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Posts posted by Scryed

  1. why would they change the rewards now, its been fine since, now all of a sudden people have too many credits?? are you kidding me?? I go through credits quick because of building materials and mods..........guess I wont be doing any more missions....let alone Voids

  2. But I'm not asking for Oberon to be overpowered, i'm asking for Oberon to be just as fairly balanced as any other class.


    Paladins and warriors play different in wow, so do Priests and Paladins.


    Trinity and Oberon are nothing alike, Trinity can supply health in two ways and can supply energy to the team, not to even mention link.  She has many abilities that make her more of a support character.


    I do not want Trinity to be made worse than Oberon, that is not the goal.  The goal is to bring a sense of balance, something that the warframe who embodies balance clearly lacks among the "higher" tiered frames.


    Oh I don't want it to be ridiculously strong either, but the heal should be instant and should not have travel time

  3. Well lets hope, friends that I have been referring to the game say that is the main thing they hate about the game right now is that the only way to know who someone is is to mouse over them.


    Now mind you this is from a new player perspective because I asked them what didn't they like about the game that could be fixed.


    They said some type of button they could press that would show names above people when held/toggled, like in MWO.

  4. It happens for me everytime when I am NOT the host of the game. If I host the game I never have that pause you just described, but if I join someone else game it does it every single time.

  5. The title says what this game needs because if everyone is in the same frame it is almost impossible to differentiate between people.


    I introduced a friend of mine into the game, and he says he has trouble figuring out who is who in this game.


    And of course there should a be a toggle for it, don't know what people automatically assume that it should be permanent.

  6. Catalyst and Reactor for sale in market! Good price! Very cheap! Devs gotta eat you know.

    They have been eating good for quite some time now, get off your high horse.


    Things that cost plat right now are way to expensive, the only plat prices that are completely reasonable right now are warframe slots and weapon slots.


    everything right now in order to help new players get into the game and not want to leave needs to be reduced by half.

  7. To much lag and afk-ing on top of crashing that happened during those 100 runs.



    ^This so many times


    And Eff DE and their rigged event.. Didn't even give corpus a chance until the last day.....why even have the tournament or right they claimed it is a "social experiement".....waste of time it is I think personally they could have just said, "Hey here is some more Grineer content we wish for you to try out."

  8. It is not peoples ISP's or routers, it is Warframe, I am on optic fiber internet and have tried everything, some days I can host, others I can't, but when I do host NO ONE has lag EVER.


    The problem can only be Warframe, multiplayer needs to be optimized better.

  9. Would you be saying this if your chosen faction was winning?




    I just figured it would be a bit closer, right now it is pretty much a landslide, and why must everyone be such pricks instead of just having a conversation....oh right its the internet.

  10. Wait until the end of the event to place complaints like such. While you think that people chose Grineer for battle rewards, I on the other hand would like to think that people chose a side for lore purposes and that people thought like me about how this event will change warframe. I also have given up hard to get materials for credits. Why? Loyalty and I don't need that stuff anyways. While lower levels need it more than me I would hope to not see them switch sides for such battle pay. I mean mercenaries do it so I couldn't care less about them, other than that though. Have some respect, or have fun but, don't complain about battle pay if you are in any of those positions. It's a really petty thing to do.


    How dare you tell me what I can and cannot do in my own thread, that is a really petty thing to do.

  11. Let's just go with "social experiment."


    Your "social experiment" kind of started bad by giving Grineer the best stuff at the start (loot wise)......so basically you want to manipulate people into fighting for Grineer from what I can see and read.


    Just saying that from a point of view.

  12. Adittionally to money and tech, they want to capture Tenno to experiment on. Do you really want to turn your sleeping brothers and sisters into lab rats for the Corpus?



    But isn't the Tenno all about balance in the universe, I don't see the Corpus trying to take over every single world like the Grineer are doing, Sacrifice a Few for the greater good, instead of siding with Chaos.

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