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Posts posted by Genoscythe

  1. il y a 10 minutes, Walkampf a dit :

    Yes, as i wrote:

    I didn't write it was perfect.

    But there is a very notable difference.

    I agree, if there are no minor hitboxes around and you have clear lines stuff get's a bit less wonky, especially for the charge throw.


    Updated OP with gif.

  2. Il y a 3 heures, D20 a dit :

    I do remember charkram feeling inconsistant from time to time, either not giving the debuff or not bouncing as intended from enemy to enemy. I also remember having trouble comboing it with divine spears : sometimes hitting an enemy impaled on the spears does not trigger the chakram duplication effect.

    This requires more testing.

    I just made some footage of some of the issues, will update OP later

    Il y a 2 heures, Walkampf a dit :

    This is exacly what I mean.

    I have the feeling, the Chakrams hitbox is even larger than what is displayed.

    I often get the feeling that it doesn't actually hit the enemy and instead collides with some random edge and changes direction without actually hitting an enemy. So it can't apply the debuff because it hasn't actually hit the enemy.

    The reason why I think this is the case is, because on the Plains and in the Vallis the Chakram works a lot more consistent because ot the huge flat surfaces you are moving on. 

    I feel like you can also see the inconsistency of chakram in the open world maps.


  3. I've spent quite a lot of time with the new Nezha now and while the rework has made the frame a lot more viable there is one small thing that could see some minor improvements. The only thing that really holds Nezha back a lot is the Blazing Chakram abilitiy, as it plays a lot too wonky and unreliable to be on-par with simply shooting stuff a lot of times.

    The issue here is the way it does bounce from enemy to enemy in a very unreliable way, sometimes only hitting one enemy when thrown into a crowd, sometimes bouncing into cover and then spending some more time bouncing around the environment instead of immediately coming back. This partly applies to the charged throw, which could really use some cover punch-through because as soon as it hits a little edge that has a hitbox it will bounce back, limiting its use a lot and wasting energy. Lastly, I think the flying speed of the chakram is a bit low, it's one of the only abilities that has something akin to a cooldown, and when fighting crowds you constantly need to spam it to distribute the debuff.

    The charged throw seems to sometimes not hit enemies on the way back when used on ragdolled/impaled enemies, heavily limiting the use of the reaping chakram augment.

    On the matter of chakram multiplication when hitting enemies affected by divine spears it's the same, after multiplying the chakrams sometimes ignore enemies or don't hit them at all. This issue get's especially bad on vertical positions or really uneven terrain. Lastly, the debuff does not work on dropships for some reason.

    Suggestions to make Blazing Chakram a more usable and reliable ability:

    - Increase flying speed

    - When not hitting anything heavily increase return speed

    - Give (more?) object punch-through to the charged throw

    - Make the bouncing from enemy to enemy more reliable

    - Make sure Charged throw actually hits enemies another time on the way back

    - Make the debuff consistently apply to all targets hit by the chakram

    It would be really nice if this ability could get some more love, as it kinda is the 'bread and butter' skill of Nezha.

    Some footage of the bounciness and chakram flying into nothingness instead of returning issue: The chakram could have bounced into the enemies close to the initial impact target, but instead goes to the right and then flies into the landscape, taking an extra-long time to return.



    • Like 2
  4. il y a 17 minutes, JayKBeCringe a dit :

    I have wrote a little about this in the past but I am now a MR 15 and have almost all the frames in the game. The problem is I get bored of them. I cant find a frame that I feel is "fun" or "enjoyable". The frames that i havent tried is Khora and Baruuk. So if anyone wants to help here are a few things I like. High damage reduction. (atleast 80-90%). Making people go to sleep or basically CC. Kills things rather well. So the main point is I want the fun out of warframe and I dont care if they are "out of meta" or anything. So thanks for anyone who reply's!

    Nezha is a good frame with CC, high damage reduction and blazing chackram can heavily debuff enemies, while it can outright kill many enemies when you use its augment. You will get a good mix of mobility, control and damage while being able to to play all high level content assuming you have a good setup.


    NIdus would be another option, he's being visually appealing you can play him without any eficiency mods at 45% eficiency without problems and get the 90% damage reduction from parasitic link, the additional layer of defense from undying and access to one of the best CC abilities in the game: Larva. It has no range limit to fire away and you can play nidus over 200% range without problems, as the damage at 50-100 stacks should make short work of anything anyway. It's good for taking out a fortuna outpost before anyone knows you're there. Only problem is bossfights, nidus can't hit enemies in the air or weakpoints.

    • Like 2
  5. Mashing an augmented reaping chakram into a full hallway and seeing the numbers scale exponentially. Warframe is mostly what I play if I have nothing else to do though, new guns and melee that don't really add anything new only keep you busy for so long. Same goes for the recent new WFs, I mostly play around with builds and play nightwaves and sorties if the missions are not too obnoxious.

  6. Can someone enlighten me, please?

    Everyone seems to struggle with some kind of new boss, I haven't seen anything like that yet. Is it a console exclusive? Because I will reach max Nightwave rank this week, is he somehow connected to that system? Does he spawn in invisible? Heard he has no node, spawns in like the stalker, but I've had 5-8 stalkers in the last weeks and no new boss so far, so he has to be unlockable in some way. Can anyone tell me how to unlock the boss node for this guy?


  7. Le 08/03/2019 à 03:03, [DE]Danielle a dit :

    It's big, deep, and it starts now.

    I don't see any of this really. A scav hunt with a rather boring objective and some kind of defense mission. This kind of defense gameplay exists since Warframe, it literally offers nothing new and becomes repetitive incredibly fast. The grind factor is OK in my opinion, the lack of clan leaderboards is not. I don't exactly get the problem there is with a bit of friendly competition. There is not much of a motivation to go on beyond opticor vandal and I think we had some a lot more creative events in the past.


    Remember when Steve said "we're bringing the war to warframe" back when the gravidus dilemma launched? That was quite an event, while it was repetitive as hell players actually had an influence, the feeling to be part of something bigger, there was a feeling of unity for both competing parties. Now we even got our event progress spoon-fed, it's not exciting if you can't lose.


    I would like more events where players are being given agency and where community decisions have an impact, not a glorified bounty that exclusively consists of "complete X of mission Y to get reward Z".

    • Like 2
  8. Title, I ask this myself a lot. From ramble to lovetap for example you're basically trading 3.5 fire rate for almost 50% of the damage per shot, resulting in a much lower overall DPS on a rattleguts. I thought the point of having more ROF was to trade ammo eficiency for more damage.

    Now, a higher rate of fire does mean more status/sec but I still got largely higher damage and a faster kill-time on the slower grips on armored and unarmored targets alike. This gap is more noticeable on the Tombfinger and Rattleguts than on the other two, but at the moment I don't see much of a point going for the dakka ones if they are all around worse than the damage ones.

    EdIt: Just to clarify, my arguments are based on Zemlars kitgun builder and a lot of wasted forma.


  9. il y a 26 minutes, [DE]Helen a dit :

    Hey everyone,

    Upcoming change to announce! We have decided to double the amount of Ventkids Standing earned from K-Drive races to speed up the leveling process.

    Thank you for your feedback!

    This isn't really the issue. The core problem is that right now K-drives lose their novelty in a day, completionists have to do them for the mastery (especially now where mastery 27 can't be obtained as long as hildryn is not unlocked for free tenno without spending plat). Then the leveling is slow and repetitive (repeating a race only half the number of times will still be repetitive, but simply faster), and they are not a good way to move around fast, nothing is faster than an itzal or literally any other archwing or even operator-dashing, so for moving about the plains everyone uses something else.


    They were a nice promo for fortuna, but they literally serve no purpose other than saying "hey, we got hoverboards!" at the moment. They simply don't work as a meaningful gameplay-element with their limited use and open-world exclusivity (not that I would find it appealing to grind around a grineer asteroid tileset with them).


    The mods like Thrash Landing that deal damage were a good idea, but they are limited by how awkwardly weak they are, the point limit doesn't do them any good, either heavily increasing the max point limit or giving those mods damage scaling above the max score and more range could actually let us use them as a combat-opener or get K-drive affinity faster by killing enemies with tricks. I see parallels to the original archwing-realease here: no connection to Warframe, like a separate game. While archwings are kinda linked to the core-gameplay now and will get more meaning with railjack, I really question the future of the K-drives, they will likely stay a gimmick.

    • Like 3
  10. il y a 9 minutes, ReshyShira a dit :

    That's assuming there's not more changes planned, which they hinted may very well come.  What's the point in investing into rivens that may, completely at the whim of the developers, depreciate significantly in-value? 

    I think you are looking at the matter here a bit one-sided. Did you ever invest into cheap rivens that you knew would be buffed? Or unpopular rivens that are going to become popular? The amount of plat you can make with clever investments is ridiculous. I have clanmates with well over 100k plat, mostly made from riven trading and rolling.


    More changes will come, but only after DE has further studied the new weapon use statistics of all weapons, The fortuna launch is great opportinity to bring balance to the dispositions due to the high player count.

  11. A few hotfixes ago, the buzlok has received an accidential stealth nerf (probably with the new projectile mechanics) that makes it fire all over the place after an initial salvo, heavily reducing its accuracy when not locked onto an enemy. As of fortuna, the accuracy is still low (tested last night with 24.0)


    This has already been addressed multiple times without any answers by DE. Looking at how buzlok is only really effective with a good riven anyway, further limiting its use seems to make no sense and is obviously a small oversight.


    Apart from that, homing projectiles are still not affected by flight speed mods.


    It would be nice to have an answer on this matter from the devs.




  12. Yes so bad nurf snow plz.


    On a more serious note, did you try reducing the brightness of the game? An archwing deployable also saves your skin. The landscape has a lot of very notable markers, in a week you probably know it by heart.

  13. il y a 2 minutes, ReshyShira a dit :

    I actually have pretty much all of the meta rivens, and this change has completely killed my desire to get any more rivens or collect more Kuva. 

    "Completely Killed"? There was no bigger change than one point of dispo to any of the changed rivens. All weapons that were strong with a riven before are still strong, just not as madly overpowered as they were before. Yes, maybe you will need one more salvo with some guns to finish off a level 150 gunner in the simulacrum, but as you can oneshot eidolon synthulas with a lanka without riven and only rarely fight level 150 gunners on fortuna, the changes mostly hit my pride and not my actual effectivity in-game.

  14. il y a 3 minutes, ReshyShira a dit :

    Giving your customers buyer's remorse, or making them feel that their time investment isn't respected by the company who ultimately dictates how good a riven is is uh... just as bad?

    Uh, as I said, it was known since riven release that dispo WILL WILL WILL change depending on weapon popularity and balancing. What were you expecting? You're getting a buyers remorse because you knew that the item you spent plat on would get hammered?

    Owner of a sicarus DMG/Multi/element, many very strong tiberon, buzlok, etc. etc. etc. Rivens here, did you see the sicarus' riven changes? Lost about 20k DPS. It was to be expected.

  15. That would be madness, it would lead to the same exlusive-stuff-trading that primed chamber and other no more availible mods created. DE informed us at rivne release that disposition WILL change, it's your fault if you invest into something that is bound to get nerfed.


    As in any market, being an experienced player and knowing what will probably get nerfed/buffed can net you profit, don't trade if you lack experience.

  16. Le 15/10/2018 à 18:39, (XB1)GameNerd300 a dit :

    I was surprised that they didn't make the magnetic proc upon shield depletion his passive, given thats what the eidolons do once their shield and limb is broken. Now that would be an awesome and very unique passive. Why DE didn't go that route is beyond me.


    Le 15/10/2018 à 19:52, Urlan a dit :

    I could agree with that, a large range Magnetic nova would mesh.

    Magnetic is the most useless damage type in the game, even toxic is more effective because it simply ignores shields and directly damages health. Shields do not get armor and are theeasiest to break/ignore defensive stat in the whole game. As I said above, I'd strongly argument against something that is only in line with lore and does not have any gameplay value above level 10.


    Another idea on a passive that goes with the eidolon theme and does something would be that his ability kills can summon vomvalysts that suicide-attack enemies and scale with the level of the killed enemy. More simple, but arguarbly way more useful would be the life-steal passive he still had on abilities during the first showcase on fortuna, that would greatly increase his survivability.

  17. Il y a 21 heures, -Bv-Concarne a dit :

    I've recently found out another point that DE has missed with rev, enemies seemingly inherit the remaining duration of the thrall that converts them instead of independently using the modded base duration. This was one of the problem for old spores spreading and it shows on thralls too, since even if your thralls successfully spread to the limit without dying, each one will last less than the one before. 


    It can be alleviated by just spamming your 1 at once but that gets pretty annoying and a waste of the spread mechanic. Thankfully it's a one handed action.

    I think the spread mechanic is not the problem, but something else should happen when the mechanic runs out on an enemy, like creating another damage zone for every enemy affected at the end of the duration or giving a buff to revenant. I mean the issue with saryn being crazy OP at the moment is exactly that there is no more duration.

  18. il y a 22 minutes, MechaKnight a dit :

    DE is afraid of letting Danse Macabre expand because player range potential is too high, and Overextended adds half of all possible range bonuses attainable in a single mod.

    Danse macabre is one of the things that DE has tried to avoid most: to trivilize gameplay and create abilites that dont require input. They have stated this several times and yet they ship revvie with exactly what they themselves consider bad. Overextended also wreaks havoc on ability power and thus has its downsides, it's a good mod for the minmaxing that is required in some situations. Danse macabre has a static range of 50M, range only increases beam thickness.


    Now, however, they made reave scale with range but not power, which hits revenant hard because a 100% viable play style was max duration + STR before so you could deal late-game viable damage while also being able to carry the heavy energy cost. Now, you actually have to sacrifice additional slots for range or your "escape move"/lifeline ability will suck even more. I don't think any of the changes have been QA'd well enough.

  19. Le 20/09/2018 à 01:20, Messaiga a dit :

    I think it is definitely possible to make Revenant a more enjoyable frame, and I also agree it would be unreasonable to expect him to become anything like Gara or Nidus.  If you want to know why I personally don't find him enjoyable, it is because 2 out of his 4 abilities actually have legitimate use cases, the other two are semi-useless, and he doesn't bring anything different to the game.  He's Rhino with a nuke button, basically.  But at least Rhino has more depth once you get augment mods (Ironclad Charge into a crowd of enemies -> cast Iron Skin for bigger shield).  

    Now, with the recent changes on his ability to destroy nullifier bubbles he even lost quite a lot of his value versus this kind of targets, because if you face a nully you have to get out of his 4, which takes time, energy etc. and at the rate nullifiers appear it totally disables you from constant casting. I think DE are missing the point not only lore-wise (adaptable) but also gameplay-wise. While octavia or any exalted weapons smashes enemies for way less energy, revenant maybe has more raw power but an incredible amount less of actual tactical value, which turns out to be of more use when fighting harder opponents. No, CC, no buffs, meager survivability and very squishy, there's not much to with him right now compared to other frames. His synergies are rather plain, too.

  20. il y a une heure, (XB1)ultamite hero a dit :

    So far from my tes runs on revenant I was able to solo a fissure survival mission for 2 hours. He performed pretty well not having any issues. Well except for one issue I had which was random lancer grenades ignoring mesmer skin. But other than that he seems pretty solid in a solo scenario being able to make use of all his abilities.

    Now in terms of squad play revenant he can still perform well, it's just he won't really be able to use his thrall ability effectively and thats it. But in exchange of having to put up with squad mates insta killing your thralls, you get to have 3 extra meat shields who will draw fire away from you indirectly making mesmer skin last longer in a sense. Well that is until your squad mates start getting 1 shotted.  


    edit: But I do agree with thralls needing to be looked at and tweaked.

    Pretty much every frame can solo 2 hours of survival these days because weapons just got so incredibly strong with rivens (and some without). In squad play it depends. Looking at how other frames can eat level 200 enemies for breakfast with 25-50 energy (Saryn for example is just stupidly OP) or simply do 4x more damage faster and for less energy with a 90% or higher damage resistance (mesa, gara or rhino can reach 200k iron skin too) I feel like revenant needs too much setting up and playing around to get going. But my point is how badly his abilities synergize in reality and how the design philosophy behind them is. I mean one of his abilites has a damage, range and duration stat and only scales with duration. Did you use your 1 and 3 a lot or did you simply put on mesmer skin and went with danse macabre? That's how most people go (including me) afaik, only using the 3 to move around and such, completely ignoring the 1. I must remark that it's also quite ironic that Revenant is supposed to be the frame that struck down the eidolon every night and has no ability that is actually able to damage an eidolon.

  21. Il y a 2 heures, Urlan a dit :

    Very interesting suggestions! I would disagree with adaptive armor since Eidolons don't have that, but being invulnerable to status; can't take life damage in any form if shields are still up; or the nova knockdown passive instead being changed into a large magnetic pulse that hits enemies for damage per pulse around the max shielding removed would be unique among warframes and tie heavily into his lore breaking Eidolon connection.

    I think that no life damage while shields are up or a pulse based on max shields would be rather gimmicky, exactly what a proper passive should not be. Shields go donw in one or two shots from mid-level enemies and to make the pulse viable you would have to mod for shields. I understand your point, lore conformity and all, but gameplay goes before lore on this I think.

  22. Revenant is a unique frame. It's using the power of our most feared and most dangerous enemies for us while also looking wicked. It conveys the eerie and unknown beauty of the sentient eidolons, which is greek for phantom or apparition. Themed as vampire-sentient being, it heavily missed the actual focus, though. Right now revenant is in a bad place, because the synergy between his abilities looks forced, and even if there is some kind of it they tend to stand in each others way. In this post I want to look at Revvie as a whole and make clear why there is a lot more potential. At the moment every revenant you see when in a squad is just using his 4, but it doesn't have to be like that. Without further ado, let's get to it.

    Tl, dr: Make revvie more about killing things instead of relying on living enemies, tweak the base stats and passive, make the control effects a consequence of his damage abilites instead of making him need the control effects for damage. Make abilities more scaleable and synergize in a less forced way.

    Stats: Revenant is meant to be fragile and make up for it with his abilities. With high shields at level 30 he can take a bit of a beating, but his very low armor and health make him go to his knees rather quickly, mesmer skin doesn ot block all kinds of damage (see below). The energy reserves resemble a rhino or frost, like he was a tank. Revenant is mean to jump into battle considering the functionality of his 3rd and 4th ability, so why not give him more armor and health? Sentients themselves have lots of armor and the Battalysts and Conculysts even use no shield at all and rely on their tankyness and adaptability. I think we all can agree that shields are the most useless defensive stat in the game, as they don't have any damage resistance and can be penetrated by status effects and toxin damage.

    Conclusion: Increase health and armor slightly, maybe even by a medium amount.


    Passive: The shockwave when loosing shields is a nice thought, because shields almost go down immediately, but haven't I seen this somewhere already? It's basically novas passive with shield loss instead of knockdown. While it's a nice nod to the Tridolons, it has as good as no use ingame. Sentients feature a lot more interesting abilities, like adaption to damage received, and Revenant definitely could use some of it considering his above mentioned squishyness.

    Conclusion: Something more in line with his abilities and kit is needed. Nothing game-changing, but maybe making the shockwave enthrall up to 3 enemies and giving an armor increase for 5 seconds could help him recover by giving easy reave targets and distracting enemies.


    Now for the abilites, my favorite part. DE recently made some minor tweaks, but they still completely missed the point of Warframe in my opinion. Generally, revenant is based a lot on controlling enemies instead of right-out killing them. Both Sentients and Vampires are fearsome because of their adaptability. Sentients because they feature incredible defensive and offensive powers and Vampires because they kill off living things to become stronger themselves. They are not mainly charmers, but hunters, they don't require control. I will have this and the general gameplay of Warframe in mind when analyzing the abilites. Because this game is about killing things. If you can't kill stuff or at least CC enemies, a Warframe has no place in most gamemodes. Especially if you require living enemies for your abilites you will have a problem with Bossfights, Eidolons and Sanctuary Onslaught or if you run with a good team, it's faster and better to take out an enemy instead of controlling it. I will try to keep away from straight damage buffs and rather refine some of the scaling mechanics and how the synergy works out.


    1. Enthrall: Enthrall is in a really bad position right now. They way it spreads is too slow and I already read some posts complaining about Teammates killing off enthralles enemies too fast, which is sadly true. The damage zones it creates are actually fine, but when hit by revenants 4 convert into overshield pickups, which is ridiculous when considering how useless shields are. When fighting a single, strong enemy like a boss for example revenant already looses half of his synergy because the enemy can't be controlled.

    Proposal: Make enthrall create the damage zone that fires orbs when cast. Enemies that enter the zone are enthralled and spread the effect as usual, limit the number of damage zones created by casts to something like 4, allow for damage zones from killed thralls to not count on the max.


    2. Mesmer Skin: For anyone who has played amesha thism ight sound like THE defensive ability. However, it does not work out that well on Revenant. Mesmer skin right now uses one charge for every hit. If you get hit by some drakgoon shrapnels for example, it will consume several charges at once. Then, it only blocks direct fire: Napalm patches, rollers etc. will still damage you normally. The casting time is also really long, and the synergy with enthrall feels forced. It's by no means a bad ability, but the way it calculates defense can lead to your death even when feeling safe, also the number of charges is rather limited and the casting time is really high.

    Proposal: Bear with me on this one: Whenver a charge is consumed, revenant get's a 0.3 second time window where new hits don't consume a charge. Instead of giving overshiled pickups, all enthrall damage patches that are created from killing enemies now drop a mesmer-skin pickup that restores 30% of your current charges and allies gain three charges of Mesmer skin when picking it up. Casting time needs to be cut down a bit.


    3. Reave: This is an awkwardly unique skill. While we have a lot of charge skills (from slash dash to rhino charge to whatever Hydroids three is called), this one actually sucks life out of enemies. Correct me if I'm wrong, but no other skill comes to my mind right now that only scales with one stat. And here we face the problem: it actually only scales with duration and get's a bonus on enthralled enemies. The basic leech amount of 8% is rather low. I find the whole concept of 'esscape move' that DE called it wonky: In Warframe there is no escape, only combat. The casting tim is so painfully slow even with natural talent that you are better of switching to operator mode. The scalability of this ability is also one of its biggest problems. Then, it doesn't let you use the verticality of Warframe to your advantage, you can't hit flying enemies. The skill really should be usefun on itself and not rely on Revenant having to have thralled enemies and his Danse Macabre enabled.

    Proposal: Add a damaging component to the ability and make it scale with range (3 meters fixed range + 3 meters range that scale with range mods). Base damage, additionaly to the leech percentage should be around 1000 and 2000 for thralls, scaling with power strength.Alternatively make a certain percentage of the Leech amount scale with STR and make the rest static. Ability should be able to be used vertically (also to move around with Danse Macabre). Cast time needs to be cut. Alternatively, give a casting time bonus when under 50% or 200 health.


    4. Danse Macabre: Probably the most useful skill in his kit for normal gameplay, but the really bad scalability and limitation to horizontal range, and how it's unaffected by range (thicker beams don't do anything different, right now playing with only duration and STR is the only way of playing revenant effectively) together with the high energy cost make it look lackluster compared to uber-frames like Mesa or Saryn. Then, it never hits the whole screen and the rotation speed is rather low, no damage resitance is gained while in this vulnerable state. Also the fact that status chance does not scale with STR makes it a lot less viable in the level ranges over 70, even with a max STR build. Finally he can absorb damage dealt to him by enemies and spew it out, which sounds great in theorie but in reality you always die when absorbing major damage because revenant, as mentioned above, is squishy as hell.

    Proposal: Give Danse Macabre a vertical arc in which it auto-targets enemies, similar to Mirage' prism. Instead of making beams thicker, make danse Macabres range increase the auto target arc. Give revenant a bonus on mesmer skin when in his 4, and give a 30% damage resitance while turning, 50% when boosting. Make hits on mesmer skin add 3x the inflicted damage to the Danse macabre damage pool. Make boosted Danse Macabre increase turning and movement speed. Give a fixed status/boosted status amount and make 15% of the status chance scaleable with STR. Make hits on enthralled flame patches drop mesmer skin pickups.



    If you made it here, thanks for reading. I feel like Revenant has a huge amount of potential, but right now he's an all spin-to win spamframe whose abilities don't go that well together and limit him a lot. He is no weak per se riht now, but can't play out his powers over level 50 very well. I would love to see the frame get the powers he deserves and made as intimidating as he looks.


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