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Posts posted by Scryed

  1. It is a good change, those claiming about customization being ruined its only messing with builds that remove abilities, I like running builds with every power, this change only hurts the specialists and min maxers, the majority of people that play this game are casual, and its removing ability mods from the damn rng pool, I'll take that, now I don't have to worry about getting slash dash and polarize all the damn time.

  2. I say get slots as a reward for mastery rank test completion. Odd number MR ranks give you a frame slot, even number MR ranks give you a pair of weapon slots.


    18 weapon slots, 8 frame slots at MR 17, on top of what you initially get.

    If this happened a lot of people would probably come back, and this should happen because it is a great idea.

  3. They just need to remove the damage falloff already hate it when an enemy is 30m away and i hit for like 25 percent damage mind you I already have ridiculous spread with my boar prime.


    Falloff NEEDS to go away, and if there is issues with sniping shotguns, just give em spread.

  4. not with the ranges Warframe fights in.


    you'd need to multiply the falloff start and end ranges by 3-4 to be even remotely accurate to reality. and that would make the falloff pointless, because 95% of the time you'd be shooting inside the falloff starting distance.


    all Firearms do 'that', so why are Shotguns the only ones that experience it in the entire game, while the rest do full Damage always? why does an Arrow or throwing knife do thousands of Damage at extreme Ranges, while a Shotgun pellet does like, 20.


    the falloff has no place in Warframe because of spread, and because of the normal engagement ranges. it's almost impossible to do both:

    - find an area where you have a huge expansive space

    - hit an Enemy with more than one or two pellets


    good luck doing both of those. and based on the rest of Warframe. Shotguns should deal full Damage at all Ranges. 

    even then, other Weapons will still deal more Damage, shoot faster, have larger Magazines, larger Ammo Pools, higher Accuracy, have much more effective Status and Crit capability... Et Cetera.

    why would you have falloff on a Weapon Archetype that's near or at the bottom of the effectiveness ladder? it was doing too much Damage? *laughs*

    actually it was all because of the Tigris I believe, people were sniping with that shotgun I believe, and the Brakk didn't help either, so basically all the balanced shotguns got screwed because of two weapons.

  5. This falloff you keep speeking of, that's bullet drop/dissapearance, right?

    If so, you can't remove that from a shotgun. That is what shotguns do..

    No the falloff we speak of is say you are hitting a target point blank you have max damage, say he is 20 meters away it only hits for half damage, just an example.

  6. they need to go back to how it worked back in the day, where each pellet had a chance of a status proc, that alone would make them a great equalizer since they have a ridiculous falloff range :P

  7. For Forma, I imagine it's because weapons were harder to level back then. It was only recently where you could unequip weapons to funnel exp into one piece of equipment. Also Dark Sectors. In the past, I remember people had to do Cyath or Kiste because Infested Mobile Defense had constant spawns and Grineer Asteroid tilesets had the most objectives to defend.

    But bear in mind, leveling a weapon from 1-30 without unequipping weapons takes a couple of days to level things instead of a matter of hour(s). As such, people would be more reluctant to use Forma (I know I was).


    As for Catalyst/Reactors, I imagine it's because the player-base is older now. People either have more platinum or more Catalysts stocked up, so they're a little bit more expendable and thus, can be used on really anything.


    As well, I don't really remember them being used only on "weak" weapons, as I just remember everyone putting them on stuff that they liked but they still put them on Despair, Acrid, and Flux/Supra since they were the most popular weapons at the time.


    I imagine it's just because we have more resources now, and the fact that weapons are distinctly tiered. People ask "What should I catalyst?" and the answers that follow are "good" weapons. As such, people only Catalyze "good" weapons. And besides, 30 mod points on anything is a huge difference, last I remember, people still just slapped Catalysts on anything they liked, but the weapons that people like are the "good" weapons.

    Weapons were WAYYYY easier to level before they changed the levels of the enemies, I used to could run a 30 min survival and have a weapon to rank 20, now if I am lucky I get to rank 8-10......they added more grind to the grind.

  8. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/28-open-beta-agreement-read-me/


    Why do so many people here in the forums say that they have/should to be refunded when DE makes huge changes? It says right there that the game is prone to big changes and maybe even a full account reset when it leaves beta stage.


    I get that many people spend actual money on the game but DE said that its all prone to changes so actually paying for stuff was done at their own risks.


    Also I'm not actually sure if this post goes in this thread since I'm kind of new to the forums.

    The eff you talking about Willis, no one reads anymore!

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