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  1. In all honesty, I've grown overtime the idea that Limbo's kit should no longer banish enemies into the Rift. I understand the whole concept of placing enemies in the Rift is Limbo's gimmick and the whole Banish + Rift Surge combo (which honestly feels like a more expensive Saryn Spore spread but with extra steps), but this game Warframe is a fast-paced shooter multiplayer game. I can't see any merit micromanaging where I want my enemies to be in the way Limbo does.
  2. Having Mind Control allow controlling multiple targets would be a more broken version of Revenant's 1st ability. People already will cling to Psychic Bolts so it is extremely unlikely that ability would change, but having the Psychic Blade idea as a replacement might be a manageable alternative
  3. Along with the Nyx critique, I might be tackling Limbo a bit but with a critique on his playstyle and his current abilities.
  4. Well for Mag, her kit concentrates on Shield disruptions, collecting enemies in one place through Magnetize and Pull. In the description of Psychic Bolt, Nyx uses telekinesis to guide the Psychic Bolts. While not to the same degree, it should be possible for Nyx to use telekinesis on other things. The whole concept of Nyx is that she is the psychic-themed Warframe.
  5. I will update the OP with an optional Mind Control that might be more consistent with the current version.
  6. IF there were a possibility to keep Mind Control, there is one possible, but stretchy solution to have one single Mind Control target that would not be a useless one. MIND CONTROL TARGETS ARE "DISGUISED" AS NYX Mind Control would envelop the target with energy disguising the victim to look like Nyx The "Disguised Nyx" would take a portion of the Enemy's Health stat as damage shooting a nearby enemy each 0.5-seconds Mind Control no longer has a 4-second window to empower it, but now has any instance of damage absorbed store it as bonus damage to it's attack However, the bonus gained will diminish over time [MIND FREAK AUGMENT]: Has a chance for attacks from controlled target to register as Head shot damage I did not bring this one up because I felt this idea would either be seen as out-of-themed or unnecessary.
  7. The following critique and suggestions are taken from a PC-player. THE CORE PROBLEM WITH NYX Nyx's abilities rely heavily on the offensive capabilities of her enemies. With Mind Control, with all the damage and ammo you invest, we cannot rely much on the consistency of the AI. Also, the damage a mind-controlled target can deal in general pales in comparison to the effective HP enemies have as Nyx is put in higher level content. With Absorb, enemies would be either dish out insignificant amount of damage to warrant a stationary burst counter attack. Psychic Bolt can be buggy at times, however it is understandable to have a homing defense strip to have a capacity. Chaos feels empty as a crowd control ability, and confusion might cause some defense missions to take more time as enemies could wander too far. A PROPOSED SOLUTION FOR NYX There are multiple ways to design Nyx's theme of using enemies in some way not limited to using their attacks The concept and theme of psychic powers have a much broader applications and capabilities that Nyx could exploit not limited to just controlling enemy minds. For what I have to suggest: Only Nyx's 1st ability Mind Control can changed drastically into something new. There is a way to keep the other 3 abilities IF they are tweaked around in what they potentially do. PASSIVE: An offensive and defensive passive *OPTIONAL* ABILITY 1 {NEW} : CONTROL -> Using a enemy's body as an attack through telekinesis ABILITY 1 {OPTIONAL} : MIND CONTROL -> Turns the controlled target into a "Discuised Nyx Specter" ABILITY 2 : PSYCHIC BOLTS -> Can remain as is, but check below for an alternative 2nd and 3rd Ability option ABILITY 3 : CHAOS -> Handing wandering enemies and changing the Augment ABILITY 4 : ABSORB -> Granting Mobility AND adding a new thing Nyx can absorb: The minds of her enemies OPTIONAL SUGGESTION: CHAOS GAINS THE DEFENSE REDUCTION BUT NEW 2ND ABILITY: PSY-BLADE FINAL NOTES The concept of a psychic-themed Warframe has a huge variety of applications to consider: telekinesis, electro/pyro kinesis, mind draining capabilities, and more. Nyx's reliance on enemy attacks to make best use of her abilities is not as effective as other Warframes that can do the same; As shown in the suggestions there are other ways to design Nyx "using her enemies." QUESTIONS FOR READERS Do you feel that Nyx should truly have the ability to Mind Control more than one enemy, or do you feel that might be a bit too much having an invulnerable army of enemies? What are your thoughts on giving Nyx the ability to use telekinesis to use an enemy's body as a weapon over using a mind controlled AI? Do you find the capacity of Psychic Bolt hindering ? Have you witnessed issues where Psychic Bolt won't hit a target you desire or the effect of the armor drain suddentl canceling out? Would you like Nyx to have the ability to forge a Psychic Blade as an attack? Do you worry about Chaos affected enemies wandering off too much in Defense-type missions? Do you want base Absorb to be more mobile? Do you want Absorb to focus more on the burst-damage aspect or the weapon buff aspect? Would you prefer Absorb have some gimmick to drain enemy minds feeding into either/both Absorb's burst damage or Weapon Damage? Do you feel Absorb's weapon damage duration is too short?
  8. Another true point. Any thoughts on having its augmented form to be combined with Sonic Boom (Banshee's 1st)? The thought was to have that ability and Sound Quake (Banshee's 4th) combined into one. Much like how Zephyr's 1st and past 2nd were combined.
  9. My naming senses are a swing and miss... I've also been thinking about switching over the abilities so that "Sonic Scream" is the 4th and "Statis Oscillation" being the 1st. In all honesty, the merged abilities can be either slot as long as the scale of them makes sense.
  10. I would've done so to, but the thing I see is this: Sonic Boom and Sound Quake are already damage+Stun abilities. The major difference between them is one is cheaper and has an Augment that strips armor. A defensive option I would've suggested is to have Banshee's Sonar offer her Shield Regen per enemy detected, but Sonar is already bloated with the whole damage vulnerability perk.
  11. Considering Sonic Boom's Augment is an Armor Reduction ability already, we will keep with that and change the 4th's Augment for Destabilize.
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