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Posts posted by Kimimoto

  1. We just need longer standing content that rewards good play.

    There wouldn't be a content drought if Kuva Survival and ESO had the same reward structure that Arbitrations are coming out with. I haven't touched either since they came out, because it's going to be C rotation and bail. Having no incentive to continue past C rotation really kills all motivation to have fun playing these modes.

    inb4 some white knight says "incentive is bad, quit the game you salty vet"


  2. On 2018-08-11 at 3:45 PM, (PS4)Deathcall808 said:

    Lets bring in the ideas to DE on whats wrong, how to fix it, and what to add to it. 

    Make half of standing gains based on participation instead of having to be good. If a bad player plays Conclave they basically get no rewards, and I'm not saying take incentive away from good players. Just make that incentive a bit less and give it out regardless to everyone who participates.

    The ghouls get to come back every week, why not  cycle Conclave game modes that give double or triple standing gain each week. There are 4 weeks in each month, there are 4 Conclave modes.

    First week = Annihilation

    Second week = Team Annihilation

    Third week = Cap the Cephalon

    Fourth week = Lunaro

    On top of having double/triple standing gain for whichever gamemode's week it is, you could have a normal event. For example let's say the current weeks bonus is Annihilation. If you play 5 games of Annihilation you get 50k credits and 2k endo/an Ayatan Statue. Maroo's mission has become a staple for something to do each week, because it gives a decent incentive to do it. Conclave could have the same staple.

    Not only would this give incentive to condense the Conclave community into one game mode each week, which would give a population boost to the current weekly mode. 

    It would also give a good incentive for newer players to hop into Conclave without DE having to make a new Sigil/Weapon each time.

    Most of the reason Conclave is considered a failed mode is because there's no reason to try it out, coupled with the stigma the community gives it. This would give a reason to play it, and over time it would retain new players causing the stigma to fade.

  3. 5 hours ago, babywrath said:

    For Fortuna however, they will always be slaves and all we can ever provide is some relief. Kinda sad yo. 

    Might kill Nef and liberate them, but they'll stay where they are because it's not a bad spot. Having a buisness cleaning the Venus fluid probably pays well, or they wouldn't be forced to do it. On their own terms though, not Nef's debtors prison.

  4. 9 hours ago, (PS4)Tenchi145 said:

    So please don't let the lack of having played the latestest frame, update, mechanic change make it that those who are putting forth valid and evidenced claims should be quiet as this is not how our community should behave.

    Some people like to "white knight" and any feedback you give is shunned. They think DE can do no wrong, when that's obviously not true. Everybody makes mistakes, even DE and pointing these things out and talking about them is healthy. Telling people to essentially #*!% off when they're giving feedback is cancerous, and happens way too much.

    I'd say your correct, but I don't think it's as rampant. Especially when the whole community is taken into account. On the forums though, I feel it.

  5. 14 hours ago, Noibat said:

    No other game gives players as much freedom over how hard or easy content is.  When you're at the end of the end,

    Most other games definitely give you this much freedom, most other games also offer a challenge so you don't "need" to do this in them. 

    It's almost like it's Warframe's fault that Warframe's not challenging and not the players who are bored out of their mind with all this bite sized content.

    You be you forums! Never change!

  6. 1 minute ago, SinKershel said:

    Select whatever frame you want. Tell me which mods/rank you use without forma/potatoes.

    I know some frames are easier to mod but, I'm giving it to you. Still, Select whatever frame you want. Mod it to 30 points.

    99.9 % sure I can be more effective with 60 points after.

    Well, no S#&$, the point is there's nothing in the game that you need to be that effective for. I'm saying give me a mission/goal to complete with the base 30 frame, and I'll provide proof.

  7. 9 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

    There're walls in Warframe but they are carefully hidden and used sparingly. 

    They don't outright stop you from playing though, and getting more slots is easy to farm out even for a new player.


    9 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

    player retention

    The current system isn't retaining many players, since power progression has no point. The absolute immense amount of replay-ability that power progression could provide isn't required.  DE can't really monetize power progression when it's not even required to complete anything in the game.


    5 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

    Let the complaints about endgame and pointless progression in Warframe continue... 

    Basically saying don't fix this glaring issue with the game. There's no issue move on, even though people bring this up everyday. Pretty done with these ideas, since it's not productive.

  8. 2 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

    Warframe has no corresponding difficulties for meta cheeses, and doing 8hrs survival isn't that much different from 5hrs survival. 

    What's the harm in people doing a survival however long they want? Cheese or no? I've never liked cheesing anything besides loot caves like Draco. People like me are going to have the fun ruined because some people like to do crazy runs? And for what?


    2 hours ago, Volinus7 said:

    Bad predatory? You are wrong. These are main methodologies of most online games that monetize power progression.

    No, most online games don't put a wall in front of you and say "pay or come back tomorrow". That's not power progression. That's a paywall, and there's no other way around it.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Ver1dian said:

    ALL and I mean ALL of the MMOs have two types of end game, PvP, which Warframe also has, but is hated by all and raids.

    There's Mythic+, which are scaling dungeons with conditions that add difficulty like Nightmare missions do in Warframe. Which could be a very cool thing if pushed a bit further. Like having 3 or 4 conditions for a hard mission. 

    Something like, when an enemy dies it buffs up enemies health and damage in a radius for a period of time. So you can't just clear a wave, you have to be careful. Another could just be AoE's under each player every few seconds, so you have to keep moving and also not run into your teammates AoE. Maybe if you're within 10m of an ally you take 10% of your health every second. These things would require thought and positioning without just scaling enemies to try and make the mission harder.

  10. 53 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    Warframe power progressions never fit together and never fit in difficulties?

    That's not true, the void gave purpose to power progression because it scaled. I loved playing it because I could see how far I could push certain builds/frames/weapons. It added so much replay-ability to the game and kept me playing actively for hundreds of hours. That spark of incentive was lost in the SotR update and it really hasn't returned, which has left no purpose to power progression.


    14 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    It's normal to sense pointlessness in these games once you shift standpoint. 

    Are you really comparing bad predatory mobile games to Warframe? Bit much.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

    run into Sanctuary Onslaught with NO forma, NO potatoes, NO arcanes, and do as well as others with all that.

    You mean go to C rotation, because there's no point in going past that in ESO? Yeah I can do that without any forma/potatoes.


    32 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Elite Alerts

    While I am looking forward to elite alerts, they just match current sorties/floods. It's not going to be any harder and you're not going to need any power progression to complete it.




    29 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

    I think he's missing the point of WF.


    30 minutes ago, Stormandreas said:

    Without min-maxing, there is literally nothing to do in WF.

    So he's not missing the point? What's the point in farming more efficiently if there's nothing worth farming for, because you don't need anything besides rank 30 gear?

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