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  1. As per usual, interesting work from you Kei. Art looks great- reminds me of a female version of Oberon, or a 'druid' version of Khora. I like the idea of making static warframes, it reminds me of the shadow clones of Zed from League. The grow your own ally idea also sounds like a nice way to have a scaling companion for any level. anyway, cool to see you posting again :)
  2. Since I haven't written anything Warframe related in a while, I thought that it would be best to do something slightly different, but related. Without going into details, I've been having a rough time. Some things that hurt to hear over a conversation were instead told to me through social media. I've been slowly adjusting to the new normal in light of this and well, been focused on living, working and coping instead of creating. I suppose this is the lull I forewarned you all about in September. I think now at this point it's just finding the time to write it all down. I will probably be commissioning art for this upcoming part of the Technocyte Schism, so that coupled with everything else will make this a juggernaut of a piece. Til Then.
  3. Quickie: A moment of respite, while the spore clouds flounder Underneath the howling skies, and the thin streaming reminders of what once was, beyond the long span of the old bridge and the wilted, poisoned fields, is the plastic tent outpost of Lafayette's Ridge. If you ignore the whir of the dying filters and the coughing, sickly bags of meat that live there, and their mutterings of this being the end of days, you'll see that single golden emblem, that token of the old times. You can touch it, the inhabitants won't argue, and maybe, just maybe you'll dream that night. I passed that way not too long ago. That little plastic tent is greened with algae, its edges covered in moss. But it hasn't started to slough, or twist despite being there longer than anyone can remember. The material hasn't begun to leech into the soil, or fray, or show signs of age, if you ignore the greening. The earth is trying to reclaim it and it stubbornly refuses. The filter has never been changed. It may be dying, but it's still better than all the others you can find anywhere in Bago. Some say that the new trees east across the ocean will make filters a thing of the past and this one will go on until it no longer has a use. I hold onto that hope. It's the only place we can send the old and lung-rotted. It might be strange to put faith in something you don't fully understand, but do you even know what they put in the filters these days? Cotton died out a long time ago. When you lay down to sleep, and you tune out the coughing, the whirring changes. It becomes something else entirely. It starts to sing. I've never heard something so beautiful in all my life. If something as mundane as an air filter could sing in the old times, it, the plastic and the golden symbol gave birth to the strangest dream I've ever had, that I recorded the morning after second, by second. A great city of marble rose from the earth around me, filled with shimmering, towering figures of starlight. They looked down at me from their long necks, really looked at me, in a way that my mother never did and my father never could and I felt so much love and compassion in that moment that I apparently cried in my sleep. One in particular stood out to me. He was so symmetrical, so beautiful that even in my dream, I dared not breathe, dare not move for fear that I would displease him. I watched as he took in my put-together hazard suit, covered in grime and dust, the mismatched colours and the jury rigged travel filters from Giorgio's, and watched as he slowly shook his head. "My poor citizen. It was never meant to end like this. This was not our plan, but our plans, our designs were stripped from us by them." He said, with his perfect lips, that were curled into a frown. He looked up, the others around him doing the same. I looked up, but saw nothing. Some took on combative stances, but from their looks of despair, this wasn't a fight that they could win. A mob of reddened figures appeared from the rooftops of the city. One by one, the shimmering giants were struck down, until it was only me and the figure that had spoken. It was in that moment that the figures faded. He had not once looked away, merely scowling as he spoke again. "Because they thought they knew better, every generation has faced its own tragedy. A debt of blood, or sickness, all thanks to them. Even you and your father." The directed statement thawed my throat. "You knew my father?" The figure shook his head. "I knew what happened to him. The Blight. Shortly after you were born. First his eyes, then his lungs. By the time you were in school, he was here." This was too real for a dream, even a lucid one. "What is this?" I asked. "A conversation. I have them every night, with the people that can hear the singing. Your father spoke to me quite often, before he passed. There was so much he wished for you, for the family." I couldn't understand it. I was speaking to the tent? "He died and everything got worse. The spore clouds shifted South. I've spent most of my life in bigger and bigger suits to stop The Blight from killing me the same way it killed dad, but all it will take is one mistake, one day. A broken seal, a loose glove and a single spec could kill me. A dodgy filter- if I can keep affording them. If you don't work, you die, do you understand?" I replied. The figure stood still and silent for a long time in the dream. Slowly, they shrunk down until a thin, emaciated figure stood before me. Some parts of him were blurred, as if he were a distant memory that was fading. But that face, with those wide eyes and thin, bony cheeks were distinct. It was the Bajo look, only those clothes weren't. They were spun from a richer material than I had ever seen. It seemed out of place to see such fine clothes on a starving man. "I know that all too well. I used to be much more than I am, but I was given a purpose to do forever and I was made well. But machines can get sick. It started 50 years ago, but no one has come to fix me. No one ever will. Beyond the spore clouds and the seas beyond that, Lua was proof that my purpose mattered and that the sick I cared for would have a higher purpose. For 1000 years, Lua was gone. But still you lived, still you fought and you struggled and for what? Your lives are miserable, your days fewer than those before you. But you never gave up. Dying was a certainty, but it was never something you chose. Only a few that I have talked to have ever wished to die, even as they heave their last." "Do you hate them? The people that did this to you?" "No. My life was miserable. Everything was dying out. I was the healthiest person in the entire commune, so they chose me. Thanks to what I became, the crops were protected and the clouds receded. But I don't have the same power I used to. One of my antennas broke and the northern barrier failed. The western one will fall, in time. Lua has returned, but I don't hear them, anymore. It's silent. They're all gone from that place." "Do you usually talk about these things with people?" The figure chuckled, then sighed. "I apologise. The end is approaching, I can feel it. 50 years is a long time to be sick. Some would call it cruelty to be unwell for so long, but not die. I can tell that the winds are changing. The spore saturation is decreasing. Maybe the Technocyte Virus is dying out, or something else is happening. A miracle. Whatever it is, there will be no glories for me, or a second rebirth. I will have done my job, then be discarded to the weeds that are slowly consuming me. The Orokin have no use for machines that have no purpose." "We'll need you still. The spore clouds come and go. 20 years ago-" "20 years ago a weather storm pushed the spore clouds away, but I could still pick them up. This is different." "What makes you so sure?" "There is much you can do, Dawkin. I can only do this. It's all I've known. It's all I'm good at. No one ever compliments my bedside manner, do they?" The figure sighed, and coughed. Blood trickled down the sides of his mouth. I moved forward to try to help him, realising that I had no idea what I could do to help him. Beyond this form, he was a machine no one could fix. He held up a hand to hold me back. "The clouds are dying. Maybe we'll both go at the same time." He said with a rueful smile. "Maybe you could be fixed? We find relics from the old days all the time." "Fixing me would mean turning off the entire system. How many people would die in the meantime? No, this is the way it should be. In 5 years, I reckon. If I live that long, then you can try." Then I was shaken awake. The serenity of the conversation was replaced by the cacophony of the dying. Lafayette's Ridge. Go soon, for your sake, sis. Maybe it might explain your visions. I know you're trying to figure out how to jury rig the old relay network in Golok, but I think you might just figure out why thats not going anywhere. Just one night. Tell them about dad and give them that toy you found. I know that you don't think that it's worth anything, but the folks over there care about them a whole lot. They told me mine used to mean something, back in the old days. Take Care. -Darwin.
  4. Why I haven't posted in a while Hey everybody. No, I'm not dead, but I know the thread has been for a while. It's simply a lack of motivation. I've been told for a while to come up with my own setting and I have. At first, I thought my lagging behind was just because of uni and the anxiety of my work being read by strangers, but I've realised that it was more my flagging interest in the setting DE want to pursue in general. I watched Tennocon this year and while I did find it interesting, I'm once again feeling like it's not Warframe, but something else. What this means, is that I'm not sure when I'll next post. I've written and dumpstered the next two quests a few times, so I can't commit to giving a cliffnotes of what I wanted to do, but I was and still am excited to continue this series some day, with an emphasis on no fixed date. I apologise to anyone that really wanted to see part 9 or 10 before the end of the year, because it might take that long. Alternatively, I might suddenly find my mojo again and knock out two parts in a month. So, I guess for now I'll say: Til Then.
  5. The reason I bring up a ghost horse at all is because of how Kaithes operate - less of a persistent object and more of an on-demand spectre. I do like the premises you've brought up though, but generally speaking it feels like you're going for a megazord style transformation in general. Would the warframe shrink down like Titania to make big ol' horse and a rider easier to use in general maps or what was the plan? Or maybe you could do something like WoW's druid forms, where he/she shapeshifts?
  6. When I played a modded run of Darkest Dungeon, there was a class that had a spectral horse. It did a bit of everything. Found it. I don't know much about that character from League so I can't comment on it, but it definitely is a lesser used archetype.
  7. Exilus Reinforcements Here we are again. Since I haven't had time to write a big thing out, maybe it might be better if I give you a couple little things. I came up with a few Exilus (The subfaction of Warframes that are sentient and can talk. You can see a quest involving their leader here) Warframe stat blocks a while ago. For the sake of brevity, I won't paste in the documents, but link them in the post. Xargus, The Nightmare Judge - A collaborative effort between myself and a friend on Discord. He came up with the concept, basing it on Jackalope folklore from the Old West. I wrote a story for it. The Story The Warframe Kabuto, The Shadowblade - A high fantasy take on ninjas. The Warframe Samar, The Brawler - A brawler frame. Think of something like Tekken or Street Fighter. The Warframe Tengu, The Seer - A support frame. Think of Harrow mixed with Ivara. The Warframe ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Feel free to give me feedback, either in this form, or in responses. This will probably be the last post until summer. Til Then.
  8. Welcome to the second edition of my thread. Thank you for 25.8K views! ----------->Latest post<------------- Previous thread Something else Contents: Pets 2.0 Part 1: Here Comes the Birds Part 2: Creating Gods Part 3: The Stuff of Legends Part 4: T.A.I.L.S Part 5: Quests and Consequences Bonus addition: Mood Collars and Food Bonus addition: Pet control system Trials. The Vault of Orryphus Part 1 - The people that inherited Mars Part 2 - The Trial and attunement quest Part 3 - (WIP) Hahn Abi Expeditions The Path of Vindication Deliverance of Marineris The Trial The Third Gravidus Dilemma Rail Synova Terminus Proxima Part 1 - Some background and attunement quest Part 2 - The Trial The Path of Judgement Trial Vendor Miniature trail events Man in the Wall incursions (at the bottom of the post) Ascended Liches (at the bottom of the post) Rewards for Miniature - Trial events The final part of the Syndicate revision system: the Syndicate war What does the Solar Rail War look like to you? - potential implementations of a War event. Armistice and finale A lot of art that I most likely won't be able to provide in more than basic sketches. What changes I would make to the elemental system The Technocyte Schism: Ire of the Saffron Emperor - Current series Part 1 - A Dilemma Unfolds Part 2 - Enemies of the same flesh Part 3 - Night Waves under Torn Skies Part 4 - The Cauldron Bubbles, a quest introducing Raven, the leader of the Exilus. Frame belongs to @keikogi. Part 5 - Iliad's Bane - The Depths of Menes Part 6 - The Lasting Sin of Kathman - A tie in quest for @keikogi's Warframe, Persphone. Part 7 - Five Blights, Five Nights Part 8 - Blades in the Dark - Prelude - The Solar Shutdown - Recap timeline Side ideas / one offs Transforming Rivens into a traditional RPG power up system. Lich Murmur Changes (part of the rework). A mainline update - The Omen of Eudoxus Warframe / Weapon trees for evolving Warframes and weapons beyond what they are now. Loka - a look into a period of time during The Fall where decadent despots brought us into the dark age we find ourselves in. Origin System, Revised. - Improving mission connection and adding random events. Other odds and ends that are more minor. Plains expansion Beyond the Eidolon-Moh - A boss heavy expedition module. Tranq upgrades Making bad/unpopular missions better Dojos as social hubs Relays as social hubs Slaystorm - Endless Exterminate Botany system (Skip to Horticulture) Overhaul to planetary resources, resource tiers. Sentinel Rework Plague Star Season 2 Ghoul Purge Season 2 Buried Depths Season 2: A tale of two businessmen Setting the scene: key Grineer, Corpus and Orokin infrastructure and installations Exilus Reinforcements Other great threads to browse/follow: Due to study / leisure balance, expect submission time to be slower. Special Thanks For commenting, either with constructive critique or morale boosting praise. I will be giving each of you potatoes so check your inboxes. I would also like to mention u/yarl5000, u/FTC_Publik and u/ArseneArsenic. They have either inspired, or have had their words used directly in my posts. The final part of the Syndicate revision for instance would not exist if it weren't for this exchange. You also will get potatoes. Lastly, I would like to thank DE for making a wonderful fiction to imagine in. I may have a few disagreements with the current direction, but I am still writing in your fictional universe. Keep on going. Prove me wrong and win me back. Give me feedback! Thanks. T.
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