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Posts posted by EdinaMonsoon

  1. the people saying "look where you're going" must never have played an high level public mission, do you guys know how visually chaotic this game easily is? when there's hordes of enemies coupled with gunfire from both sides and fireworks of destructive energy, your eyes are working way too hard to keep a look out for a little floating bulb...

    i agree with opt out in the options menu or making the motes interactive BUT not by pressing a button. i think you should have to shoot/slash the mote to activate it so we can avoid an extra dialogue box

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  2. 4 minutes ago, Renegade343 said:

    Yeah, nothing screams overviolence like melting, freezing, burning, and shredding enemies and then desecrating their corpses.

    some countries are really weird about what they censor whilst some are pretty chill, like the Australian (i think?) cover art for L4D2 had be to edited because it was considered too gory

    i know there's a music store based in the middle east that (badly) photoshops off any and all women from album art

  3. 17 hours ago, (PS4)Kakurine2 said:

    People are way too easily offended by nothing.  Who cares if something is lewd, rude, incentive, etc.

    Its a videogame on the internet.  We are all total strangers.  Folks need to grow thicker skin and companies need to stop censoring and hand holding.

    nobody is offended lol, DE have to meet certain regulations if they want to keep their game at a certain age rating

    nobody is upset, DE just takes caution to be safe

  4. i wouldn't say it's stupid, just horrific and testing

    it's by far the worst grind i've done but at least you're passively farming affinity, focus and relics/endo too

    it probably is a billion times easier to farm and sell prime parts but after farming khora, any other grind feels like a pinch instead of a punch 😎

  5. 12 hours ago, EmberStar said:

    Yes, let's pile more punishment mechanics on top of a glitchy system that people don't want to engage with because they feel it's already too punishing.  That will certainly fix it.


    If they were even going to attempt something like that, then they'd have to balance the Liches and fix bugs first.  When I was finally able to start trying to kill my first lich, there were *many* points in the fight where she moved more than 100m away BY HERSELF.  Her ultimate power was to teleport (basically every time I damaged her, which was SO FUN.)  And because I was fighting her in the Infested Corpus Ship and the pathfinding in that mess is a nightmare, there were a few times where she just blipped halfway across the ship, presumably after teleporting out of the map entirely.

    She also managed, several times, to hurl my character against scenery in a way where I got completely stuck as my Warframe recovered from the ragdoll.  Twice when she hurled me against the same alarm beacon console and I got stuck *behind* it in such a way that I couldn't even use Transference to get free.

    gurl it was just a suggestion, no need to go off like that

  6. 5 minutes ago, George_PPS said:

    This is not the only one. I am extremely disappointed that DE is deleting all of these threads all together to keep us quite 

    DE, why are you deleting these posts non-stop? Why you aren’t accepting players’ honest opinions? Is the team for moderating the Forum controlled by Chinese Communist Party? 

    This Update is the worst one ever, making the game unplayable. 

    i think unplayable is a tad dramatic considering you can play the game

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  7. 1 hour ago, Jarriaga said:


    Wrong. Can't go to Hydron, Adaro or Selene anymore without risking it.

    Those are nodes use for weapon leveling, Orokin Cell farming, focus farming, and for completing Riven challenges.

    strange, i've been to hydron plenty for the purpose of getting a lich but nothing ever spawned

    when one did spawn in an exterminate, it was very clearly waypointed and i remember someone else saying you have to kill it yourself to gain the lich

  8. 13 minutes ago, Flameduel said:

    this is a community game, there is no reason why they should avoid team oriented game modes? look at raids for example (and you cannot use they got removed for a rebuttal, they were not removed for being bad, it was removed because they could not update it properly), it was a very fun game mode, that required EIGHT co-operating team members, and gave RANDOM rewards having some being SOUGHT AFTER META ITEMS. That game mode was a very fun game mode because of the co-operations with friend to play the game, and get rewarded accordingly. These missions are FOUR people co-operating which is much easier to get than eight. the drops we want are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CHANCE. My friends did it first try by planning ahead doing Rhino, Ember, Frost, and Trinity because they go together fairly well, Rhino was replaced with Nekros in Survival, and we huddled together like how the game used to be and worked together giving calls like, "Nulifiers to the north", "Low on energy", "Watch for the bursa" and stuff like that, where in normal game play we would never get. that is an experience that is rare these days in games because games try to please individual people, not groups of people. What are we rewarded with? Memories, probably my favorite node I have ever played on, A GUARANTEED REWARD unlike a lot of other frames where you just go in and blap the target a few times, leave, and do it again till you get it again. do you.... call, that fun? the old ways of getting frames? random chance one man army missions? I like this because they made a fairly difficult mission that we have to do only once because that shows we took 20-30 minutes in our day with friends to beat a mission. I am not saying they should continue doing these kinds of missions, I am saying as a one off way of getting a warframe, it is unique and fun.

    +1 on this, it really brought out communication between me and the 3 other randoms because we all wanted to get it done swiftly and stress free

    i really liked that, much better than bullet jumping from start to finish

  9. On 2019-11-01 at 2:43 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


    The Defense one is receiving the most hate from what we're seeing, we are keeping an eye on it. 

    the defense one was actually the easiest one for me, i went as a gara and we didn't need a trinity because energy orbs were being dropped in close range unlike survival and excav which are spread around the map

    these missions were tough and i appreciate the challenge tbh, i think they just need shortening

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