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Posts posted by EdinaMonsoon

  1. 1 hour ago, Miser_able said:

    no matter where it dropped people were going to complain. its inevitable. complaining is our passtime. make it an easy reward like standing shop and you "wasted" your time doing the event for it. make it a bounty reward and people would complain about bounty dilution, if he was in the dojo people would complain that research takes too long, the research costs are too high for solo clans or high tiers, or that once again it was too easy to get him.

    i don't think you're understanding lol 

    people aren't complaining about lavos being easy to obtain, they're complaining that DE left it to the end of the event to let us know where meaning some players felt they experienced extra grind they could have used for arcane mods (something that's very difficult to obtain outside the event)! if they said at the start "we plan on moving lavos and his weapon to [insert store/bounty]", those who didn't mind waiting a month wouldn't have worried about grinding so much

    i could have happily waited for his weapon but i didn't know if it would be stuck behind a dreadful isolation vault bounty and ended up wasting cells instead of getting arcanes

    • Like 5
  2. i'm not usually one to complain about the choices you guys make but i'm siding with the people who feel a little bit miffed not knowing lavos would be so easy to gain and could have used those cells on arcane mods .-.

    i had to choose between energize and avenger because after grinding lavos and cedo, i had no incentive to carry on with the event for that amount of cells... idk, it feels kinda shady

    happy for those who don't have to grind as hard now though


    13 hours ago, Miser_able said:

    come on people, they told us from the very beginning that lavos and cedo would not be exclusive to the event and that they would be added somewhere else after. This event was just meant to be the way to get him first. you didn't "waste" your time farming him now, you spent time to be one of the first people to get him.

    we knew this but we didn't know if lavos/cedo would be in a vendor store or behind a bounty grind or simply in a dojo lab. the reason for the upset is them not telling us where, if i had known i could have used my standing later on to get cedo, i could have used those cells to prioritize arcane energize and spent my month long waiting 132k standing on cedo if i felt too burned out on the event

    • Like 9
  3. some missions don't reward you for being AFK (me and a friend did a private defence but i had to go AFK and when i came back, it said no reward due to inactivity) so maybe DE should boost AFK consequences? e.g. no shared affinity after 10/15 seconds of inactivity? no rewards for players who are purposely too far away from objectives in bounties?

    not perfect solutions but there's always the report system

  4. 20 minutes ago, ChaosSabre said:

    Actually no I got luck with my Mk3 drops but I know a dude in my clan that has been farming a reactor for days now to upgrade it. So no it's not a good system.

    I got the new weapons, built my shedu and finished half of veil with a mk2 weapons, mk1 rest and mk3 rushed plat core, maxed out avionic mods and one away from maxed out grid.

    I can tell you that this content has been rushed out and you can so easily finish it all in under a day if you know what you are doing.

    Good luck with your white knighting.

    if you can finish railjack in a day then i think you need to be getting more sleep

  5. On 2019-12-13 at 1:43 PM, Gasau said:

    refill the revolite for the omni tool.

    omni tool need to repair the ship


    Yes you need it to win the game actually, or you ship gonna die and you fail the mission.


    This is purest 100% pay 2 win.

    but how is this an issue when you're flooded with these resources the moment you start a railjack mission?

    i don't have any boosters and my UI is constantly going nuts with all these resources i'm somehow picking up

  6. 2 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

    So that a group of people can keyshare through the system.

    I find it much better to either be able to host a grendel mission for friends/clanmates without having to go "Oh yeah, before we can do this grendel mission you'll have to go through a few arbitrations...so tell me when you get you're 25 vitus."

    Further it allows people to have backups: Me and a few friends can buy a few keys apiece and then if we fail?  So what we have another key to just try again.

    It dramatically cuts down on how much vitus is needed.

    don't you keep the grendel keys on fail?

  7. i'm not a game dev but as a player, i'd very much like plenty more story quests than new weapons and warframes. this game has a lot of lore hidden in the codex which could easily be told with quests (cus lets be honest, minus those who are very dedicated logs in to sit and read the codex?)

    my only fear with that is if we just end up with a bunch of clutter quests that only require you to do 3 mobile defence missions in a row and then a survival...

    if they made more quests that are as atmospheric and intriguing like the harrow quest, i'd assume i have died and gone to tenno heaven

    tl;dr this game has a lot of story hidden away, they should really make the most of it and give us interesting quests rather than keep it in the codex

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