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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. On 3/31/2016 at 11:26 PM, Nauruin said:

    Chapter three: Renewal:

    A gimmicky heal. I love it.

    Only one liiiittle thing bothers me: Please, keep the buff on even when the target frames health is full.

    (And give the glowing spheres tiny wings. Like fairies :D )


    While lovely it would be an unnecessary change and a bit way too personal.

    Do like the idea that the healing buff would still be active, regardless of the player being full on health. But i'd suggest a armor buff instead, once health is full. (for technical reasons ofc)

  2. Boss fights are special and i will be blunt in saying that lephantis is about one of the most awesome boss fights ever.

    However the issue, is when a game breaking bug happens: In this case an invisible walk of sorts!

    This bug happens on the 2nd stage of the lephantis boss fight and is extremely annoying when it does, because if the case presents, the boss becomes impossible to finish, since he will not show his weak spots until you are nearby.

    To reproduce this bug, all you do need to do is just die "somewhere" on the 2nd stage of the boss fight, it will teleport you above the stage and thus stopping you from killing the boss.


    Do please fix this asap, losing loot and progress is not exactly the best experience. Or just remove the useless invisible wall, not even sure why you want it regardless.

  3. Love the ideas

    Would be nice if over the 100% rate, there would be a slight chance to deal an escalated elemental proc.
    Like freezing the enemy entirely with the ice elemental, instead of just slowing down, or charring/melting the enemies with the fire elemental.

    Although, as much as i love a new elemental combo, i think it would be a bit too complex for new players to understand, plus it would mean that enemies would have to have their resistances modified and thus further complicating build making.

  4. 3 hours ago, taiiat said:

    nope, Warframe Abilities as Mods also let Players have useful Abilities with a Lv0 Warframe, letting their Warframe participate in actually enjoyable content.
    instead of having a regressive unlocking as you Level the arbitrary bar, which denotes Warframes to be completely useless for atleast 2/3 of their Levels.

    Ever thought that maybe it wouldn't be an arbitrary bar if the ability mods didn't exist? Ever thought of that?

    Ever thought of how confusing it is for new players when the game didn't explain you had to "equip" the powers in order to use them? on how it didn't explain you had to fuse mods with the powers in order to improve them? 

    It was an great change and i am thankfully it happened.
    And like lusie said before, it is a system that is better now but still could use a lot of work. (applying this to this context)

    3 hours ago, taiiat said:

    giving you a partial refund for Transmuting was just a side bonus.
    the chances aren't going to get better in Transmuting. period. it doesn't matter how much people ask for it. because if you have good rates at getting things from Transmuting, nobody will play the game anymore. which we have enough Players that don't play the game as it is.

    Yeah, it was a side bonus, who said it wasn't? Nobody is asking for better chances, we're asking for fair chances. Do you get it now?

  5. 4 hours ago, taiiat said:


    no it isn't. Rare Warframe Abilities was a 25% refund. now you get Common and Uncommon Mods in exact percentage in their place.
    how is that better?

    Your "rare warframe abilities" were the most unnecessary fodder ever to exist in warframe, since most of those ability mods usually would come with the warframe itself and wouldn't require a lot to level to their maximum potential at all.

    They were also fairly easy to acquire and you'd often have huge stacks of them. 
    Them existing was just filling, clustering the already huge mod drop tables for no reason and making transmutation a huge waste of time. (more than usual)

    So no, i don't miss them slightly and you likely only like the fact they were used mainly for transmutation, which actuality is what this suggestion is all about, returning that "25% refund" or somewhat.

    But not in the form of a crappy warframe abilities mods.

  6. Just now, Foefaller said:

    Well, there is for void missions. Tower keys, especially T3/T4, do not drop often enough that you can always go 20 and out for hours on end. (people with massive stockpiles of T4 endless mission keys from Draco notwithstanding)

    That being said, I've always wondered if all the endless missions (including defense, interception and excavation) should change the Reward scheme from AABC for the first four rewards to simply ABC afterwards. Even if it just means getting the second B or C reward five minutes/waves earlier and still having to bail before earning another, that's still time saved from grinding for whatever reward brought you to that mission in the first place.

    there was this awesome thread in which someone suggested the rewards going as:

    ABCA -> ABCB -> ABCC -> ABCA(again)

    However weather that would work out or not, i have no idea. Personally to tired to think out a solution or think deeply to this.

  7. Just now, Lusie said:

    Pulling in enemies whilst moving would be very energy consuming and really not worth it, I don't see it having any tactical use. They're two separate functions with different purposes.
    One is to relocate safely, such as turning into a pool then emerging behind a cover and another is to pull in tougher enemies such as Bombards & Blitz Eximus into the Undertow to deal with later, removing them from the battlefield to have an easier time. 

    Yeah i thought that too, but using undertow as an escape tool, is just a bit derp. Considering that the enemies will/might fall into the pool and that you will be basically be just moving them to your new location.

    Plus if it i am to take the "slowly moving, while draining extra energy" thing to word, you sorta wouldn't go far away with it.
    Feels a bit counter-intuitive ability no?

  8. Just something i fought, might want to remove the "moving while in undertow", if you are adding the tentacle pull thing while in undertow.

    Since you sort of defeat the purpose of moving if you are already pulling enemies into your pool. 
    Instead, add like this small duration stun, when they eventually get out of the pool, by either deactivating or something else.

  9. 14 hours ago, evergreenmind said:

    Apparently we're all 12 yea olds here ...

    Lotus is a bit provoking for a powerful, millenia old resistance leader tho.

    I'm actually pretty sure Ballas doesn't look anything like this. Knowing DE, they'll have him be a skinny, pale old man with a bad posture.

    A "Alad 2.0 " , if you may. 

    ...Or is it 1.0, since Ballas lived before him ...? idunno...

    Well, to be fair, the person who we call lotus might be in fact an impostor, since she has been proven more than once to be a sentient herself.
    I am not sure where all the hostility comes from, i was just giving my opinion. Personally, i find it impossible to tell how something EXACTLY looks by descriptions and stories alone. But that doesn't mean there shouldn't be any consistency.

    Whatever though, i already regret saying anything.

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