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Posts posted by Kimimoto

  1. 8 hours ago, Sloan441 said:

    DE has implemented several systems that a few people clamored for, presumably for something to do once they "arrived". Once implemented they languished, since more than a few people didn't see any point in these systems or found them something less than fun to indulge in. 

    Yeah, because they're scared to actually give incentive for playing well. They languished, because there's no point to any of it. There's no rewards. There's no reason to go past C or stay in the mission when you can just reset. Past that there's no point to even playing the game and progressing, because nothing requires you to forma/riven/arcane/giveaS#&$.

    If there's no tangible reward nobody's going to bother, it's not the actual game-mode that's the problem.

  2. 14 hours ago, zoaz123 said:


    They haven't touched the Eidolons since the week they came out in terms of bugs/improvments.

    I don't think they're going to any time soon if ever. Maybe if they EVER drop the flying Eidolon, but that hasn't even been mentioned.

  3. On 2018-05-05 at 11:34 PM, peterc3 said:

    Exodia Contagion is end game?

    There is no endgame, and there most likely never will be. On the two occasions they could have added some endgame, they forsook it.


    On 4/19/2018 at 11:17 PM, seprent said:

    memes aside: i've seen these threads so many times 1: i lost count at around 40 something 2: THEY NEVER ACHIEVE ANYTHING 3: just wait for pets 2.0 who knows it might fix all your god damn complaining... oh who am i kidding? even if it did people will still complain no matter how petty their problem is (looking at you i should have 93 rivens because 850 log in is unfair) 4: Thanks for the laughs some of the stupidity in these reminds me why i get up in the morning why can't you guys take a no for a answer and deal with it or idk do something else

    I really wish I could cuss on the forums

    I love cussing at children

  5. This has been an ongoing thing, since I'm not sure when, after Endless Fissures? Atleast Endless Fissures gives you scaling boosters for the rest of the mission.

    What incentive is there to go past rotation C on Onslaught/Kuva Survival? Currently for Veterans, none. There's zero reason to play the content(after Khora, which won't last a few days) which was supposedly designed for us.

    The game needs purpose. Not just for having something to play, but for the myriad of progression systems that have no purpose. 

    Here's a paraphrased conversation I have with one of my friends probably once a month.

    "Hey, want to come play Warframe?"


    "You could max out your frames and weapons."

    "For what? I can do everything in the game without doing that."


    Think about how much gameplay is lost because no mission has the incentive to try. Basically the whole game, think about how much goes into maxing out a build for a loadout.

    You have to actually get the items be it frames/weapons/sentinels/mods, you have to get plat for potatos/forma, you have to level them to forma, you have to get endo/credits to FULLY max your mods, you have to grind out the kuva to roll your rivens, you have to fight the Eidolons to piece together arcane sets.

    You could also not, because why? There goes literally the whole game besides fashion because there's no incentive to try.


    "But endless missions and onslaught are CHEESEABLE" Okay. Lets say you don't nerf the cheese. You can either have some people cheesing for rewards they have to spend the same amount of time for anyway, or nothing. 


    This is just a rant at this point, it's just so baffling. 


  6. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Fairfied said:

    True, but thats about 40-50min longer than they normally would

    Yeah, then people will start asking for a reason to go past 1 hour. Why not just make it so you're always incentivised to stay rather than leave?

  7. 43 minutes ago, RistN said:

    DE staff wouldn't blow up their minds trying to figure out a formula for scaling rewards and not break the game

    It's not that hard


    44 minutes ago, RistN said:

    Reward riven mod every 1h spent in that mission.

    The problem with this is it also probably isn't scaled, people will just go for an hour and leave. The rewards need to promote people pushing their limits and actually give incentive to Forma/Arcanes/Rivens/GettingPrimes/PrimedMods/HavingYour ModsMaxed. There is none currently besides "I want to see bigger numbers".

  8. On 4/9/2018 at 10:38 PM, MirageKnight said:

    You could always run a non-meta build...or ANY kind of build that's NOT specifically designed around cheesing and trivializing Level 40+ content.

    Want to feel challenged? Make yourself less blatantly overpowered (by deliberately leaving off meta mods like CO, BR, MS, etc. for starters) and go into a high level Survival run by yourself and see how long you can last.

    I think you'll find that the reason you're so bored is because you're so powerful that almost nothing can really honestly threaten you.

    Here we are again forums...

    "It's your fault that there's nothing to do, gimp yourself so you can feel challenged. The devs couldn't add reasonable scaling rewards which would give a great gameplay loop because they're scared of Endless."

    The reason I'm bored is because I'm not incentivised to try. That's it! I don't want to build a house just for the challenge, I want the reward of selling it. There's no challenge because why would I go to that point in a Survival/Defense/Excavation/Interception/Defection?

    Make it so Mythic+ only gives the same baseline gear no matter how far you get into it. Thanks for the slap in the face devs.


  9. A Mythic+, Fractals of the Mist, Palace of the Dead style game mode would be extremely welcome. For this being my favorite game I haven't played in weeks, there's no challenge and nothing to do right now. Having something with scaling difficulty and some sort of scaling rewards would be amazing.

    Looking at you Kuva Survival.

  10. On 3/30/2018 at 12:52 AM, zWhiteKz said:

    So here is my math for endless kuva to back it up:

    we all know that right now endless reward 200/min


    Kuva needs to scale from 150 (Siphon Rewards) to 300 (Flood Rewards), because I can already run an unlimited amount of Floods with taxis. It would still be less Kuva with scaling, but it would definitely give incentive to 90% of the progression systems in the game that are currently unneeded and worthless.

  11. The easiest way to have Focus always be useful is to have a trait for dumping points for diminishing gains. So the percentage passives like 50% more energy from energy orbs would be unlimited ranks, but every time you got a rank it cut the amount you gain for the next rank by a third. 

    Rough example

    Rank 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 > 9 > 10 > 11

    %  20 > 12 > 8 > 6 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1.5 > 1 > .6 > .4

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