first run, if your unlucky you run out of relics and have to go and farm more of that 50% chance of that 75% chance of not being the relic you need.

    I know people who started a lich on the day Old Blood dropped who still haven't finished it because the level of RNG involved in grinding parazon mods prevents them from finishing it because the mod they need simply will not drop.

    And, not everyone wants to take mods from other people or waste plat on buy something that drops for free.

    The ability to remove an unwanted lich is just another promise that DE has backed out on. A removed lich wouldn't give any reward to the player, it's just gone, and if that was allowed once a month how would people be able to abuse that?

    It's just a little piece of  quality of life that would be nice to have because accidents do happen. We have a blade, the Parazon that gives us bonuses when we use it, people see that red icon and they hit X for that speed boost, or that invisibility, energy, health, radial blind or whatever. DE have made it like this, so yes, Liches do get spawned by accident, I've seen team mates do it more than once, heck I've did it myself once, and when people do, they shouldn't have to be punished for it.

    My liches are all vanquished, my duplicate weapons either merged or sold. I grind requiem mods as and when I need them and, I'm lucky enough to get the ones I need for the job in hand.

    Not everyone is that lucky.

    You dont need "one" mod you need all of them at least one copy.You farm them all together not just for "one mod". If You go to t5 with 3teammate you get 80% chance to get at least one mod in 5min. that's not luck at all. if you get duplicate just save your time for next time.

    If you're a beginner you will need 8 different mod to do 1 lich. Like i said. It's hard at the beginning because you have to run kuva flood and fissure.But having 8 different mod will allow you to do at least 3 lich already. After that you will get free relic from hunting lich so no more kuva flood.

    I dont believe your friend dosnt kill his lich because RNG prevent him from doing so for 6 months. You dont need luck to do lich.

    Beside t5 relic reward just byprocduct of farming kuva survival. never heard someone cant get mod because he's lucky enough

    And i didnt say i against the idea of get rid of lich. Why should i? It only benefit player. I just think it probably not gonna fix the problem of pressing wrong button. 

    • Like 1
  10. 18小时前 , Fl_3 说:

    that's too much RNG

    No it's not RNG at all. Only if you are beginner.After 3,4 lich later.You have relic that you cant finish open. You have copys of each requiem mod.There's only two RNG which is the %of the weapon you get and the cosmatic. 

  11. I do think the ground mission is great. At least above average in warfame level design. The space mission is... well if you enjoy afk then it's great. Doing nothing for fat rewarde. That's decent.

    • Like 1
  12. 15小时前 , Jim22 说:

    if they make ash's 4 into something like embers 4, it should have a cool down of like 2 secs so you cant just spam it.

    If they make it 2 secs cool down it will be a huge buff sine currently he only be able to use his 4 again when his 2 clone clear all the marks.

  13. 57分钟前 , bl1te 说:

    Who can expect a pay attention test from a looter-shooter-slasher?

    Damn, simply removing the timer could be acceptable so casual players could calmly look around and enjoy the detectiveness-part of this NW!

    No, I'm not into casual gameplay but such design shows a little respect to customers.

    There are many other devs' moves that kick your balls for their profit. Just business, yes. And often business ≠ humanity, sadly.

    Right if a game can fail it must be devs not respecting their customers lol.

    It's not a fair design for difficulty(not like jumping is that hard but it sure is for some player) and that's it. it's just a common design fault.

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