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Everything posted by WF_MrFox

  1. I would like for eclipse to become a toggle ability that fluctuates! What I mean by that is, imagine an actual solar eclipse, the moon slowly encroaches and then the full eclipse happens and then slowly goes back to normal, So I would like to see a sort of trend chart format, it ramps up in the toggled choice buff and then peaks, then goes down, for helminth this would simply just be number nerfed by making it less strong than it would be on mirage. That way you kinda don't really need to have a completely different system for how it has to be used both regular versus subsumed. I hope that made any sense.
  2. Didn't know that! I'll keep that in mind for future posts.
  3. Welcome to yet another sheet but updated to 2023, this is a much simpler list of my old post with a similar title. Why am I posting this? To help new or returning players who get confused by the game's chat and commonly used abbreviations
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