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Posts posted by Kimimoto

  1. LifeOfRio made a video pointing out how you don't need any power progression to do the hardest content in this game. Which is true, you can do anything with just a rank 30 warframe/weapon. Which posses a big red flag for Warframe, since power progression is a large reason to keep playing the game. It adds a huge amount of replay-ability. A reason to get on in-between content droughts, which was a major problem over the last year.

    What's the point of all this power progression? Why do we have Catalysts/Reactors/Forma/Arcanes/PrimedMods/Rivens?

    Do you think DE should make some harder content to give purpose to all this power progression? Scaling is obviously broken right now. Should they fix scaling first to make endurance viable, or should they just increase the level on missions?



    8 hours ago, DreisterDino said:

    Why is this forum like this?

    Welcome to the cancer. Instead of actually discussing a solution to problems, you should just stop playing the game. #ProblemSolved #NeverChange

    Pretty sure DE was doing the idea the OP has suggested within clans. I remember seeing customizable missions for clan leaders to make for their clan.

  3. 17 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    there have been dozens of updates, not to mention 3 major quests, and a huge Open World....  I don't see the issue.

    What hotfix's? There have been updates, but most of them don't provide any content, instead they've been reworking systems. I don't mind them reworking systems, but they did them all at once which led to a huge drought. They should really weave reworks in-between new content to stagger droughts.

    3 Major Quests in the past 12 months? Let's count, the Sacrifice... where are you getting the others?

    "Huge" Open World, for DE it was very impressive, but it's not going to give us content for more than a month or two. Two new Eidolons were put in 4 months later which we're just "Eidolon with 50% more weakspots", nothing relevant was added to the fights besides that.

    They botched Kuva Survival and ESO, besides that what have they released content wise?

    I love DE, but this year has been dry, the latter half is extremely disappointing.

  4. On 2018-08-05 at 7:12 PM, (XB1)D00M INCARNATE said:

    You don't play GTA online for an endgame.

    You don't play Minecraft for an endgame.

    You don't play Gary's mod for an endgame.

    Good thing Warframe is closer to these games and not MMO's/Destiny, otherwise you might not have a point. /s

  5. 9 hours ago, Eienlanzer said:

    This whole thread is a vocal minority. They know how to remove it. Now, let's talk about something that matters.

    This response is a vocal minority, and such should be completely dismissed.

    Instead of making a thread about "something that matters", I'm going to be dumb.

  6. 13 hours ago, Zimzala said:

    people that think they should be allowed to tell others how to play games and/or dictate game changes

    This statement is so confusing I don't know if you want harder content or not, that's how backwards some of you are. I'm being told to look at paint dry or quit playing the game, am I the one telling people how to play?


    13 hours ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

    This thread is leading NOWHERE. 

    I agree, I'm going to abandon my own thread because it's currently a casual elitist circle jerk. The game is currently so casually oriented that hardcore players are leaking out the backend and have stopped playing the game. Clans full of inactive players who came to the same realization, that this all leads nowhere. Upgrade systems that have no purpose, constantly asking why you're maxing out a weapon.

    If you disagree, the majority of the people who saw this thread thought otherwise, check the reactions on the opening post. While that may just be a coincedence, I believe that does reflect how the Warframe community feels, and that people enjoy a challenge. I hope that anyone saying it has no place in this game are proven wrong, I hope that DE are aware and thinking of ways to implement some harder content. 

    I wish you all well Tenno, have fun



  7. 17 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    IF we completely remove all abilities

    This is not what's being said, please pay attention.

    If you spam an ability that's killing 20+ mobs at a time, it should be disabled for more than the measly 15 seconds that it does right now. So you can't do that S#&$ anymore. How is this so #*!%ing hard?

    If you're not doing that with an ability it wouldn't be disabled. If memeing strike comes next, guess what needs to be looked at. What would come after that?

  8. 11 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    In what way?

    Disabling abilities that are spammed, like in the meta. It's too lenient, if it were more punishing you wouldn't see the same 4 frames taken. 

    If maiming pops up next as the thing that mass clears, then balance it too. Saying another unbalanced thing is going to come out of the woodwork isn't a reason to leave everything unbalanced.

  9. 1 hour ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    Nerfing down or disabling everything wont work because that only shrinks the Meta while also increases the numbers of unviable weapons and frames.

    #*!% it, I guess

    Let's not counter the meta in a gamemode that was made to counter the meta, but instead promotes it. Bokay, I'm done here.

  10. On 2018-07-25 at 8:09 AM, Buzkyl said:

    Onslaught-See current Meta

    Maybe if DE would actually counter the garbage meta with Simaris disabling abilities. Instead of just disabling them for 15 seconds, disable them for the rotation. See how far the meta gets then.

  11. 9 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    Why should DE or anyone be "blamed" for us not finding a challenge late-game, as if that's a bad thing?

    That's what MMO's do? You level up, progress your character so you can beat the endgame. 

    I've leveled up, progressed my character and there's nothing here. Why did I just do all that? There was no point.

    Also, yes, that's a bad thing, it completely negates all the progression systems in your game.

    Imagine if there were 600 upgrades in mario but the game never got any harder or made you use those upgrades you worked for. What was the point of it all?

    Every other MMO does it, even Destiny a game Warframe is regularly paired with has raiding. It's not some crazy notion, this is the norm. 

    Thanks for trying to paint people who disagree as "blaming" DE though, totally on the nose with that one.

  12. 16 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    So, what you want is a fight that can only use ONE setup with ONE composition done through only ONE sequence otherwise you fail everything? Where the attitude is truly "Meta or forget it"?

    How did you get this from my post?

    tl;dr: I want actual mechanics and challenge please. Eidolons have neither.


    13 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

    But that does raise a big question: can you do any of those FFXIV boss fight solo or with truly random group? Because what few MMOs I saw my friends playing have the situation of 'follow the meta role or you will lose'.

    Well you can't do it solo, that would be ridiculous. You could do it with a purely random group though, what classes you brought wouldn't matter. Any composition could get the fight done, it's just a matter of doing the mechanics correctly and playing the classes well. 

    For world first clears meta are the obvious choice, and that's where it really matters. For everyone else it doesn't really mean anything, just play what you like. 


  13. On 2018-07-28 at 7:20 PM, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    Okay, mah dude, to be totally fair.....that's how -all- fights go.  Not just Eidolons, and not just in Warframe.


    Turn 7 of the Binding Coil of Bahamut, for example. Let's go over the mechanics shall we? 

    Throughout the fight with Melsuine three main mechanics will persist and there is very little room for error.  

    Voice: Melusine will cast this on three players at once and it will give them a debuff with a timer between 5-10 seconds. Once this timer runs out it will petrify anyone caught within a cone originating in the direction that the player is facing. 

    Shriek: This debuff will be cast on a single player and also has a timer that when runs out will petrify people, except this time it is circular so it does not matter which way that player is facing. 

    The third mechanic is that the boss will keep spawning Renauds - giant type creatures that will one shot kill players if they're allowed to melee said players. They must be petrified by Voice in order to be killed.

    Alternatively if a Shriek is out, you will have to use a petrified Renaud to block line of sight with the rest of your raid. This is the only way to not wipe when a Shriek comes.

    On top of these three main mechanics you have way more that you'll have to juggle along side them. 

    The boss will instantly cast fireballs on two random ranged targets. They will cleave anyone else close to you, do not be withing 5-6 feet of each other, ever.

    At 80% health, three melee adds with a devastating cleave will spawn back to back. If you don't kill them fast enough two will be out at the same time and kill your tank.

    At 60% health, four archers will spawn in the cardinal directions of the room. They will deal high damage to random party members, you can easily die if a fireball hits you at the wrong time when these are out.

    Also at 60% health, each ring that comprise 1/3rd of the arena will start to pulse damage one at a time. Every 30 seconds or so, the next ring will start doing damage while the previous one stops. This effectively cuts off a different 1/3rd of the arena every 30 seconds.

    At 30% health, one bigboy add will spawn. A few seconds after it spawns it wlll cast petrifaction, if anyone is looking at the add when the cast finishes they will be petrified(basically killed). This add also deals as much damage as the boss, so you have to kill it fast enough or it will overwhelm you. 

    Once you kill the bigboy the boss will inherit the petrifaction ability, meaning it will start casting it forcing you to look away from the boss. 

    The boss will also gain Venomous Tail which puts a dispellable DoT on a random party member. Every few seconds the DoT will deal damage to your entire raid, not dispelling it within the first few seconds has caused wipes.

    Those are all the mechanics, but keep in mind you never get a break for the 11 minute duration of the fight. It's pure concentration and coordination.

    ALSO, they have each of their jobs. Be it pulling enough damage, keeping the raid alive, or positioning/mitigating the adds/boss.

    Here's the world first video if anyone wants to actually see it. This is also the normal version of it, there's a harder savage version which is balls to the walls.



    Saying going Operator and shooting, then switch back to Warframe and shooting is "how all fights go" is #*!%ing ridiculous. Fights like these have been around for 19 years dating back to EQ... Destiny has raid fights like this... This is entirely possible in Warframe it just needs to be in a controlled environment with different rules.

    Accepting Eidolons as a good fight is really doing the devs a disservice when they could be making things that are SO much better. 


    On 2018-07-28 at 7:20 PM, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    For this reason, DE may have deliberately chosen to leave Eidolons at not-quite-endgame levels, simply because it's more of an "Intro to..." type of enemy, not the end-result.  Venus' open world is coming, and I'm sure we'll see higher levels and harder opponents.  After that, there will be more worlds and MORE enemy types.

    I could see leaving AN Eidolon as an easy mode entry, which would be the original Eidolon. Seeing how they've made TWO more Eidolons and they're basically EIDOLON 2.0 50% MORE WEAKSPOTS. Such mechanics, very hard, wow.

    I'd love for the spiders on Venus to be that challenge, but there's no way I'm holding my breath for it. I'll eat my own feet if it's not disappointing, save the date. Based on their track record I have no faith that they'll design something that would actually pose a challenge to veterans.

    They easily could do that, by adding any mechanics what-so-ever, disabling downstate so you can't just go invulnerable operator form and rez for days, or adding an actual enrage timer to beat that isn't 50 minutes long. 


    On 2018-07-28 at 7:20 PM, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    All I'm suggesting is....-you- may not enjoy the fights, but you should not automatically assume that means they are not enjoyable at all.  To do so would be incredibly presumptuous. 

    All I'm suggesting is....-you- may not enjoy watching paint dry, but you should not automatically assume that it's not enjoyable at all.  To do so would be incredibly presumptuous. 

  14. 20 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    Right?  I feel pretty proud when I take down an Eidolon.  I have a great time doing it, too!  ....and I'm MR21 with about 1100 hrs in-game.   It's not like I'm a newbie, in other words, but I still consider this stuff a ton of fun.  People over-consume and blame the developer for not feeding their gluttony fast enough, tbh

    Eidolons were cool at first, but they have no depth or difficulty. 

    This is how ALL Eidolon fights go.

    Shoot operator gun > Shoot weakspot > Repeat until dead

    The new ones brought nothing to the table, just more lights to make my eyes want to shrivel up and die.

    It then turns into "How many times can you shoot weakspots in one night?". You're not fighting the Eidolons at this point you're just fighting the clock. It's not really fun.

    So no, people haven't "over-consumed" Eidolons, they're just not good fights. Since their not good fights, it really does fall on the developers who made the fights.


  15. 42 minutes ago, Comrade said:

    Is the answer to bring back the key system?

    I agree Relics are great. Keys are not what's being asked for here, I'm looking for ANYTHING that gives incentive to stay past C rotation.

    Kuva Survival could easily be something, but the Devs won't hit a middle ground on the rewards, People think it has to be either no increased rewards or unlimited scaling going forever which is dumb. Scale it a bit, have a cap, keep it below flood numbers, that's enough incentive.

  16. 10 hours ago, BETAOPTICS said:

    Your true criticism is that your preferred activity is not the activity that is also most efficient.

    No, and I'll give you an example.

    If Kuva Survival scaled a bit up to 250 and capped out there, it would still be giving less Kuva than running Floods. You can keep running Floods as long as you have a taxi back to it and that's what people do. If Kuva Survival had that little incentive to stay in, it would give purpose to all this power and it still wouldn't be the most efficient way to collect Kuva.

    I can't deny that it's partly about the rewards, not truly the rewards but the the fact that it would be worth doing. Even if I don't need the rewards, the fact that I would get more for trying harder and staying longer would give me a reason to do it. 

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