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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. Despite what it might look, i am not really active on the warframe forums. I sort of post here and there... And once in a while i come with a dumb threads like this.


    I honestly wanted to start this discussion for a while and after watching a pretty cool commentary video on

    , i sorta convinced myself to give my input on this and make this whole thread about it.


    The whole topic talked on the video was a bit different from what i am asking here, but it is sorta related. I was surprised at what i read and heard about other more/less or as experienced players on mastery rank.

    I want to know your opinions on mastery rank too and farming in general.



    That out of the way (on mastery rank):


    To me..

    Mastery rank is fine, just badly misused.

    For the total of 30 mastery known ranks, the weapons (among other items) are just badly distributed among mastery ranks. The common balance problems among weapons/warframe, often known as power freak, could just as easily be fixed, without any sort of complicated tweaks, if the strongest of weapons could only be unlocked at a later higher rank.

    Forcing players to first experience lesser versions, before moving to the behemoth weapons/ outright overpowered set of weapons and warframes*.


    This sorta would make for a viable and EXCITING progression, as you'd be in anticipation to the next weapons and warframe you've finally unlocked. Instead of blinding a bunch of players with hundreds of choices and RETIRING existing weapons (looking at the regular boar).


    Suddenly you wouldn't have weapons labelled mastery fodder and mastery wouldn't be so arbitrary, because you wouldn't have weapons overshadowing anymore, but that is honestly just my opinion.


    (on the rest of the topic)

    If there is something that has been grinding my gears these days, is how new content is being harder and harder to be acquired. 

    I needed to separate this with the "mastery rank" one, because i honestly think this part of the "discussion" is more like my personal opinion than an actual discussion. 

    We've got ourselves finally a new resource, with the same objective as aragon crystals, which deplete after a day. While i do believe DE genuinely wants to give the best game possible ever to us and that they eventually will fix it eventually, i just don't think this is the right way to it.

    I get it that they are trying to make "collecting" more rewarding by making it harder, however this is just overdoing it. I mean, it is just not worth the effort/ trouble in some of the cases. It isn't rewarding cutting down an arm and a leg to get a toe nail. 


    These walls DE has been building so far, to make farming considerably longer, is only aimed at veteran players. And if there is something on this whole wall of text that seemingly has anything to do with the other wall of text about mastery rank, i honestly think this is it:


    -Because if ranking actuality displayed your experience, you could adjust the crafting requirements to fit a veteran player, thus making the warframe experience somewhat more equal among all types of players.


    And i am done.

    TL;DR - Mastery rank 2.0

  2. On an unrelated side, i'd be down to give baro some spanking once in a while.


    Or at least a digital slap button, to when he decides to be huge butt. 


    (to be blunt, i think DE means that Baro might go out of business with the void collapse. AKA star map 2.0)

  3. There are just some misconceptions here and there, like:

    The lotus is an sentient, as explained on the quests. 

    Assuming you payed attention to the 2nd dream questline, it is more than obvious that the lotus knew all along, which is why she hid the moon.


    However, the original lotus is yet to be known who was. As the hints are still too vague at this point.


    Corpus are the decedent of the orokin.

    Grineer are said to once been builders.

    While the infested is described as an weapon from the orokin themselves, but which backfired. 



    Warframe is an amazing game, it takes inspirations from all sorts of themes, regardless of how unpopular or obscure they are. Making it into an unique space "ninja" styled game. 

    It comes to no surprise that some warframes are themed after famous magicians (limbo), wild life (like how trinity looks like a lobster), etc...

    I suppose the lore is no different, in that regard.

  4. Or rather the braton vandal and lato vandal... I don't think many of us ever got a chance at those.

    It would be a huge kick in the balls to everyone who had helped test warframe during closed and open beta.


    Why not just wish for new wraith and vandal weapons? There are plenty much more interesting weapons to be had.


    Edit: If anything. If even considered to be released, closed beta/open beta players should get some sort of skin as reward.

    So that the two parties involve would at least have what they want.

  5. I thought i'd share this, regardless if it is new or not.

    This message appears to be different from the one showcased on the recent DEVstream 66, i got this one later during one of my random spy mission runs! (hype?):



    I am sorry again if this actually old news. Here is a picture of the DEVstream second dream spoiler one:



    It was super brief, i might not have got everything in, though a bit of insight might be cool.

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