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Posts posted by Kimimoto

  1. On 2019-01-25 at 8:21 AM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    We don't all work in the upper echelons of the government here, if you don't actually intend fix anything then what's the point in trying to call it an "improvement"? 

    Kek I'm done, you're too dense


    On 2019-01-25 at 8:21 AM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Slow down and perhaps read more? 

    No, if you respond to me I'm going to read what you've responded with. It's not my job to hunt your argument down.

  2. On 2019-01-23 at 7:37 AM, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    it's not really an improvement, is it? 

    Jesus some people on the forums...

    Saying that group finder won't fix problems with chat that it's not meant to fix, and saying "see it's pointless" is ridiculous. It's meant to make finding/forming groups much more convenient. Which it would undeniably do, because other games have done it and it undeniably works amazingly,

    So what makes it not an improvement?


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  3. 3 hours ago, (PS4)alexismartinez14 said:

    I don't agree with this, I think we should just see the pros and cons of the updates DE gives us. Strictly sticking to just criticism doesn't always yield the best results. Most of the criticism DE receives tends to be negative, at times even too harsh. There's a balance, if we as a community just *@##$ and moan about how DE can never get anything right. then that just spreads the negativity. We have to address the issues accordingly, as well as the improvements.

    Criticizing the cons doesn't mean the pros don't exist. People pat DE on the back all day on Reddit, that's like half the threads. 

    Most of the criticism DE gets is the opposite of negative, or "too harsh". Labeling most criticism as harsh or hateful is a good way to try and dismiss it though. That'll help DE when Anthem drops, not taking criticism seriously because "it wasn't nice enough". 

    That's how you get Battle for Azeroth

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  4. On 2019-01-20 at 5:31 AM, -Temp0- said:

    And what exactly will change?

    It will make finding groups you want, or forming groups without having to type "H [Lith M3 Relic] Radshare 2/4" every 3 seconds easier.

    It's QoL.

    Also how is anything you said not already the case with current recruitment chat? How is that relevant to adding a group finder?

  5. On 2019-01-21 at 7:21 PM, IllogicalLogic420 said:

    We have a lot of content already. DE has been enormously gracious to keep shelling out content for us.

    Yet we never stop asking for more.


    I wonder if it's because none of the "content" they're releasing keeps you coming back past a week, including the large open world maps. They're lacking replayability and longevity. If game modes have longevity, like Fissures, then you barely need to update them. They're essentially done, will be there forever, and will always be relevant/worth doing.

    We shouldn't cut them slack and should definitely criticize them at every turn we get.

    It doesn't matter either way, because Anthem is going to lite a fire under DE's booty cheeks.


    On 2018-10-30 at 5:33 AM, (XB1)INZZANE 79 said:

    because they are in the same reward categorie as riven mods.

    Sculptures selling for 15-20, pistol and melee riven mods selling for 20-30

    It's almost like you could sell your sculptures and buy some riven mods. Crazy.

    It's almost like everything in the game has value, woah!

  7. 3 hours ago, Dvermilion said:

    DE said Fortuna will be releashed in early nov, not in the first day of nov

    The first day of November is in early November

    The Solaris discord comms "failed", I wonder if the Business will want to finally see us in person

  8. On 2018-10-23 at 11:24 AM, FollowTheFaceless said:

    Vacuum or something else. Giving you innate Vacuum is a casualization of the game. 

    This quote just caused my kidneys to fail

    A. That's like choosing between driving in your car to work over doing a crabwalk to work. Technically it's a choice, but it's not a choice for any sane person. Besides based on all the data DE has given us the VAST majority of the player base doesn't feel like their being given a choice either. 

    B. Isn't casualization of the game good, forums? That means more players will join the game, because it's good for anyone's pace. Not when it comes to Vacuum though, that's some hardcore S#&$... Like wut? 

  9. On 2018-10-17 at 2:29 PM, GnarlsDarkley said:

    Considering the Endless Survival aspect, this number will allow Kuva Survival to sit in the middle between Kuva Siphon and Kuva Flood in regards to the amount of Kuva rewarded. Tenno who want a quicker Kuva routine can still play Siphon or Flood missions, but those who want to acquire this Resource via familiar gameplay (with a twist) can jump into an Endless Kuva Survival! 

    You can still have Kuva Survival sit between Siphons/Floods while giving it increased rewards over time. You just need to give it the same treatment as Arby's.

    1-10 minutes 200 Kuva per Siphon

    10-20 minutes 225 Kuva per Siphon

    20+ minutes 250 Kuva per siphon (NEVER scaling past this, the train ends here)

    This would still leave Survival below Flood numbers, while increasing rewards over time which gives an incentive to stay and play the game. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Loviam said:

    Better complain about it rather than just have to actually AIM when I shoot like DE intended

    Did they actually give feedback, but you disagreed and labeled it complaining?

    DE has said themselves that they're looking into the drones because of some bad combos.


  11. If this gamemode is made for the long neglected "endgame" or "veteran" community in Warframe, then please make it for them. Level 100 is a good place to start these missions, it's the level where sorties end. Bringing it down to level 60 isn't doing the "endgame" players any favors, it's just going to make us bored for the first 10-20 minutes of this "endgame" mode.

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