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Posts posted by TDS0Spoderman

  1. Volts got high shields and speedBoost+Shield for dangerous moments and his shock and overload are way better than in update 10

    he adds a mix of offense and defensive utility 


    Ash deals a lot of damage has high HP and stealth most people will tell you that he lacks utility but you can balance that by sneaking and killing Ancients/Heavies/Techies before they become a problem ( talking about survival/defense)

  2. not only Rhino i had that issue with Nyx mind control and i'm 100% that nothing was being controlled by it since it was the first time i tried it 

    also Volts overload and his other abilities 

  3. i'm getting a Sobek and Gorgon to deal with Corpus ( high impact dmg) keeping my Soma and leveling Despair and Cestra for Grinner and Forma'ing my Ignis for Infested, a fire Soma also works fine 


    Brakk and Vectis are jacks of all trades 

  4. i believe its just adds the %stated on the mod but based on the charge damage

    IE: a charged attack dealing 100 damage would get 90 extra ice damage from  ranked north wind ( pre faction and elemental calculations ) 

  5. hmm this is just like those threads comparing LOL and Dota2 characters


    -they both follow the same archetype that existed before them so not really a copy just something similar, same core idea

    -if something is good chances are it will inspire similar content since it proved to be effective 

    -doing lawsuits about something like this ins't routine and any half decent game developer will study their introductions before even mentioning them as speculation

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