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Posts posted by Magnulast

  1. Umm. no, the chat design 2.0 has flaws. it wasn't kept simple, and you don't want any more complications than as if. Also the Chat box 2.0 design, Prevents use of expanding the box size.

    This post was about chat box 1.0 resetting size.

  2. How did you get the spherical shape to work? wait.....nvm you used autodesk fusion 360, autodesk inventor 2015(please kill it.), Is glicther than warframe.

    Anyhow, that piece of work is epic. no questions asked. But did you use gold foil? or was this design entirely plastic? either way, it looks nice, and almost identical to the in-game kurai.

    I honestly your kurai due to rust on the orokin texture, rather than a solid gold 24k perfection. Seriously that 3d piece honestly looks better than the in-game one.

    Is it for sale? wait...I don't know if this hits copyright grounds if you sold it.....anyway can you do a Sniper ammo? or mod drop?

    (using IE11 emulation windows phone 10)

  3. Seriously? you guys are asking for invincibility to be taken off? and then to take off mobility? Valkyr is a melee berserker frame, not a support frame.

    It's a frame to kill all. with melee, and since HYSTERIA will not be affect by weapon DMG and only be AFFECTED by MODS, there shouldn't be a issue, because STATUS CRITS XD. anyway, don't judge invincibility, it doesn't help, as much or just remove LOKI's INVISIBLITY because it could be casted at half cost. and stay for up to a minute. Lets not forget, Valkyr now has a energy drain, so that it doesn't work, as well as invisibility straight advantage. This post has no straight reason to debuff hysteria, since there are abilities that are just as op as this. and lets face it, life strike VS hysteria not really good next to a energy drain eximus.



    Valkyr is supposed to be a solo berserker frame, and meant to help in the toughest situations. in which you die a lot. not a support frame. reckless like the one she is.


    Wait...has this topic ended?


    DE is the judge......I suppose, so we will have to see if this frame is op enough to rework loki's invisibility.

  4. I played nightmare during when it was glitched, and completed it then (I was one of the lucky people). However, then we didn't require energy to activate the pads, and I didn't feel like wasting energy packs, and I screwed up the fixed one.

    Nightmare requires strategy because it's so corrupt, in a bad way, of course there is some bad team coordination sometimes....and we fail, the only reason why I don't play nightmare is because it doesn't require everyone to have TRUE skill...it just requires more of trinity, and energy packs, of course, there are those annoying mines, and one hit death, but seriously? that's the only difference.

    Nightmare requires YELLING. while regular does not.

     In nightmare deceptions I can do a NO shield with a zephyr.(well, success-fail 3:1 or 5:2)

    Nightmare is just a pain, nothing more, just remove the mission seriously, it so corrupt, it's basically a unintentional requirement for such frames. Especially trinity.


    I usually host a regular raid that allows newcomers, and still does quite well.

    "Hosting raid, allowing newcomers, allowing experienced players to help"

    Newcomers->watch mogamu's raid guide.

    Experienced->the right frames->help guide the newcomers to pads.

    Has a very low chance of failure...

    Newbies always pressing "leave trial" instead of "EXIT"

    And yes I did have a few high ranking people that didn't do the raid.

    12 people successfully exp.

  5. They drain it, they don't require it.  And yes, Mightmare only.

    The same design flaws that are in the basic Trial are expanded in the Nightmare:


    1. Even more demanding of anti-gameplay CC skills.

    2. Randoms even more likely to screw up your run, only permanently and 15-20 mins into the raid.

    3. Frustrating and stressful rather than fun.

    MIGHTMARE-requires might, never fear.

    Only nightmare

    that didn't really answer my question.

    Sorry this turned into a chat channel.

  6. It seems,

    Firefox(waterfox 64-bit), Microsoft Edge, and IE cannot post.

    also it seems that i'm forced to use opera.

    Google chrome isn't that good. doesn't work on AceAttorneyOnline

    Opera works really well.

    i'm not joking.

    especially for forums for some reason.(opera next*)

  7. Nightmare is nothing more but a time-waster.

    It just gives a badge that looks quite bad.

    Arcane grace may be worth it...but still..

    The idea of just making energy required ruins the point.

    They should of just doubled the enemies' level. or something to that effect.

    They shouldn't have just blindly make it a chore to get a ev trinity.

    It should have been Harder to survive not energy to complete.

    And note* 


    You guys did realize this right?



    Every since everything on the raid requires energy, your destined to get a EV trinity, or a ton of energy packs.



    I don't see a point in continuing this thread. I might as well make another thread so that this topic doesn't fall off.

    Or find a topic.

  8. It's been done.  However, those aspects of the raid ie 2nd stage, 3rd stage on Nightmare need redesigning anyway.

    Not really. 

    It seems that the buttons require energy now

    Or was that a bug fixed?

  9. I do particularly the second stage and nightmare version with their terrible gameplay design.  But designing a raid that players can't cheese isn't easy.  I note for the next one, they've gone for archwing.

    Bastille is OP, always has been.  Likewise, Molecular Prime.  Because these skills are OP, they need nerfing.  Bastille spam relies on EV spam and we all know the latter needs looking at.

    Prism kinda breaks the second stage but that's actually preferably to finding a bunch of randoms who won't step off pads or will step on the wrong one...

    no they do not, need to be nerfed.


    Typed up reason, touch pad deleted it.


    MP is not too op.

    Bastile isn't too op.

    It's because raid heavily requires Ability spam.

    Don;t use any ability on a raid and tell me how it goes.


    That may be too much though...

  10. Wut? o.O

    Yeah i said it, Valkyr-Invisibility, it's vague, but if you have a huras kubrow, or shade(of course with no one killing anyone), you will be come invincible and invisible 

    Hysteria does not toggle invisibility off, unless you attack of course. This is the replacement for limbo


    (play a corrupt java game of any kind, google chrome does not protect you.). Opera does.



    Placed a slash on irrelevant stuff.

  11. Wait, you just changed the icon........................................................................................................................................................................oh well...got me confused.

    well getting off for a bit...coming back in after 1 hour or such...

  12. Hi, i know this seems odd maybe but i am hoping to make some friends that are usually/regularly online so i can stop looking in recruit chat for a group, i only have a few requirements: Online atleast twice a weak preferably once everday, happy to do almost any mission and number 1, Have to be respectful. Thanks.

    pls dont moan about spelling mistake in title

    wait...this said that this wasn't edited....so this means that........................................................

    anyway, I would like to join you...however, i'll be busy in the weekdays, not weekends. usually i'm active at the afternoon.

    Idk if this was the right topic though.......this says find a squad....is there find a friend? wait......that sounds stupid.


    But yeah I'll join you and be active, if you invite me of course. if I am not doing anything of interest.


    I'll do anything that gets me off master rank hunting 24/7

  13. Derton, promotes the future of a corpsus weaponary, with energy bolts that blind the enemy, with elemental status that makes them cry, with speeds like no other the will die, with profit that you will be suprized. buy the derton now for 999999plat.

  14. Nope, valkyr  doesn't die easily that's other people with not enough skill to take her to Lex, Draco, with one maxed out weapon, and the frame completely unranked.


    Zephyr is actually fun, and if you don't know how to take advantage over her passive ability, choose another frame.




    Oberon-Rage+Renewal=infinite energy

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