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Posts posted by TDS0Spoderman

  1. not sure how the apply but when  i kill stuff with a  Radioactive Galatine or Blast Orthos the elemental icon appears along with the damage dealt with the charged attack


    so in theory if you have a 90% fire damage mod and a  weapons that deals 100 charged damage it would do 90 addition fire damage 


    and the arsenal is very lackluster when it comes to charged attacks for both melee and weapons like the Mitter 

  2. i usually run 2 types of builds one with power strength and sprint for normal missions and low defense/survival and a duration build for things like Pluto defenses and Orokin/Derelict stuff because a long lasting shield works better than more damage (imo) past wave 15 or 10 minutes depending on mission type 


    when it comes to weapons try using things with high fire rate and either big magazines or fast reload so you don't waste any EShield duration without shooting, been using the Dual Vasto, Brakk Gorgon/Grakkata and Sobek for a while they all work just fine with him 


    also as the new damage system trowing knifes are better used vs Grinner  but low damage vs Shields and Infested 

    as i said the Vasto/DVasto are pretty balanced in terms of faction damage and a fun upgrade from the Lato pistol, more fire rate , damage and some crit 

  3. i was running with a maxed Piercing hit on a Pluto infested survival as i was just using my old settup for Ancients that would resist the non-armor ignoring physical damage


    then i ran without it and didn't see any difference


    also on the armory Hud only serration and fire ( or other elemental ) add to the damage , piercing hit and the other one for impact dont appear to add to the base damage or show as separated damage 

  4. as i see it it would bee good vs Grinner as it does mostly puncture damage, however the Impact is low so you would have problems breaking shields and fighting robotics, also low blade damage makes it bad vs infested ( even Ancients that aren't armored anymore)


    IF using Magnetic to compensate the low Impact or Viral vs infected you gotta think about the mods that Bow weapons NEED to function well :


    -Serration and Heavy Caliber 

    -Fire rate for charge speed: Speed trigger and/or Shred

    -Crit rate and multiplier: Point strike- V sense and Hammer shot

    -Split Chamber because the possibilty to strike twice and each hit having its own crit chance is big

    -2 elementals to get the desired combo for each faction 

    -A lone elemental not being conbo'ed with others ( depends on the case)

    -Reload ( player preference)


    as side note:


    -Dread=mostly slash damage so better vs infested

    -Paris/PPrime=Puncture so use vs armored

    -The Vectis fits the Impact category but it also has decent puncture and slash damage so its kind of a jack of all trades


    -i don't own the Vulkar or Lanka so cant really add them here )

  5. yeah according to the codex Leapers have armor but Ancients do not 

    i was really confused when some leapers survived my Gelato slashes ( Galatine) on Pluto survival but i guess that because charged deals Slash and that would deal -50% vs armor... if i'm not wrong 

  6. not sure but they split its damage between Impact-Puncture and Slash so in theory it should be slightly less effective than the others snipers ( and bows) that have 80% of their damage in 1 attribute like the Dread dealing mostly Slash, Paris Prime dealing puncture and Vulkar dealing Impact 


    but that's pure speculation , i think that the Vectis still can outshine the competition if moded properly 

  7. -I agree on the sprint speed but i don't foresee any change happening

    -his damage increased and now is noticeable vs infested but i still don't take him to infested runs because of the awkwardness of shield vs hordes of runners

    -don't like the change to Shield just adding a chance to proc lightning instead of the old electric damage 

  8. how is the Ignis worse ? i used to run Palus on Pluto with it and in the old damage model ancients where hard to kill with light infested dying like flies

    now i went to min 25 and ancients die just as easy when in the past i had to switch to Despair to bring them down 


    also going blast on it can keep a large group of ancients permanently on the ground since the stun works like a single target Banshee Sonic Boom 


    cant talk about the other elemental since i don't have'em 

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